""" Test lldb target stop-hook command. """ import os import unittest2 import lldb import pexpect from lldbtest import * class StopHookCmdTestCase(TestBase): mydir = "stop-hook" @unittest2.skipUnless(sys.platform.startswith("darwin"), "requires Darwin") def test_with_dsym(self): """Test a sequence of target add-hook commands.""" self.buildDsym() self.stop_hook_cmd_sequence() def test_with_dwarf(self): """Test a sequence of target add-hook commands.""" self.buildDwarf() self.stop_hook_cmd_sequence() def setUp(self): # Call super's setUp(). TestBase.setUp(self) # Find the line numbers inside main.cpp. self.begl = line_number('main.cpp', '// Set breakpoint here to test target stop-hook.') self.endl = line_number('main.cpp', '// End of the line range for which stop-hook is to be run.') self.line = line_number('main.cpp', '// Another breakpoint which is outside of the stop-hook range.') def stop_hook_cmd_sequence(self): """Test a sequence of target stop-hook commands.""" exe = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "a.out") self.runCmd("file " + exe, CURRENT_EXECUTABLE_SET) self.expect('breakpoint set -f main.cpp -l %d' % self.begl, BREAKPOINT_CREATED, startstr = "Breakpoint created: 1: file ='main.cpp', line = %d" % self.begl) self.expect('breakpoint set -f main.cpp -l %d' % self.line, BREAKPOINT_CREATED, startstr = "Breakpoint created: 2: file ='main.cpp', line = %d" % self.line) self.runCmd("target stop-hook add -f main.cpp -l %d -e %d -o 'expr ptr'" % (self.begl, self.endl)) self.runCmd('target stop-hook list') # Now run the program, expect to stop at the the first breakpoint which is within the stop-hook range. #self.expect('run', 'Stop hook fired', # substrs = '** Stop Hooks **') self.runCmd('run') self.runCmd('thread step-over') self.expect('thread step-over', 'Stop hook fired again', substrs = '** Stop Hooks **') # Now continue the inferior, we'll stop at another breakpoint which is outside the stop-hook range. self.runCmd('process continue') # Verify that the 'Stop Hooks' mechanism is NOT BEING fired off. self.expect('thread step-over', 'Stop hook should not be fired', matching=False, substrs = '** Stop Hooks **') if __name__ == '__main__': import atexit lldb.SBDebugger.Initialize() atexit.register(lambda: lldb.SBDebugger.Terminate()) unittest2.main()