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#                                 Makefile.common
# This file is included by all of the LLVM makefiles.  This file defines common
# rules to do things like compile a .cpp file or generate dependancy info.
# These are platform dependant, so this is the file used to specify these
# system dependant operations.
# The following functionality may be set by setting incoming variables:
# 1. LEVEL - The level of the current subdirectory from the top of the 
#    MagicStats view.  This level should be expressed as a path, for 
#    example, ../.. for two levels deep.
# 2. DIRS - A list of subdirectories to be built.  Fake targets are set up
#    so that each of the targets "all", "install", and "clean" each build.
#    the subdirectories before the local target.
# 3. Source - If specified, this sets the source code filenames.  If this
#    is not set, it defaults to be all of the .cpp, .c, .y, and .l files 
#    in the current directory.  Also, if you want to build files in addition
#    to the local files, you can use the ExtraSource variable
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# Default Rule:  Make sure it's also a :: rule
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all ::

# Default for install is to at least build everything...
install ::

# Installation configuration options... 


BURG = /home/vadve/vadve/Research/DynOpt/Burg/burg

PURIFY = /usr/dcs/applications/purify/bin/purify -cache-dir="$(HOME)/purifycache" -chain-length="30" -messages=all 
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# Compilation options...

# Special tools used while building
RunBurg  = $(BURG) $(BURG_OPTS)

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# Enable this for profiling support with 'gprof'
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# TODO: Get rid of exceptions! : -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti
# -Wno-unused-parameter
CompileCommonOpts = $(PROFILE) -Wall -W  -Wwrite-strings -Wno-unused -I$(LEVEL)/include
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# Compile a file, don't link...
Compile  = $(CXX) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CompileCommonOpts) $(PROFILE)
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CompileG = $(Compile) -g  -D_DEBUG
CompileO = $(Compile) -O3 -DNDEBUG -finline-functions -felide-constructors -fnonnull-objects -freg-struct-return -fshort-enums

# Link final executable

# To enable purify, do it here:
Link     = $(PURIFY) $(CXX) $(Prof) -static
Link     = LD_RUN_PATH=/usr/dcs/software/evaluation/encap/gcc-3.0.4/lib $(CXX) $(PROFILE)
LinkG    = $(Link) -g  -L $(LEVEL)/lib/Debug
LinkO    = $(Link) -O3 -L $(LEVEL)/lib/Release
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# Create a .so file from a .cpp file...
#MakeSO   = $(CXX) -shared $(Prof)
MakeSO   = $(CXX) -G $(Prof)
MakeSOG  = $(MakeSO) -g
MakeSOO  = $(MakeSO) -O3

# Create dependancy file from CPP file, send to stdout.
Depend   = $(CXX) -MM -I$(LEVEL)/include $(CPPFLAGS) 

# Archive a bunch of .o files into a .a file...
AR       = ar cq 
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# Source includes all of the cpp files, and objects are derived from the
# source files...
# The local Makefile can list other Source files via ExtraSource = ...
Source  := $(ExtraSource) $(wildcard *.cpp *.c *.y *.l)
Objs := $(sort $(addsuffix .o,$(basename $(Source))))
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ObjectsO = $(addprefix Release/,$(Objs))
ObjectsG = $(addprefix Debug/,$(Objs))

# Handle the DIRS option

ifdef DIRS  # Only do this if we're using DIRS!

all     :: $(addsuffix /.makeall    , $(DIRS))
install :: $(addsuffix /.makeinstall, $(DIRS))
clean   :: $(addsuffix /.makeclean  , $(DIRS))

%/.makeall %/.makeclean %/.makeinstall:
	cd $(@D); $(MAKE) $(subst $(@D)/.make,,$@)

# Handle the LIBRARYNAME option - used when building libs...

LIBNAME_O  := $(LEVEL)/lib/Release/lib$(LIBRARYNAME).so
LIBNAME_G  := $(LEVEL)/lib/Debug/lib$(LIBRARYNAME).so
LIBNAME_AO := $(LEVEL)/lib/Release/lib$(LIBRARYNAME).a
LIBNAME_AG := $(LEVEL)/lib/Debug/lib$(LIBRARYNAME).a
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# TODO: Enable optimized builds

$(LIBNAME_O): $(ObjectsO) $(LibSubDirs) $(LEVEL)/lib/Release/.dir Depend/.dir
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	@echo ======= Linking $(LIBRARYNAME) release library =======
	$(MakeSOO) -o $@ $(ObjectsO) $(LibSubDirs) $(LibLinkOpts)

$(LIBNAME_G): $(ObjectsG) $(LibSubDirs) $(LEVEL)/lib/Debug/.dir Depend/.dir
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	@echo ======= Linking $(LIBRARYNAME) debug library =======
	$(MakeSOG) -o $@ $(ObjectsG) $(LibSubDirs) $(LibLinkOpts)

$(LIBNAME_AO): $(ObjectsO) $(LibSubDirs) $(LEVEL)/lib/Release/.dir Depend/.dir
	@echo ======= Linking $(LIBRARYNAME) release library =======
	$(MakeLib) $@ $(ObjectsO) $(LibSubDirs)

$(LIBNAME_AG): $(ObjectsG) $(LibSubDirs) $(LEVEL)/lib/Debug/.dir Depend/.dir
	@echo ======= Linking $(LIBRARYNAME) debug library =======
	$(MakeLib) $@ $(ObjectsG) $(LibSubDirs)

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# Create a TAGS database for emacs

	etags -l c++ `find include lib tools -name '*.cpp' -o -name '*.h'`
# Handle the TOOLNAME option - used when building tool executables...
# The TOOLNAME option should be used with a USEDLIBS variable that tells the
# libraries (and the order of the libs) that should be linked to the tool.

# TOOLEXENAME* - These compute the output filenames to generate...

# USED_LIBS_OPTIONS - Compute the options line that add -llib1 -llib2, etc.
USED_LIBS_OPTIONS = $(addprefix -l, $(USEDLIBS))

# USED_LIB_PATHS - Compute the path of the libraries used so that tools are
# rebuilt if libraries change
STATICUSEDLIBS   := $(addsuffix .a, $(USEDLIBS))
USED_LIB_PATHS_G := $(addprefix $(LEVEL)/lib/Debug/lib, $(STATICUSEDLIBS))
USED_LIB_PATHS_O := $(addprefix $(LEVEL)/lib/Release/lib, $(STATICUSEDLIBS))
$(TOOLEXENAME_G): $(ObjectsG) $(USED_LIB_PATHS_G) $(LEVEL)/tools/Debug/.dir
	$(LinkG) -o $@ $(ObjectsG) $(USED_LIBS_OPTIONS) $(TOOLLINKOPTS)
$(TOOLEXENAME_O): $(ObjectsO) $(USED_LIB_PATHS_O) $(LEVEL)/tools/Release/.dir
	$(LinkO) -o $@ $(ObjectsG) $(USED_LIBS_OPTIONS) $(TOOLLINKOPTS)
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.PRECIOUS: Depend/.dir Debug/.dir Release/.dir
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# Create dependencies for the *.cpp files...
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Depend/%.d: %.cpp Depend/.dir
	$(Depend) $< | sed 's|$*\.o *|Release/& Debug/& Depend/$(@F)|g' > $@

# Create dependencies for the *.c files...
Depend/%.d: %.c Depend/.dir
	$(Depend) $< | sed 's|$*\.o *|Release/& Debug/& Depend/$(@F)|g' > $@

# Create .o files in the ObjectFiles directory from the .cpp and .c files...
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Release/%.o: %.cpp Release/.dir Depend/.dir
	$(CompileO) $< -o $@

#Release/%.o: %.c Release/.dir Depend/.dir
#	$(CompileOC) $< -o $@
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Debug/%.o: %.cpp Debug/.dir Depend/.dir
	$(CompileG) $< -o $@

#Debug/%.o: %.c Debug/.dir Depend/.dir
#	$(CompileGC) $< -o $@
# Create a .cpp source file from a burg input file
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%.burm.cpp: Debug/%.burg Debug/.dir
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# Create a .cpp source file from a flex input file... this uses sed to cut down
# on the warnings emited by GCC...
%.cpp: %.l
	flex -t $< | sed '/^find_rule/d' | sed 's/void yyunput/inline void yyunput/' | sed 's/void \*yy_flex_realloc/inline void *yy_flex_realloc/' > $@

# Rule for building the bison parsers...

%.cpp %.h : %.y
	bison -v -d -p $(<:%Parser.y=%) $(basename $@).y
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	mv -f $(basename $@).tab.c $(basename $@).cpp
	mv -f $(basename $@).tab.h $(basename $@).h

# To create the directories...
	mkdir -p $(@D)
	@date > $@

# Clean does not remove the output files... just the temporaries
	rm -rf Debug Release Depend
	rm -f core *.o *.d *.so *~ *.flc

# If dependancies were generated for the file that included this file,
# include the dependancies now...
SourceDepend = $(addsuffix .d,$(addprefix Depend/,$(basename $(Source))))
ifneq ($(SourceDepend),)
include $(SourceDepend)