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Pawel Wodnicki committed
#!/usr/bin/env python

wciia - Whose Code Is It Anyway

Determines code owner of the file/folder relative to the llvm source root.
Code owner is determined from the content of the CODE_OWNERS.TXT 
by parsing the D: field


utils/  path

- must be run from llvm source root
- very simplistic algorithm
- only handles * as a wildcard
- not very user friendly 
- does not handle the proposed F: field


import os

code_owners = {}

def process_files_and_folders(owner):
	filesfolders = owner['filesfolders']
	# paths must be in ( ... ) so strip them
	lpar = filesfolders.find('(')
	rpar = filesfolders.rfind(')')
	if rpar <= lpar:
		# give up
	paths = filesfolders[lpar+1:rpar]
	# split paths
	owner['paths'] = []
	for path in paths.split():
def process_code_owner(owner):
	if 'filesfolders' in owner:
		filesfolders = owner['filesfolders']
#		print "F: field missing, using D: field"
		owner['filesfolders'] = owner['description']
	code_owners[owner['name']] = owner
# process CODE_OWNERS.TXT first
code_owners_file = open("CODE_OWNERS.TXT", "r").readlines()
code_owner = {}
for line in code_owners_file:
    for word in line.split():
	if word == "N:":
		name = line[2:].strip()
		if code_owner:
			code_owner = {}
		# reset the values
		code_owner['name'] = name
	if word == "E:":
		email = line[2:].strip()
		code_owner['email'] = email
	if word == "D:":
		description = line[2:].strip()
		code_owner['description'] = description
	if word == "F:":
		filesfolders = line[2:].strip()
def find_owners(fpath):
	onames = []
	lmatch = -1
	#  very simplistic way of findning the best match
	for name in code_owners:
		owner = code_owners[name]
		if 'paths' in owner:
			for path in owner['paths']:
#				print "searching (" + path + ")"
				# try exact match
				if fpath == path:
					return name
				# see if path ends with a *
				rstar = path.rfind('*')
				if rstar>0:
					# try the longest match,
					rpos = -1
					if len(fpath) < len(path):
						rpos = path.find(fpath)
					if rpos == 0:
	onames.append('Chris Lattner')
	return onames
# now lest try to find the owner of the file or folder
import sys

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
	print "usage " + sys.argv[0] + " file_or_folder"  
# the path we are checking
path = str(sys.argv[1])

# check if this is real path
if not os.path.exists(path):
	print "path (" + path + ") does not exist"
owners_name = find_owners(path)

# be gramatically correct
print "The owner(s) of the (" + path + ") is(are) : " + str(owners_name)


# bottom up walk of the current .
# not yet used 
root = "."
for dir,subdirList,fileList in os.walk( root , topdown=False ) :
   print "dir :" , dir
   for fname in fileList :
      print "-" , fname