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# This includes the Bourne shell library from llvm-top. Since this file is
# generally only used when building from llvm-top, it is safe to assume that
# llvm is checked out into llvm-top in which case .. just works.
. ../

# Process the options passed in to us by the build script into standard
# variables. 
process_arguments "$@"

# See if we have previously been configured by sensing the presense
# of the config.status scripts
if test ! -x "config.status" ; then
  # We must configure so build a list of configure options
  config_options="--prefix=$PREFIX --with-llvmgccdir=$PREFIX"
  config_options="$config_options $OPTIONS_DASH $OPTIONS_DASH_DASH"
  msg 0 Configuring $module with:
  msg 0 "  ./configure" $config_options
  ./configure $config_options || (echo "Can't configure llvm" ; exit 1)
msg 0 Building $module with:
msg 0 "  make" $OPTIONS_ASSIGN tools-only
make $OPTIONS_ASSIGN tools-only