# # modify-lldb-python.py # # This script modifies the lldb module (which was automatically generated via # running swig) to support iteration for certain lldb objects, adds a global # variable 'debugger_unique_id' and initializes it to 0. # # It also calls SBDebugger.Initialize() to initialize the lldb debugger # subsystem. # import sys, re, StringIO if len (sys.argv) != 2: output_name = "./lldb.py" else: output_name = sys.argv[1] + "/lldb.py" # print "output_name is '" + output_name + "'" # # lldb_iter() should appear before the our first SB* class definition. # lldb_iter_def = ''' # =================================== # Iterator for lldb container objects # =================================== def lldb_iter(obj, getsize, getelem): """A generator adaptor to support iteration for lldb container objects.""" size = getattr(obj, getsize) elem = getattr(obj, getelem) for i in range(size()): yield elem(i) ''' # # This supports the iteration protocol. # iter_def = " def __iter__(self): return lldb_iter(self, '%s', '%s')" module_iter = " def module_iter(self): return lldb_iter(self, '%s', '%s')" breakpoint_iter = " def breakpoint_iter(self): return lldb_iter(self, '%s', '%s')" # # The dictionary defines a mapping from classname to (getsize, getelem) tuple. # d = { 'SBBreakpoint': ('GetNumLocations', 'GetLocationAtIndex'), 'SBCompileUnit': ('GetNumLineEntries', 'GetLineEntryAtIndex'), 'SBDebugger': ('GetNumTargets', 'GetTargetAtIndex'), 'SBModule': ('GetNumSymbols', 'GetSymbolAtIndex'), 'SBProcess': ('GetNumThreads', 'GetThreadAtIndex'), 'SBThread': ('GetNumFrames', 'GetFrameAtIndex'), 'SBInstructionList': ('GetSize', 'GetInstructionAtIndex'), 'SBStringList': ('GetSize', 'GetStringAtIndex',), 'SBSymbolContextList': ('GetSize', 'GetContextAtIndex'), 'SBValueList': ('GetSize', 'GetValueAtIndex'), 'SBType': ('GetNumberChildren', 'GetChildAtIndex'), 'SBValue': ('GetNumChildren', 'GetChildAtIndex'), 'SBTarget': {'module': ('GetNumModules', 'GetModuleAtIndex'), 'breakpoint': ('GetNumBreakpoints', 'GetBreakpointAtIndex') } } # The new content will have the iteration protocol defined for our lldb objects. new_content = StringIO.StringIO() with open(output_name, 'r') as f_in: content = f_in.read() # The pattern for recognizing the beginning of an SB class definition. class_pattern = re.compile("^class (SB.*)\(_object\):$") # The pattern for recognizing the beginning of the __init__ method definition. init_pattern = re.compile("^ def __init__\(self, \*args\):") # These define the states of our state machine. NORMAL = 0 DEFINING_ITERATOR = 1 DEFINING_TARGET_ITERATOR = 2 # The lldb_iter_def only needs to be inserted once. lldb_iter_defined = False; state = NORMAL for line in content.splitlines(): if state == NORMAL: match = class_pattern.search(line) if not lldb_iter_defined and match: print >> new_content, lldb_iter_def lldb_iter_defined = True if match and match.group(1) in d: # Adding support for iteration for the matched SB class. cls = match.group(1) # Next state will be DEFINING_ITERATOR. state = DEFINING_ITERATOR elif state == DEFINING_ITERATOR: match = init_pattern.search(line) if match: # We found the beginning of the __init__ method definition. # This is a good spot to insert the iteration support. # # But note that SBTarget has two types of iterations. if cls == "SBTarget": print >> new_content, module_iter % (d[cls]['module']) print >> new_content, breakpoint_iter % (d[cls]['breakpoint']) else: print >> new_content, iter_def % d[cls] # Next state will be NORMAL. state = NORMAL # Pass the original line of content to the ew_content. print >> new_content, line with open(output_name, 'w') as f_out: f_out.write(new_content.getvalue()) f_out.write("debugger_unique_id = 0\n") f_out.write("SBDebugger.Initialize()\n")