clang: a C language family frontend for LLVM

The goal of the Clang project is to create a new C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end for the LLVM compiler. You can get and build the source today.

Features and Goals

Some of the goals for the project include the following:

End-User Features:

Utility and Applications:

Internal Design and Implementation:

Of course this is only a rough outline of the goals and features of Clang. To get a true sense of what it is all about, see the Features section, which breaks each of these down and explains them in more detail.


The development of a new front-end was started out of a need -- a need for a compiler that allows better diagnostics, better integration with IDEs, a license that is compatible with commercial products, and a nimble compiler that is easy to develop and maintain. All of these were motivations for starting work on a new front-end that could meet these needs.

A good (but quite dated) introduction to Clang can be found in the following video lectures:

For a more detailed comparison between Clang and other compilers, please see the clang comparison page.

Current Status

Clang is still under heavy development. Clang is considered to be a production C and Objective-C compiler when targetting X86-32 and X86-64 (other targets may have caveats, but are usually easy to fix). If you are looking for source analysis or source-to-source transformation tools, clang is probably a great solution for you. If you are interested in C++, full support is still way off.

Get it and get involved!

Start by getting the code, building it, and playing with it. This will show you the sorts of things we can do today and will let you have the "clang experience" first hand: hopefully it will "resonate" with you. :)

Once you've done that, please consider getting involved in the clang community. The clang developers include numerous volunteer contributors with a variety of backgrounds. If you're interested in following the development of clang, signing up for a mailing list is a good way to learn about how the project works.