#!/usr/bin/env perl # # The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure # # This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source # License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. # ##===----------------------------------------------------------------------===## # # A script designed to wrap a build so that all calls to gcc are intercepted # and piped to the static analyzer. # ##===----------------------------------------------------------------------===## use strict; use warnings; use File::Temp qw/ :mktemp /; use FindBin qw($RealBin); use Digest::MD5; use File::Basename; my $Verbose = 0; # Verbose output from this script. my $Prog = "scan-build"; ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------## # GetHTMLRunDir - Construct an HTML directory name for the current run. ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------## sub GetHTMLRunDir { die "Not enough arguments." if (@_ == 0); my $Dir = shift @_; # Get current date and time. my @CurrentTime = localtime(); my $year = $CurrentTime[5] + 1900; my $day = $CurrentTime[3]; my $month = $CurrentTime[4] + 1; my $DateString = "$year-$month-$day"; # Determine the run number. my $RunNumber; if (-d $Dir) { if (! -r $Dir) { die "error: '$Dir' exists but is not readable.\n"; } # Iterate over all files in the specified directory. my $max = 0; opendir(DIR, $Dir); my @FILES= readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); foreach my $f (@FILES) { my @x = split/-/, $f; next if (scalar(@x) != 4); next if ($x[0] != $year); next if ($x[1] != $month); next if ($x[2] != $day); if ($x[3] > $max) { $max = $x[3]; } } $RunNumber = $max + 1; } else { if (-x $Dir) { die "error: '$Dir' exists but is not a directory.\n"; } # $Dir does not exist. It will be automatically created by the # clang driver. Set the run number to 1. $RunNumber = 1; } die "RunNumber must be defined!" if (!defined($RunNumber)); # Append the run number. return "$Dir/$DateString-$RunNumber"; } sub SetHtmlEnv { die "Wrong number of arguments." if (scalar(@_) != 2); my $Args = shift; my $Dir = shift; die "No build command." if (scalar(@$Args) == 0); my $Cmd = $$Args[0]; if ($Cmd =~ /configure/) { return; } if ($Verbose) { print "$Prog: Emitting reports for this run to '$Dir'.\n"; } $ENV{'CCC_ANALYZER_HTML'} = $Dir; } ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------## # ComputeDigest - Compute a digest of the specified file. ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------## sub ComputeDigest { my $FName = shift; die "Cannot read $FName" if (! -r $FName); # Use Digest::MD5. We don't have to be cryptographically secure. We're # just looking for duplicate files that come from a non-malicious source. # We use Digest::MD5 because it is a standard Perl module that should # come bundled on most systems. open(FILE, $FName) or die "Cannot open $FName."; binmode FILE; my $Result = Digest::MD5->new->addfile(*FILE)->hexdigest; close(FILE); # Return the digest. return $Result; } ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------## # UpdatePrefix - Compute the common prefix of files. ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------## my $Prefix; sub UpdatePrefix { my $x = shift; my $y = basename($x); $x =~ s/\Q$y\E$//; # Ignore /usr, /Library, /System, /Developer return if ( $x =~ /^\/usr/ or $x =~ /^\/Library/ or $x =~ /^\/System/ or $x =~ /^\/Developer/); if (!defined $Prefix) { $Prefix = $x; return; } chop $Prefix while (!($x =~ /^$Prefix/)); } sub GetPrefix { return $Prefix; } ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------## # UpdateInFilePath - Update the path in the report file. ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------## sub UpdateInFilePath { my $fname = shift; my $regex = shift; my $newtext = shift; open (RIN, $fname) or die "cannot open $fname"; open (ROUT, ">$fname.tmp") or die "cannot open $fname.tmp"; while () { s/$regex/$newtext/; print ROUT $_; } close (ROUT); close (RIN); `mv $fname.tmp $fname`; } ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------## # ScanFile - Scan a report file for various identifying attributes. ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------## # Sometimes a source file is scanned more than once, and thus produces # multiple error reports. We use a cache to solve this problem. my %AlreadyScanned; sub ScanFile { my $Index = shift; my $Dir = shift; my $FName = shift; # Compute a digest for the report file. Determine if we have already # scanned a file that looks just like it. my $digest = ComputeDigest("$Dir/$FName"); if (defined($AlreadyScanned{$digest})) { # Redundant file. Remove it. `rm -f $Dir/$FName`; return; } $AlreadyScanned{$digest} = 1; # At this point the report file is not world readable. Make it happen. `chmod 644 $Dir/$FName`; # Scan the report file for tags. open(IN, "$Dir/$FName") or die "$Prog: Cannot open '$Dir/$FName'\n"; my $BugDesc = ""; my $BugFile = ""; my $BugPathLength = 1; my $BugLine = 0; while () { if (/$/) { $BugDesc = $1; } elsif (/$/) { $BugFile = $1; UpdatePrefix($BugFile); } elsif (/$/) { $BugPathLength = $1; } elsif (/$/) { $BugLine = $1; } } close(IN); push @$Index,[ $FName, $BugDesc, $BugFile, $BugLine, $BugPathLength ]; } ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------## # CopyJS - Copy JavaScript code to target directory. ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------## sub CopyJS { my $Dir = shift; die "$Prog: Cannot find 'sorttable.js'.\n" if (! -r "$RealBin/sorttable.js"); `cp $RealBin/sorttable.js $Dir`; die "$Prog: Could not copy 'sorttable.js' to '$Dir'." if (! -r "$Dir/sorttable.js"); } ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------## # Postprocess - Postprocess the results of an analysis scan. ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------## sub Postprocess { my $Dir = shift; my $BaseDir = shift; die "No directory specified." if (!defined($Dir)); die "No base directory specified." if (!defined($BaseDir)); if (! -d $Dir) { return; } opendir(DIR, $Dir); my @files = grep(/^report-.*\.html$/,readdir(DIR)); closedir(DIR); if (scalar(@files) == 0) { print "$Prog: Removing directory '$Dir' because it contains no reports.\n"; `rm -fR $Dir`; return; } # Scan each report file and build an index. my @Index; foreach my $file (@files) { ScanFile(\@Index, $Dir, $file); } # Generate an index.html file. my $FName = "$Dir/index.html"; open(OUT, ">$FName") or die "$Prog: Cannot create file '$FName'\n"; # Print out the header. print OUT < ENDTEXT # Print out the summary table. my %Totals; for my $row ( @Index ) { my $bug_type = lc($row->[1]); if (!defined($Totals{$bug_type})) { $Totals{$bug_type} = 1; } else { $Totals{$bug_type}++; } } print OUT <Summary ENDTEXT for my $key ( sort { $a cmp $b } keys %Totals ) { my $x = $key; $x =~ s/\s/_/g; print OUT "\n"; } # Print out the table of errors. print OUT <


Bug Type Quantity Display?
ENDTEXT my $prefix = GetPrefix(); my $regex; my $InFileRegex; my $InFilePrefix = "File:\n"; my $ReportFile = $row->[0]; print OUT " \n"; # Update the file prefix. my $fname = $row->[2]; if (defined($regex)) { $fname =~ s/$regex//; UpdateInFilePath("$Dir/$ReportFile", $InFileRegex, $InFilePrefix) } print OUT "\n"; # Print the rest of the columns. for my $j ( 3 .. $#{$row} ) { print OUT "\n" } # Emit the "View" link. print OUT " \n"; # End the row. print OUT "\n"; } print OUT "
Bug Type File Line Path Length
"; if (defined($prefix)) { $regex = qr/^\Q$prefix\E/is; $InFileRegex = qr/\Q$InFilePrefix$prefix\E/is; } for my $row ( sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } @Index ) { my $x = lc($row->[1]); $x =~ s/\s/_/g; print OUT "
"; print OUT lc($row->[1]); print OUT "$fname$row->[$j]View
\n\n"; close(OUT); CopyJS($Dir); # Make sure $Dir and $BaseDir is world readable/executable. `chmod 755 $Dir`; `chmod 755 $BaseDir`; } ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------## # RunBuildCommand - Run the build command. ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------## sub AddIfNotPresent { my $Args = shift; my $Arg = shift; my $found = 0; foreach my $k (@$Args) { if ($k eq $Arg) { $found = 1; last; } } if ($found == 0) { push @$Args, $Arg; } } sub RunBuildCommand { my $Args = shift; my $IgnoreErrors = shift; my $Cmd = $Args->[0]; if ($Cmd eq "gcc" or $Cmd eq "cc" or $Cmd eq "llvm-gcc") { shift @$Args; unshift @$Args, "ccc-analyzer" } elsif ($IgnoreErrors) { if ($Cmd eq "make" or $Cmd eq "gmake") { AddIfNotPresent($Args,"-k"); } elsif ($Cmd eq "xcodebuild") { AddIfNotPresent($Args,"-PBXBuildsContinueAfterErrors=YES"); } } # Disable distributed builds for xcodebuild. if ($Cmd eq "xcodebuild") { AddIfNotPresent($Args,"-nodistribute"); } system(@$Args); } ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------## # DisplayHelp - Utility function to display all help options. ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------## sub DisplayHelp { print < [build options] OPTIONS: -o - Target directory for HTML report files. Subdirectories will be created as needed to represent separate "runs" of the analyzer. If this option is not specified, a directory is created in /tmp to store the reports. -h - Display this message. --help -k - Add a "keep on going" option to the specified build command. --keep-going This option currently supports make and xcodebuild. This is a convenience option; one can specify this behavior directly using build options. -v - Verbose output from $Prog and the analyzer. A second "-v" increases verbosity. -V - View analysis results in a web browser when the build --view completes. BUILD OPTIONS You can specify any build option acceptable to the build command. EXAMPLE $Prog -o /tmp/myhtmldir make -j4 The above example causes analysis reports to be deposited into a subdirectory of "/tmp/myhtmldir" and to run "make" with the "-j4" option. A different subdirectory is created each time $Prog analyzes a project. The analyzer should support most parallel builds, but not distributed builds. ENDTEXT } ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------## # Process command-line arguments. ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------## my $HtmlDir; # Parent directory to store HTML files. my $IgnoreErrors = 0; # Ignore build errors. my $ViewResults = 0; # View results when the build terminates. if (!@ARGV) { DisplayHelp(); exit 1; } while (@ARGV) { # Scan for options we recognize. my $arg = $ARGV[0]; if ($arg eq "-h" or $arg eq "--help") { DisplayHelp(); exit 0; } if ($arg eq "-o") { shift @ARGV; if (!@ARGV) { die "$Prog: '-o' option requires a target directory name.\n"; } $HtmlDir = shift @ARGV; next; } if ($arg eq "-k" or $arg eq "--keep-going") { shift @ARGV; $IgnoreErrors = 1; next; } if ($arg eq "-v") { shift @ARGV; $Verbose++; next; } if ($arg eq "-V" or $arg eq "--view") { shift @ARGV; $ViewResults = 1; next; } die "$Prog: unrecognized option '$arg'\n" if ($arg =~ /^-/); last; } if (!@ARGV) { print STDERR "$Prog: No build command specified.\n\n"; DisplayHelp(); exit 1; } # Determine the output directory for the HTML reports. if (!defined($HtmlDir)) { $HtmlDir = mkdtemp("/tmp/$Prog-XXXXXX"); if (!defined($HtmlDir)) { die "error: Cannot create HTML directory in /tmp.\n"; } if (!$Verbose) { print "$Prog: Using '$HtmlDir' as base HTML report directory.\n"; } } my $BaseDir = $HtmlDir; $HtmlDir = GetHTMLRunDir($HtmlDir); # Set the appropriate environment variables. SetHtmlEnv(\@ARGV, $HtmlDir); my $Cmd = "$RealBin/ccc-analyzer"; die "$Prog: Executable 'ccc-analyzer' does not exist at '$Cmd'\n" if (! -x $Cmd); my $Clang = "$RealBin/clang"; if (! -x $Clang) { print "$Prog: 'clang' executable not found in '$RealBin'. Using 'clang' from path.\n"; $Clang = "clang"; } $ENV{'CC'} = $Cmd; $ENV{'CLANG'} = $Clang; if ($Verbose >= 2) { $ENV{'CCC_ANALYZER_VERBOSE'} = 1; } # Run the build. RunBuildCommand(\@ARGV, $IgnoreErrors); # Postprocess the HTML directory. Postprocess($HtmlDir, $BaseDir); if ($ViewResults and -r "$HtmlDir/index.html") { # Only works on Mac OS X (for now). print "Viewing analysis results: '$HtmlDir/index.html'\n"; `open $HtmlDir/index.html` }