include(AddFileDependencies) macro(add_td_sources srcs) file(GLOB tds *.td) if( tds ) source_group("TableGen descriptions" FILES ${tds}) set_source_files_properties(${tds} PROPERTIES HEADER_FILE_ONLY ON) list(APPEND ${srcs} ${tds}) endif() endmacro(add_td_sources) macro(add_header_files srcs) file(GLOB hds *.h) if( hds ) set_source_files_properties(${hds} PROPERTIES HEADER_FILE_ONLY ON) list(APPEND ${srcs} ${hds}) endif() endmacro(add_header_files) function(llvm_process_sources OUT_VAR) set( sources ${ARGN} ) llvm_check_source_file_list( ${sources} ) # Create file dependencies on the tablegenned files, if any. Seems # that this is not strictly needed, as dependencies of the .cpp # sources on the tablegenned .inc files are detected and handled, # but just in case... foreach( s ${sources} ) set( f ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${s} ) add_file_dependencies( ${f} ${TABLEGEN_OUTPUT} ) endforeach(s) if( MSVC_IDE ) # This adds .td and .h files to the Visual Studio solution: add_td_sources(sources) add_header_files(sources) endif() # Set common compiler options: if( NOT LLVM_REQUIRES_EH ) if( CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX ) add_definitions( -fno-exceptions ) elseif( MSVC ) string( REGEX REPLACE "[ ^]/EHsc ?" " /EHs-c- " CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" ) add_definitions( /D_HAS_EXCEPTIONS=0 ) endif() endif() if( NOT LLVM_REQUIRES_RTTI ) if( CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX ) add_definitions( -fno-rtti ) elseif( MSVC ) string( REGEX REPLACE "[ ^]/GR ?" " /GR- " CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" ) endif() endif() set( ${OUT_VAR} ${sources} PARENT_SCOPE ) endfunction(llvm_process_sources) function(llvm_check_source_file_list) set(listed ${ARGN}) file(GLOB globbed *.cpp) foreach(g ${globbed}) get_filename_component(fn ${g} NAME) list(FIND listed ${fn} idx) if( idx LESS 0 ) message(SEND_ERROR "Found unknown source file ${g} Please update ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeLists.txt\n") endif() endforeach() endfunction(llvm_check_source_file_list)