""" 'blacklist' is a Python dictionary, it stores the mapping of a string describing either a testclass or a testcase, i.e, testclass.testmethod, to the reason (a string) it is blacklisted. Following is an example which states that test class IntegerTypesExprTestCase should be skipped because 'This test class crashed' and the test case FoundationTestCase.test_data_type_and_expr_with_dsym should be skipped because it is 'Temporarily disabled'. blacklist = {'IntegerTypesExprTestCase': 'This test class crashed', 'FoundationTestCase.test_data_type_and_expr_with_dsym': 'Temporarily disabled' } """ blacklist = {'STLTestCase': ' Crashed while running the entire test suite', 'LoadUnloadTestCase' : 'taking down debugserver and causing the whole test suite to hang' # To skip this test case: ./dotest.py -b blacklist.py -v -w 2> ~/Developer/Log/lldbtest.log }