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  • Jeremy Morse's avatar
    [DebugInfo][InstrRef] Add unit tests for transfer-function building · d9eebe3c
    Jeremy Morse authored
    This patch adds some unit tests for the machine-location transfer-function
    building parts of InstrRefBasedLDV: i.e., test that if we feed some MIR
    into the transfer-function building code, does it create the correct
    transfer function.
    There are a number of minor defects that get corrected in the process:
     * The unit test was selecting the x86 (i.e. 32 bit) backend rather than
       x86_64's 64 bit backend,
     * COPY instructions weren't actually having their subregister values
       correctly represented in the transfer function. Subregisters were being
       defined by the COPY, rather than taking the value in the source register.
     * SP aliases were at risk of being clobbered, if an SP subregister was
    Differential Revision: