[Driver] Default to -fno-common for all targets
This makes -fno-common the default for all targets because this has performance and code-size benefits and is more language conforming for C code. Additionally, GCC10 also defaults to -fno-common and so we get consistent behaviour with GCC. With this change, C code that uses tentative definitions as definitions of a variable in multiple translation units will trigger multiple-definition linker errors. Generally, this occurs when the use of the extern keyword is neglected in the declaration of a variable in a header file. In some cases, no specific translation unit provides a definition of the variable. The previous behavior can be restored by specifying -fcommon. As GCC has switched already, we benefit from applications already being ported and existing documentation how to do this. For example: - https://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-10/porting_to.html - https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Gcc_10_porting_notes/fno_common Differential revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D75056
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