[AArch64] Implement Clang CLI interface proposal about "-march".
1. Revert "Add default feature for CPUs on AArch64 target in Clang" at r210625. Then, all enabled feature will by passed explicitly by -target-feature in -cc1 option. 2. Get "-mfpu" deprecated. 3. Implement support of "-march". Usage is: -march=armv8-a+[no]feature For instance, "-march=armv8-a+neon+crc+nocrypto". Here "armv8-a" is necessary, and CPU names are not acceptable. Candidate features are fp, neon, crc and crypto. Where conflicting feature modifiers are specified, the right-most feature is used. 4. Implement support of "-mtune". Usage is: -march=CPU_NAME For instance, "-march=cortex-a57". This option will ONLY get micro-architectural feature enabled specifying to target CPU, like "+zcm" and "+zcz" for cyclone. Any architectural features WON'T be modified. 5. Change usage of "-mcpu" to "-mcpu=CPU_NAME+[no]feature", which is an alias to "-march={feature of CPU_NAME}+[no]feature" and "-mtune=CPU_NAME" together. Where this option is used in conjunction with -march or -mtune, those options take precedence over the appropriate part of this option. llvm-svn: 213353
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