[gcov] Default coverage version to '407*' and delete CC1 option -coverage-cfg-checksum
Defaulting to -Xclang -coverage-version='407*' makes .gcno/.gcda compatible with gcov [4.7,8) In addition, delete clang::CodeGenOptionsBase::CoverageExtraChecksum and GCOVOptions::UseCfgChecksum. We can infer the information from the version. With this change, .gcda files produced by `clang --coverage a.o` linked executable can be read by gcov 4.7~7. We don't need other -Xclang -coverage* options. There may be a mismatching version warning, though. (Note, GCC r173147 "split checksum into cfg checksum and line checksum" made gcov 4.7 incompatible with previous versions.)
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