Improve the --expand-relocs handling of MachO.
In a relocation target can take 3 basic forms * A r_value in scattered relocations. * A symbol in external relocations. * A section is non-external relocations. Have the dump reflect that. With this change we go from CHECK-NEXT: Extern: 0 CHECK-NEXT: Type: X86_64_RELOC_SUBTRACTOR (5) CHECK-NEXT: Symbol: 0x2 CHECK-NEXT: Scattered: 0 To just // CHECK-NEXT: Type: X86_64_RELOC_SUBTRACTOR (5) // CHECK-NEXT: Section: __data (2) Since the relocation is with a section, we print the seciton name and don't need to say that it is not scattered or external. Someone motivated can add further special cases for things like ARM64_RELOC_ADDEND and ARM_RELOC_PAIR. llvm-svn: 240073
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