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#!/usr/bin/env perl
#                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
# A script designed to wrap a build so that all calls to gcc are intercepted
# and piped to the static analyzer.

use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Temp qw/ :mktemp /;
use FindBin qw($RealBin);

my $Verbose = 0;       # Verbose output from this script.
my $Prog = "scan-build";

# GetHTMLRunDir - Construct an HTML directory name for the current run.

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sub GetHTMLRunDir {  

  die "Not enough arguments." if (@_ == 0);
  my $Dir = shift @_;
  # Get current date and time.
  my @CurrentTime = localtime();
  my $year  = $CurrentTime[5] + 1900;
  my $day   = $CurrentTime[3];
  my $month = $CurrentTime[4] + 1;
  my $DateString = "$year-$month-$day";
  # Determine the run number.
  my $RunNumber;
  if (-d $Dir) {
    if (! -r $Dir) {
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      die "error: '$Dir' exists but is not readable.\n";
    # Iterate over all files in the specified directory.
    my $max = 0;
    opendir(DIR, $Dir);
    my @FILES= readdir(DIR); 
    foreach my $f (@FILES) {

      my @x = split/-/, $f;
      next if (scalar(@x) != 4);
      next if ($x[0] != $year);
      next if ($x[1] != $month);
      next if ($x[2] != $day);
      if ($x[3] > $max) {
        $max = $x[3];
    $RunNumber = $max + 1;
  else {
    if (-x $Dir) {
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      die "error: '$Dir' exists but is not a directory.\n";
    # $Dir does not exist.  It will be automatically created by the 
    # clang driver.  Set the run number to 1.  
    $RunNumber = 1;
  die "RunNumber must be defined!" if (!defined($RunNumber));
  # Append the run number.
  return "$Dir/$DateString-$RunNumber";  

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sub SetHtmlEnv {
  die "Wrong number of arguments." if (scalar(@_) != 2);
  my $Args = shift;
  my $Dir = shift;
  die "No build command." if (scalar(@$Args) == 0);
  my $Cmd = $$Args[0];
  if ($Cmd =~ /configure/) {
  if ($Verbose) {
    print "$Prog: Emitting reports for this run to '$Dir'.\n";  

# ComputeDigest - Compute a digest of the specified file.

sub ComputeDigest {
  my $FName = shift;
  die "Cannot read $FName" if (! -r $FName);  
  # Use Digest::MD5.  We don't have to be cryptographically secure.  We're
  # just looking for duplicate files that come from a non-malicious source.
  # We use Digest::MD5 because it is a standard Perl module that should
  # come bundled on most systems.
  open(FILE, $FName) or die "Cannot open $FName.";
  binmode FILE;
  my $Result = Digest::MD5->new->addfile(*FILE)->hexdigest;
  # Return the digest.
  return $Result;
#  UpdatePrefix - Compute the common prefix of files.

my $Prefix;

sub UpdatePrefix {
  my $x = shift;
  my $y = basename($x);
  $x =~ s/\Q$y\E$//;
  # Ignore /usr, /Library, /System, /Developer

  return if ( $x =~ /^\/usr/ or $x =~ /^\/Library/
              or $x =~ /^\/System/ or $x =~ /^\/Developer/);

  if (!defined $Prefix) {
    $Prefix = $x;
  chop $Prefix while (!($x =~ /^$Prefix/));

sub GetPrefix {
  return $Prefix;

#  UpdateInFilePath - Update the path in the report file.

sub UpdateInFilePath {
  my $fname = shift;
  my $regex = shift;
  my $newtext = shift;
  open (RIN, $fname) or die "cannot open $fname";
  open (ROUT, ">$fname.tmp") or die "cannot open $fname.tmp";
  while (<RIN>) {
    print ROUT $_;
  close (ROUT);
  close (RIN);
  `mv $fname.tmp $fname`;

# ScanFile - Scan a report file for various identifying attributes.

# Sometimes a source file is scanned more than once, and thus produces
# multiple error reports.  We use a cache to solve this problem.

my %AlreadyScanned;

sub ScanFile {
  my $Index = shift;
  my $Dir = shift;
  my $FName = shift;
  # Compute a digest for the report file.  Determine if we have already
  # scanned a file that looks just like it.
  my $digest = ComputeDigest("$Dir/$FName");

  if (defined($AlreadyScanned{$digest})) {
    # Redundant file.  Remove it.
    `rm -f $Dir/$FName`;
  $AlreadyScanned{$digest} = 1;
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  # At this point the report file is not world readable.  Make it happen.
  `chmod 644 $Dir/$FName`;
  # Scan the report file for tags.
  open(IN, "$Dir/$FName") or die "$Prog: Cannot open '$Dir/$FName'\n";

  my $BugDesc = "";
  my $BugFile = "";
  my $BugPathLength = 1;
  my $BugLine = 0;
  while (<IN>) {
    if (/<!-- BUGDESC (.*) -->$/) {
      $BugDesc = $1;
    elsif (/<!-- BUGFILE (.*) -->$/) {
      $BugFile = $1;
    elsif (/<!-- BUGPATHLENGTH (.*) -->$/) {
      $BugPathLength = $1;
    elsif (/<!-- BUGLINE (.*) -->$/) {
      $BugLine = $1;    
  push @$Index,[ $FName, $BugDesc, $BugFile, $BugLine, $BugPathLength ];

# CopyJS - Copy JavaScript code to target directory.

sub CopyJS {

  my $Dir = shift;
  die "$Prog: Cannot find 'sorttable.js'.\n"
    if (! -r "$RealBin/sorttable.js");  

  `cp $RealBin/sorttable.js $Dir`;

  die "$Prog: Could not copy 'sorttable.js' to '$Dir'."
    if (! -r "$Dir/sorttable.js");
# Postprocess - Postprocess the results of an analysis scan.

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sub Postprocess {
  die "No directory specified." if (!defined($Dir));
  die "No base directory specified." if (!defined($BaseDir));
  if (! -d $Dir) {
  opendir(DIR, $Dir);
  my @files = grep(/^report-.*\.html$/,readdir(DIR));

  if (scalar(@files) == 0) {
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    print "$Prog: Removing directory '$Dir' because it contains no reports.\n";
  # Scan each report file and build an index.
  my @Index;
  foreach my $file (@files) { ScanFile(\@Index, $Dir, $file); }
  # Generate an index.html file.
  my $FName = "$Dir/index.html";
  open(OUT, ">$FName") or die "$Prog: Cannot create file '$FName'\n";
print OUT <<ENDTEXT;
<style type="text/css">
 body { color:#000000; background-color:#ffffff }
 body { font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:9pt }
 h1 { font-size:12pt }
 table.sortable thead {
   background-color:#eee; color:#666666;
   font-weight: bold; cursor: default;
   border-top: 2px solid #000000;
   border-bottom: 2px solid #000000;
   font-weight: bold; font-family: Verdana
 table.sortable { border: 1px #000000 solid }
 table.sortable { border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0px }
 td { border-bottom: 1px #000000 dotted }
 td { padding:5px; padding-left:8px; padding-right:8px }
 td { text-align:left; font-size:9pt }
 td.View   { padding-left: 10px }
<script src="sorttable.js"></script>
<script language='javascript' type="text/javascript">
function SetDisplay(RowClass, DisplayVal)
  var Rows = document.getElementsByTagName("tr");
  for ( var i = 0 ; i < Rows.length; ++i ) {
    if (Rows[i].className == RowClass) {
      Rows[i].style.display = DisplayVal;
function ToggleDisplay(CheckButton, ClassName) {
  if (CheckButton.checked) {
    SetDisplay(ClassName, "");
  else {
    SetDisplay(ClassName, "none");

  # Print out the summary table.
  my %Totals;
  for my $row ( @Index ) {
    my $bug_type = lc($row->[1]);
    if (!defined($Totals{$bug_type})) {
      $Totals{$bug_type} = 1;
    else {

print OUT <<ENDTEXT;
<table class="sortable">
  <td>Bug Type</td>
  <td "sorttable_nosort">Display?</td>
  for my $key ( sort { $a cmp $b } keys %Totals ) {
    my $x = $key;
    $x =~ s/\s/_/g;    
    print OUT "<tr><td>$key</td><td>$Totals{$key}</td><td><input type=\"checkbox\" onClick=\"ToggleDisplay(this,'bt_$x');\" checked/></td></tr>\n";

  # Print out the table of errors.

print OUT <<ENDTEXT;
<table class="sortable">
  <td>Bug Type</td>
  <td>Path Length</td>
  <td "sorttable_nosort"></td>
  my $prefix = GetPrefix();
  my $regex;
  my $InFileRegex;
  my $InFilePrefix = "File:</td><td>";
  if (defined($prefix)) { 
    $regex = qr/^\Q$prefix\E/is;    
    $InFileRegex = qr/\Q$InFilePrefix$prefix\E/is;

  for my $row ( sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } @Index ) {
    my $x = lc($row->[1]);
    $x =~ s/\s/_/g;    
    print OUT "<tr class=\"bt_$x\">\n";

    my $ReportFile = $row->[0];
    print OUT " <td class=\"DESC\">";
    print OUT lc($row->[1]);
    print OUT "</td>\n";
    # Update the file prefix.
    my $fname = $row->[2];
    if (defined($regex)) {      
      $fname =~ s/$regex//;
      UpdateInFilePath("$Dir/$ReportFile", $InFileRegex, $InFilePrefix)
    print OUT "<td>$fname</td>\n";

    # Print the rest of the columns.
    for my $j ( 3 .. $#{$row} ) {
      print OUT "<td>$row->[$j]</td>\n"
    print OUT " <td class=\"View\"><a href=\"$ReportFile#EndPath\">View</a></td>\n";
    print OUT "</tr>\n";
  print OUT "</table>\n</body></html>\n";  
  # Make sure $Dir and $BaseDir is world readable/executable.
  `chmod 755 $Dir`;
  `chmod 755 $BaseDir`;
# RunBuildCommand - Run the build command.

sub AddIfNotPresent {
  my $Args = shift;
  my $Arg = shift;  
  my $found = 0;
  foreach my $k (@$Args) {
    if ($k eq $Arg) {
      $found = 1;
  if ($found == 0) {
    push @$Args, $Arg;

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  my $IgnoreErrors = shift;
  if ($Cmd eq "gcc" or $Cmd eq "cc" or $Cmd eq "llvm-gcc") {
    shift @$Args;
    unshift @$Args, "ccc-analyzer"
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  elsif ($IgnoreErrors) {
    if ($Cmd eq "make" or $Cmd eq "gmake") {
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    elsif ($Cmd eq "xcodebuild") {
  # Disable distributed builds for xcodebuild.
  if ($Cmd eq "xcodebuild") {
# DisplayHelp - Utility function to display all help options.

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sub DisplayHelp {
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USAGE: $Prog [options] <build command> [build options]


  -o            - Target directory for HTML report files.  Subdirectories
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                  will be created as needed to represent separate "runs" of
                  the analyzer.  If this option is not specified, a directory
                  is created in /tmp to store the reports.
  -h            - Display this message.
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  -k            - Add a "keep on going" option to the specified build command.
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  --keep-going    This option currently supports make and xcodebuild.
                  This is a convenience option; one can specify this
                  behavior directly using build options.
  -v            - Verbose output from $Prog and the analyzer.
                  A second "-v" increases verbosity.
  -V            - View analysis results in a web browser when the build
  --view          completes.


  You can specify any build option acceptable to the build command.

    $Prog -o /tmp/myhtmldir make -j4
  The above example causes analysis reports to be deposited into
  a subdirectory of "/tmp/myhtmldir" and to run "make" with the "-j4" option.
  A different subdirectory is created each time $Prog analyzes a project.
  The analyzer should support most parallel builds, but not distributed builds.

# Process command-line arguments.

my $HtmlDir;           # Parent directory to store HTML files.
my $IgnoreErrors = 0;  # Ignore build errors.
my $ViewResults  = 0;  # View results when the build terminates.
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  exit 1;

while (@ARGV) {
  # Scan for options we recognize.
  my $arg = $ARGV[0];

  if ($arg eq "-h" or $arg eq "--help") {
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    exit 0;
      die "$Prog: '-o' option requires a target directory name.\n";
  if ($arg eq "-k" or $arg eq "--keep-going") {
    shift @ARGV;
    $IgnoreErrors = 1;
  if ($arg eq "-v") {
    shift @ARGV;
  if ($arg eq "-V" or $arg eq "--view") {
    shift @ARGV;
    $ViewResults = 1;    
  die "$Prog: unrecognized option '$arg'\n" if ($arg =~ /^-/);

if (!@ARGV) {
  print STDERR "$Prog: No build command specified.\n\n";
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  exit 1;

# Determine the output directory for the HTML reports.

if (!defined($HtmlDir)) {
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  $HtmlDir = mkdtemp("/tmp/$Prog-XXXXXX");
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    die "error: Cannot create HTML directory in /tmp.\n";
  if (!$Verbose) {
    print "$Prog: Using '$HtmlDir' as base HTML report directory.\n";

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$HtmlDir = GetHTMLRunDir($HtmlDir);

# Set the appropriate environment variables.

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SetHtmlEnv(\@ARGV, $HtmlDir);
my $Cmd = "$RealBin/ccc-analyzer";

die "$Prog: Executable 'ccc-analyzer' does not exist at '$Cmd'\n"
  if (! -x $Cmd);
my $Clang = "$RealBin/clang";

if (! -x $Clang) {
  print "$Prog: 'clang' executable not found in '$RealBin'.  Using 'clang' from path.\n";
  $Clang = "clang";
$ENV{'CC'} = $Cmd;

if ($Verbose >= 2) {

# Run the build.

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RunBuildCommand(\@ARGV, $IgnoreErrors);

if ($ViewResults and -r "$HtmlDir/index.html") {
  # Only works on Mac OS X (for now).
  print "Viewing analysis results: '$HtmlDir/index.html'\n";
  `open $HtmlDir/index.html`