## Common rules for generating, linking, and compiling via LLVM. This is
## used to implement a robust testing framework for LLVM
## NOTE: This is preliminary and will change in the future
include ${LEVEL}/Makefile.common
.PHONY: clean default
# These files, which might be intermediate results, should not be deleted by
# make
.PRECIOUS: Output/%.bc Output/%.ll
.PRECIOUS: Output/%.tbc Output/%.tll
.PRECIOUS: Output/.dir
# LLVM Tool Definitions...
LCC = /home/vadve/lattner/cvs/gcc_install/bin/gcc
LCC1 = /home/vadve/lattner/cvs/gcc_install/lib/gcc-lib/llvm/3.1/cc1
TOOLS = $(LEVEL)/tools/Debug
LLI = $(TOOLS)/lli
LLC = $(TOOLS)/llc
LGCCLD = $(TOOLS)/gccld -L/home/vadve/lattner/cvs/gcc_install/lib/gcc-lib/llvm/3.1/
LDIS = $(TOOLS)/dis
LOPT = $(TOOLS)/opt
LLINK = $(TOOLS)/link
# Native Tool Definitions
NATGCC = /usr/dcs/software/supported/bin/gcc
CC = /opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc
AS = /opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc
DIS = /usr/ccs/bin/dis
CP = /bin/cp -f
CFLAGS += -g -xarch=v9
Chris Lattner
#LLCLIB = $(LEVEL)/test/Libraries/runtime.o
ifeq ($(TRACE), yes)
ifeq ($(TRACEM), yes)
Output/%.ll: %.c $(LCC1) Output/.dir
# LLVM Assemble from Output/X.ll to Output/X.bc. Output/X.ll must have come
# from GCC output, so use GCCAS.
Output/%.bc: Output/%.ll $(LGCCAS)
$(LGCCAS) $< -o $@
# LLVM Assemble from X.ll to Output/X.bc. Because we are coming directly from
# LLVM source, use the non-transforming assembler.
# Compile a linked program to machine code for this processor.
$(LLC) $(LLCFLAGS) -f $< -o $@
# Assemble (and link) an LLVM-linked program using the system assembler...
Output/ Output/
# Testing versions of provided utilities...
Output/%.tll: %.c $(LCC1) Output/.dir
@echo "======== Compiling $<"
$(LCC) $(LCCFLAGS) -S $< -o $@ || \
( rm -f $@; $(FAILURE) $@ )
Output/%.tbc: Output/%.tll $(LAS)
@echo "======== Assembling $<"
$(LAS) -f $< -o $@ || \
( rm -f $@; $(FAILURE) $@ )
## Cancel built-in implicit rules that override above rules
%: %.s
%: %.c
%.o: %.c