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SimplifyLibCalls.cpp 77 KiB
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//      (if c is a constant integer and s is a constant string)
//   * strrchr(s1,0) -> strchr(s1,0)
// strncat:
//   * strncat(x,y,0) -> x
//   * strncat(x,y,0) -> x (if strlen(y) = 0)
//   * strncat(x,y,l) -> strcat(x,y) (if y and l are constants an l > strlen(y))
// strncpy:
//   * strncpy(d,s,0) -> d
//   * strncpy(d,s,l) -> memcpy(d,s,l,1)
//      (if s and l are constants)
// strpbrk:
//   * strpbrk(s,a) -> offset_in_for(s,a)
//      (if s and a are both constant strings)
//   * strpbrk(s,"") -> 0
//   * strpbrk(s,a) -> strchr(s,a[0]) (if a is constant string of length 1)
// strspn, strcspn:
//   * strspn(s,a)   -> const_int (if both args are constant)
//   * strspn("",a)  -> 0
//   * strspn(s,"")  -> 0
//   * strcspn(s,a)  -> const_int (if both args are constant)
//   * strcspn("",a) -> 0
//   * strcspn(s,"") -> strlen(a)
// strstr:
//   * strstr(x,x)  -> x
//   * strstr(s1,s2) -> offset_of_s2_in(s1)
//       (if s1 and s2 are constant strings)
// tan, tanf, tanl:
//   * tan(atan(x)) -> x
// trunc, truncf, truncl:
//   * trunc(cnst) -> cnst'