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GRConstants.cpp 12 KiB
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//===-- GRConstants.cpp - Simple, Path-Sens. Constant Prop. ------*- C++ -*-==//
//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
//               Constant Propagation via Graph Reachability
//  This files defines a simple analysis that performs path-sensitive
//  constant propagation within a function.  An example use of this analysis
//  is to perform simple checks for NULL dereferences.

#include "clang/Analysis/PathSensitive/GREngine.h"
#include "clang/AST/Expr.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/Analyses/LiveVariables.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/Visitors/CFGStmtVisitor.h"

#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
#include "llvm/Support/DataTypes.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/APSInt.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/FoldingSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ImmutableMap.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"

#ifndef NDEBUG
#include "llvm/Support/GraphWriter.h"
#include <sstream>

using namespace clang;
using llvm::APInt;
using llvm::APFloat;
using llvm::dyn_cast;
using llvm::cast;

/// DSPtr - A variant smart pointer that wraps either a ValueDecl* or a
///  Stmt*.  Use cast<> or dyn_cast<> to get actual pointer type
namespace {
  enum  VariantKind { IsValueDecl=0x1, IsBlkLvl=0x2, IsSubExp=0x3, Flags=0x3 };
  inline void* getPtr() const { return reinterpret_cast<void*>(Raw & ~Flags); }
  inline VariantKind getKind() const { return (VariantKind) (Raw & Flags); }
  DSPtr(ValueDecl* D) : Raw(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(D) | IsValueDecl) {}
    : Raw(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(S) | (isBlkLvl ? IsBlkLvl : IsSubExp)) {}
  bool isSubExpr() const { return getKind() == IsSubExp; }
  inline void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID& ID) const {
    ID.AddInteger((unsigned) getKind());
  inline bool operator==(const DSPtr& X) const { return Raw == X.Raw; }  
  inline bool operator!=(const DSPtr& X) const { return Raw != X.Raw; }
  inline bool operator<(const DSPtr& X) const { return Raw < X.Raw; }  
// Machinery to get cast<> and dyn_cast<> working with DSPtr.
  template<> inline bool isa<ValueDecl,DSPtr>(const DSPtr& V) {
    return V.getKind() == DSPtr::IsValueDecl;
  template<> inline bool isa<Stmt,DSPtr>(const DSPtr& V) {
    return ((unsigned) V.getKind()) > DSPtr::IsValueDecl;
  template<> struct VISIBILITY_HIDDEN cast_retty_impl<ValueDecl,DSPtr> {
    typedef const ValueDecl* ret_type;
  template<> struct VISIBILITY_HIDDEN cast_retty_impl<Stmt,DSPtr> {
  template<> struct VISIBILITY_HIDDEN simplify_type<DSPtr> {
    static inline SimpleType getSimplifiedValue(const DSPtr &V) {
      return V.getPtr();
} // end llvm namespace

// DeclStmtMapTy - A ImmutableMap type from Decl*/Stmt* to integers.
//  FIXME: We may eventually use APSInt, or a mixture of APSInt and
//         integer primitives to do this right; this will handle both
//         different bit-widths and allow us to detect integer overflows, etc.

typedef llvm::ImmutableMap<DSPtr,uint64_t> DeclStmtMapTy;

namespace clang {
struct VISIBILITY_HIDDEN GRTrait<DeclStmtMapTy> {
  static inline void* toPtr(DeclStmtMapTy M) {
    return reinterpret_cast<void*>(M.getRoot());
  static inline DeclStmtMapTy toState(void* P) {
    return DeclStmtMapTy(static_cast<DeclStmtMapTy::TreeTy*>(P));

// The Checker!

namespace {
class VISIBILITY_HIDDEN ExprVariantTy {
  const uint64_t val;
  const bool isConstant;
  ExprVariantTy() : val(0), isConstant(false) {}
  ExprVariantTy(uint64_t v) : val(v), isConstant(true) {}
  operator bool() const { return isConstant; }
  uint64_t getVal() const { assert (isConstant); return val; }
  ExprVariantTy operator+(const ExprVariantTy& X) const {
    if (!isConstant || !X.isConstant) return ExprVariantTy();
    else return ExprVariantTy(val+X.val);
  ExprVariantTy operator-(const ExprVariantTy& X) const {
    if (!isConstant || !X.isConstant) return ExprVariantTy();
    else return ExprVariantTy(val-X.val);
} // end anonymous namespace

// The Checker!

namespace {
class VISIBILITY_HIDDEN GRConstants : public CFGStmtVisitor<GRConstants> {
  typedef DeclStmtMapTy StateTy;
  typedef GRNodeBuilder<GRConstants> NodeBuilder;
  typedef ExplodedNode<StateTy> NodeTy;
  // Liveness - live-variables information the ValueDecl* and Expr* (block-level)
  //  in the CFG.  Used to prune out dead state.
  LiveVariables* Liveness;

  // Builder - The current GRNodeBuilder which is used when building the nodes
  //  for a given statement.
  NodeBuilder* Builder;

  typedef llvm::SmallVector<NodeTy*,8> NodeSetTy;
  NodeSetTy NodeSetA;
  NodeSetTy NodeSetB;
  NodeSetTy* Nodes;
  NodeSetTy* OldNodes;
  GRConstants() : Liveness(NULL), Builder(NULL), cfg(NULL), 
    Nodes(&NodeSetA), OldNodes(&NodeSetB), 
    CurrentState(StateMgr.GetEmptyMap()) {} 
  ~GRConstants() { delete Liveness; }
  CFG& getCFG() { assert (cfg); return *cfg; }
  void Initialize(CFG& c) {
    cfg = &c;    
    Liveness = new LiveVariables(c);
  StateTy getInitialState() {
  void ProcessStmt(Stmt* S, NodeBuilder& builder);    
  StateTy RemoveGrandchildrenMappings(Stmt* S, StateTy M);

  void AddBinding(Expr* E, ExprVariantTy V, bool isBlkLvl = false);
  void AddBinding(ValueDecl* D, ExprVariantTy V);
  ExprVariantTy GetBinding(Expr* E);
  void BlockStmt_VisitStmt(Stmt* S) { DoStmt(S); }
  void VisitAssign(BinaryOperator* O);
  void VisitIntegerLiteral(IntegerLiteral* L);
  void VisitBinAdd(BinaryOperator* O);
  void VisitBinSub(BinaryOperator* O);
  void VisitBinAssign(BinaryOperator* D);
} // end anonymous namespace

void GRConstants::ProcessStmt(Stmt* S, NodeBuilder& builder) {
  Builder = &builder;
  NodeTy* N = Builder->getLastNode();
  assert (N);
  Builder = NULL;  

ExprVariantTy GRConstants::GetBinding(Expr* E) {
  DSPtr P(NULL);
  if (DeclRefExpr* D = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(E)) P = DSPtr(D->getDecl());
  else P = DSPtr(E, getCFG().isBlkExpr(E));

  StateTy::iterator I = CurrentState.find(P);
    return ExprVariantTy();
  return (*I).second;

void GRConstants::AddBinding(Expr* E, ExprVariantTy V, bool isBlkLvl) {
  if (V) 
    CurrentState = StateMgr.Add(CurrentState, DSPtr(E,isBlkLvl), V.getVal());
void GRConstants::AddBinding(ValueDecl* D, ExprVariantTy V) {
  if (V)
    CurrentState = StateMgr.Add(CurrentState, DSPtr(D), V.getVal());
    CurrentState = StateMgr.Remove(CurrentState, DSPtr(D));

void GRConstants::SwitchNodeSets() {
  NodeSetTy* Tmp = OldNodes;
  OldNodes = Nodes;
  Nodes = Tmp;

GRConstants::RemoveGrandchildrenMappings(Stmt* S, GRConstants::StateTy State) {
  typedef Stmt::child_iterator iterator;
  for (iterator I=S->child_begin(), E=S->child_end(); I!=E; ++I)
    if (Stmt* C = *I)
      for (iterator CI=C->child_begin(), CE=C->child_end(); CI!=CE; ++CI) {
        // Observe that this will only remove mappings to non-block level
        // expressions.  This is valid even if *CI is a block-level expression,
        // since it simply won't be in the map in the first place.
        // Note: This should also work if 'C' is a block-level expression,
        // although ideally we would want to skip processing C's children.
        State = StateMgr.Remove(State, DSPtr(*CI,false));
  return State;

void GRConstants::DoStmt(Stmt* S) {  
  for (Stmt::child_iterator I=S->child_begin(), E=S->child_end(); I!=E; ++I)
  for (NodeSetTy::iterator I=OldNodes->begin(), E=OldNodes->end(); I!=E; ++I) {
    NodeTy* Pred = *I;
    CurrentState = Pred->getState();

    StateTy OldState = CurrentState;
    CurrentState = RemoveGrandchildrenMappings(S, CurrentState);
      NodeTy* N = Builder->generateNode(S, CurrentState, Pred);

void GRConstants::VisitIntegerLiteral(IntegerLiteral* L) {
  AddBinding(L, L->getValue().getZExtValue());

void GRConstants::VisitBinAdd(BinaryOperator* B) {
  AddBinding(B, GetBinding(B->getLHS()) + GetBinding(B->getRHS()));

void GRConstants::VisitBinSub(BinaryOperator* B) {
  AddBinding(B, GetBinding(B->getLHS()) - GetBinding(B->getRHS()));

static inline Expr* IgnoreParen(Expr* E) {
  while (ParenExpr* P = dyn_cast<ParenExpr>(E))
    E = P->getSubExpr();
  return E;

void GRConstants::VisitBinAssign(BinaryOperator* B) {
  if (DeclRefExpr* D = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(IgnoreParen(B->getLHS())))
    AddBinding(D->getDecl(), GetBinding(B->getRHS()));

// Driver.

#ifndef NDEBUG
namespace llvm {
struct VISIBILITY_HIDDEN DOTGraphTraits<GRConstants::NodeTy*> :
  public DefaultDOTGraphTraits {
  static std::string getNodeLabel(const GRConstants::NodeTy* N, void*) {
    std::ostringstream Out;
    Out << "Vertex: " << (void*) N << '\n';
    ProgramPoint Loc = N->getLocation();
    switch (Loc.getKind()) {
      case ProgramPoint::BlockEntranceKind:
        Out << "Block Entrance: B" 
            << cast<BlockEntrance>(Loc).getBlock()->getBlockID();
      case ProgramPoint::BlockExitKind:
        assert (false);
      case ProgramPoint::PostStmtKind: {
        const PostStmt& L = cast<PostStmt>(Loc);
        Out << "Stmt: " << (void*) L.getStmt() << '\n';
      default: {
        const BlockEdge& E = cast<BlockEdge>(Loc);
        Out << "Edge: (B" << E.getSrc()->getBlockID() << ", B"
            << E.getDst()->getBlockID()  << ')';
    Out << "\n{";
    GRConstants::StateTy M = N->getState();
    bool isFirst = true;

    for (GRConstants::StateTy::iterator I=M.begin(), E=M.end(); I!=E; ++I) {
      if (!isFirst)
        Out << '\n';
        isFirst = false;
      if (ValueDecl* V = dyn_cast<ValueDecl>(I.getKey())) {
        Out << "Decl: " << (void*) V << ", " << V->getName();          
      else {
        Stmt* E = cast<Stmt>(I.getKey());
        Out << "Stmt: " << (void*) E;
      Out << " => " << I.getData();
    Out << " }";
    return Out.str();
} // end llvm namespace    

namespace clang {
void RunGRConstants(CFG& cfg) {
  GREngine<GRConstants> Engine(cfg);
#ifndef NDEBUG