<< "\t" << TAI->getCommentString()
<< " long double least significant word\n";
O << TAI->getData32bitsDirective() << uint32_t(p[1] >> 32)
<< "\t" << TAI->getCommentString()
<< " long double next word\n";
O << TAI->getData32bitsDirective() << uint32_t(p[0])
<< "\t" << TAI->getCommentString()
<< " long double next word\n";
O << TAI->getData32bitsDirective() << uint32_t(p[0] >> 32)
<< "\t" << TAI->getCommentString()
<< " long double most significant word\n";
} else assert(0 && "Floating point constant type not handled");
if (const ConstantInt *CI = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(CV)) {
if (TAI->getData64bitsDirective())
O << TAI->getData64bitsDirective() << Val << "\n";
else if (TD->isBigEndian()) {
O << TAI->getData32bitsDirective() << unsigned(Val >> 32)
<< "\t" << TAI->getCommentString()
<< " Double-word most significant word " << Val << "\n";
O << TAI->getData32bitsDirective() << unsigned(Val)
<< "\t" << TAI->getCommentString()
<< " Double-word least significant word " << Val << "\n";
O << TAI->getData32bitsDirective() << unsigned(Val)
<< "\t" << TAI->getCommentString()
<< " Double-word least significant word " << Val << "\n";
O << TAI->getData32bitsDirective() << unsigned(Val >> 32)
<< "\t" << TAI->getCommentString()
<< " Double-word most significant word " << Val << "\n";
} else if (const ConstantVector *CP = dyn_cast<ConstantVector>(CV)) {
const VectorType *PTy = CP->getType();
for (unsigned I = 0, E = PTy->getNumElements(); I < E; ++I)
EmitGlobalConstant(CP->getOperand(I), false);
const Type *type = CV->getType();
AsmPrinter::EmitMachineConstantPoolValue(MachineConstantPoolValue *MCPV) {
// Target doesn't support this yet!
/// PrintSpecial - Print information related to the specified machine instr
/// that is independent of the operand, and may be independent of the instr
/// itself. This can be useful for portably encoding the comment character
/// or other bits of target-specific knowledge into the asmstrings. The
/// syntax used is ${:comment}. Targets can override this to add support
/// for their own strange codes.
void AsmPrinter::PrintSpecial(const MachineInstr *MI, const char *Code) {
if (!strcmp(Code, "private")) {
O << TAI->getPrivateGlobalPrefix();
} else if (!strcmp(Code, "comment")) {
O << TAI->getCommentString();
} else if (!strcmp(Code, "uid")) {
// Assign a unique ID to this machine instruction.
static const MachineInstr *LastMI = 0;
static unsigned Counter = 0U-1;
// Comparing the address of MI isn't sufficient, because machineinstrs may
// be allocated to the same address across functions.
const Function *ThisF = MI->getParent()->getParent()->getFunction();
// If this is a new machine instruction, bump the counter.
if (LastMI != MI || F != ThisF) {
LastMI = MI;
F = ThisF;
O << Counter;
} else {
Bill Wendling
cerr << "Unknown special formatter '" << Code
<< "' for machine instr: " << *MI;
/// printInlineAsm - This method formats and prints the specified machine
/// instruction that is an inline asm.
void AsmPrinter::printInlineAsm(const MachineInstr *MI) const {
unsigned NumOperands = MI->getNumOperands();
// Count the number of register definitions.
unsigned NumDefs = 0;
for (; MI->getOperand(NumDefs).isRegister() && MI->getOperand(NumDefs).isDef();
assert(NumDefs != NumOperands-1 && "No asm string?");
assert(MI->getOperand(NumDefs).isExternalSymbol() && "No asm string?");
// Disassemble the AsmStr, printing out the literal pieces, the operands, etc.
const char *AsmStr = MI->getOperand(NumDefs).getSymbolName();
// If this asmstr is empty, just print the #APP/#NOAPP markers.
// These are useful to see where empty asm's wound up.
if (AsmStr[0] == 0) {
O << TAI->getInlineAsmStart() << "\n\t" << TAI->getInlineAsmEnd() << "\n";
O << TAI->getInlineAsmStart() << "\n\t";
// The variant of the current asmprinter.
int AsmPrinterVariant = TAI->getAssemblerDialect();
int CurVariant = -1; // The number of the {.|.|.} region we are in.
const char *LastEmitted = AsmStr; // One past the last character emitted.
while (*LastEmitted) {
switch (*LastEmitted) {
default: {
// Not a special case, emit the string section literally.
const char *LiteralEnd = LastEmitted+1;
while (*LiteralEnd && *LiteralEnd != '{' && *LiteralEnd != '|' &&
*LiteralEnd != '}' && *LiteralEnd != '$' && *LiteralEnd != '\n')
if (CurVariant == -1 || CurVariant == AsmPrinterVariant)
O.write(LastEmitted, LiteralEnd-LastEmitted);
LastEmitted = LiteralEnd;
case '\n':
++LastEmitted; // Consume newline character.
O << "\n"; // Indent code with newline.
case '$': {
++LastEmitted; // Consume '$' character.
bool Done = true;
// Handle escapes.
switch (*LastEmitted) {
default: Done = false; break;
case '$': // $$ -> $
if (CurVariant == -1 || CurVariant == AsmPrinterVariant)
O << '$';
++LastEmitted; // Consume second '$' character.
case '(': // $( -> same as GCC's { character.
++LastEmitted; // Consume '(' character.
if (CurVariant != -1) {
Bill Wendling
cerr << "Nested variants found in inline asm string: '"
<< AsmStr << "'\n";
CurVariant = 0; // We're in the first variant now.
case '|':
++LastEmitted; // consume '|' character.
if (CurVariant == -1) {
Bill Wendling
cerr << "Found '|' character outside of variant in inline asm "
<< "string: '" << AsmStr << "'\n";
++CurVariant; // We're in the next variant.
case ')': // $) -> same as GCC's } char.
++LastEmitted; // consume ')' character.
if (CurVariant == -1) {
Bill Wendling
cerr << "Found '}' character outside of variant in inline asm "
<< "string: '" << AsmStr << "'\n";
CurVariant = -1;
if (Done) break;
bool HasCurlyBraces = false;
if (*LastEmitted == '{') { // ${variable}
++LastEmitted; // Consume '{' character.
HasCurlyBraces = true;
const char *IDStart = LastEmitted;
char *IDEnd;
long Val = strtol(IDStart, &IDEnd, 10); // We only accept numbers for IDs.
if (!isdigit(*IDStart) || (Val == 0 && errno == EINVAL)) {
Bill Wendling
cerr << "Bad $ operand number in inline asm string: '"
<< AsmStr << "'\n";
LastEmitted = IDEnd;
char Modifier[2] = { 0, 0 };
if (HasCurlyBraces) {
// If we have curly braces, check for a modifier character. This
// supports syntax like ${0:u}, which correspond to "%u0" in GCC asm.
if (*LastEmitted == ':') {
++LastEmitted; // Consume ':' character.
if (*LastEmitted == 0) {
Bill Wendling
cerr << "Bad ${:} expression in inline asm string: '"
<< AsmStr << "'\n";
Modifier[0] = *LastEmitted;
++LastEmitted; // Consume modifier character.
if (*LastEmitted != '}') {
Bill Wendling
cerr << "Bad ${} expression in inline asm string: '"
<< AsmStr << "'\n";
++LastEmitted; // Consume '}' character.
if ((unsigned)Val >= NumOperands-1) {
Bill Wendling
cerr << "Invalid $ operand number in inline asm string: '"
<< AsmStr << "'\n";
// Okay, we finally have a value number. Ask the target to print this
// operand!
if (CurVariant == -1 || CurVariant == AsmPrinterVariant) {
unsigned OpNo = 1;
// Scan to find the machine operand number for the operand.
for (; Val; --Val) {
if (OpNo >= MI->getNumOperands()) break;
unsigned OpFlags = MI->getOperand(OpNo).getImm();
OpNo += (OpFlags >> 3) + 1;
if (OpNo >= MI->getNumOperands()) {
Error = true;
unsigned OpFlags = MI->getOperand(OpNo).getImm();
++OpNo; // Skip over the ID number.
if (Modifier[0]=='l') // labels are target independent
false, false);
else {
AsmPrinter *AP = const_cast<AsmPrinter*>(this);
if ((OpFlags & 7) == 4 /*ADDR MODE*/) {
Error = AP->PrintAsmMemoryOperand(MI, OpNo, AsmPrinterVariant,
Modifier[0] ? Modifier : 0);
} else {
Error = AP->PrintAsmOperand(MI, OpNo, AsmPrinterVariant,
Modifier[0] ? Modifier : 0);
if (Error) {
Bill Wendling
cerr << "Invalid operand found in inline asm: '"
<< AsmStr << "'\n";
O << "\n\t" << TAI->getInlineAsmEnd() << "\n";
/// printLabel - This method prints a local label used by debug and
/// exception handling tables.
void AsmPrinter::printLabel(const MachineInstr *MI) const {
O << TAI->getPrivateGlobalPrefix()
<< "label" << MI->getOperand(0).getImm() << ":\n";
Evan Cheng
void AsmPrinter::printLabel(unsigned Id) const {
O << TAI->getPrivateGlobalPrefix() << "label" << Id << ":\n";
Evan Cheng
Evan Cheng
/// printDeclare - This method prints a local variable declaration used by
/// debug tables.
Evan Cheng
/// FIXME: It doesn't really print anything rather it inserts a DebugVariable
/// entry into dwarf table.
Evan Cheng
void AsmPrinter::printDeclare(const MachineInstr *MI) const {
Evan Cheng
int FI = MI->getOperand(0).getIndex();
GlobalValue *GV = MI->getOperand(1).getGlobal();
MMI->RecordVariable(GV, FI);
Evan Cheng
/// PrintAsmOperand - Print the specified operand of MI, an INLINEASM
/// instruction, using the specified assembler variant. Targets should
/// overried this to format as appropriate.
bool AsmPrinter::PrintAsmOperand(const MachineInstr *MI, unsigned OpNo,
unsigned AsmVariant, const char *ExtraCode) {
// Target doesn't support this yet!
return true;
bool AsmPrinter::PrintAsmMemoryOperand(const MachineInstr *MI, unsigned OpNo,
unsigned AsmVariant,
const char *ExtraCode) {
// Target doesn't support this yet!
return true;
/// printBasicBlockLabel - This method prints the label for the specified
/// MachineBasicBlock
void AsmPrinter::printBasicBlockLabel(const MachineBasicBlock *MBB,
bool printColon,
bool printComment) const {
O << TAI->getPrivateGlobalPrefix() << "BB" << getFunctionNumber() << "_"
<< MBB->getNumber();
if (printColon)
O << ':';
if (printComment && MBB->getBasicBlock())
O << '\t' << TAI->getCommentString() << ' '
<< MBB->getBasicBlock()->getName();
/// printPICJumpTableSetLabel - This method prints a set label for the
/// specified MachineBasicBlock for a jumptable entry.
void AsmPrinter::printPICJumpTableSetLabel(unsigned uid,
const MachineBasicBlock *MBB) const {
if (!TAI->getSetDirective())
O << TAI->getSetDirective() << ' ' << TAI->getPrivateGlobalPrefix()
<< getFunctionNumber() << '_' << uid << "_set_" << MBB->getNumber() << ',';
printBasicBlockLabel(MBB, false, false);
O << '-' << TAI->getPrivateGlobalPrefix() << "JTI" << getFunctionNumber()
<< '_' << uid << '\n';
void AsmPrinter::printPICJumpTableSetLabel(unsigned uid, unsigned uid2,
const MachineBasicBlock *MBB) const {
if (!TAI->getSetDirective())
O << TAI->getSetDirective() << ' ' << TAI->getPrivateGlobalPrefix()
<< getFunctionNumber() << '_' << uid << '_' << uid2
<< "_set_" << MBB->getNumber() << ',';
printBasicBlockLabel(MBB, false, false);
O << '-' << TAI->getPrivateGlobalPrefix() << "JTI" << getFunctionNumber()
<< '_' << uid << '_' << uid2 << '\n';
/// printDataDirective - This method prints the asm directive for the
/// specified type.
void AsmPrinter::printDataDirective(const Type *type) {
const TargetData *TD = TM.getTargetData();
switch (type->getTypeID()) {
case Type::IntegerTyID: {
unsigned BitWidth = cast<IntegerType>(type)->getBitWidth();
if (BitWidth <= 8)
O << TAI->getData8bitsDirective();
else if (BitWidth <= 16)
O << TAI->getData16bitsDirective();
else if (BitWidth <= 32)
O << TAI->getData32bitsDirective();
else if (BitWidth <= 64) {
assert(TAI->getData64bitsDirective() &&
"Target cannot handle 64-bit constant exprs!");
O << TAI->getData64bitsDirective();
case Type::PointerTyID:
if (TD->getPointerSize() == 8) {
assert(TAI->getData64bitsDirective() &&
"Target cannot handle 64-bit pointer exprs!");
O << TAI->getData64bitsDirective();
case Type::FloatTyID: case Type::DoubleTyID:
case Type::X86_FP80TyID: case Type::FP128TyID: case Type::PPC_FP128TyID:
assert (0 && "Should have already output floating point constant.");
assert (0 && "Can't handle printing this type of thing");