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#!/usr/bin/env python

A simple testing framework for lldb using python's unit testing framework.

Tests for lldb are written as python scripts which take advantage of the script
bridging provided by LLDB.framework to interact with lldb core.

A specific naming pattern is followed by the .py script to be recognized as
a module which implements a test scenario, namely, Test*.py.

To specify the directories where "Test*.py" python test scripts are located,
you need to pass in a list of directory names.  By default, the current
working directory is searched if nothing is specified on the command line.
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./ -h

for available options.
import progress
if sys.version_info >= (2, 7):
    argparse = __import__('argparse')
    argparse = __import__('argparse_compat')

def parse_args(parser):
    """ Returns an argument object. LLDB_TEST_ARGUMENTS environment variable can
        be used to pass additional arguments if a compatible (>=2.7) argparse
        library is available.
    if sys.version_info >= (2, 7):
        args = ArgParseNamespace()

        if ('LLDB_TEST_ARGUMENTS' in os.environ):
            print "Arguments passed through environment: '%s'" % os.environ['LLDB_TEST_ARGUMENTS']
            args = parser.parse_args([sys.argv[0]].__add__(os.environ['LLDB_TEST_ARGUMENTS'].split()),namespace=args)

        return parser.parse_args(namespace=args)
        return parser.parse_args()

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    """Returns true if fpath is an executable."""
    return os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK)

def which(program):
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    """Returns the full path to a program; None otherwise."""
    fpath, fname = os.path.split(program)
    if fpath:
        if is_exe(program):
            return program
        for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep):
            exe_file = os.path.join(path, program)
            if is_exe(exe_file):
                return exe_file
    return None

class _WritelnDecorator(object):
    """Used to decorate file-like objects with a handy 'writeln' method"""
    def __init__(self,stream): = stream

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        if attr in ('stream', '__getstate__'):
            raise AttributeError(attr)
        return getattr(,attr)

    def writeln(self, arg=None):
        if arg:
        self.write('\n') # text-mode streams translate to \r\n if needed

# Dictionary of categories
# When you define a new category for your testcases, be sure to add it here, or the test suite
# will gladly complain as soon as you try to use it. This allows us to centralize which categories
# exist, and to provide a description for each one
validCategories = {
'dataformatters':'Tests related to the type command and the data formatters subsystem',
'expression':'Tests related to the expression parser',
'objc':'Tests related to the Objective-C programming language support',
'pyapi':'Tests related to the Python API',
'basic_process': 'Basic process execution sniff tests.',
'cmdline' : 'Tests related to the LLDB command-line interface'
# By default, both command line and Python API tests are performed.
# Use @python_api_test decorator, defined in, to mark a test as
# a Python API test.
dont_do_python_api_test = False

# By default, both command line and Python API tests are performed.
just_do_python_api_test = False

# By default, benchmarks tests are not run.
just_do_benchmarks_test = False

# By default, both dsym and dwarf tests are performed.
# Use @dsym_test or @dwarf_test decorators, defined in, to mark a test
# as a dsym or dwarf test.  Use '-N dsym' or '-N dwarf' to exclude dsym or dwarf
# tests from running.
dont_do_dsym_test = "linux" in sys.platform or "freebsd" in sys.platform
# The blacklist is optional (-b blacklistFile) and allows a central place to skip
# testclass's and/or testclass.testmethod's.
blacklist = None

# The dictionary as a result of sourcing blacklistFile.
blacklistConfig = {}

# The list of categories we said we care about
categoriesList = None
# set to true if we are going to use categories for cherry-picking test cases
useCategories = False
# Categories we want to skip
skipCategories = []
# use this to track per-category failures
failuresPerCategory = {}

# The path to LLDB.framework is optional.
lldbFrameworkPath = None

# The path to lldb is optional
lldbExecutablePath = None

# The config file is optional.
configFile = None

# Test suite repeat count.  Can be overwritten with '-# count'.
count = 1

# The dictionary as a result of sourcing configFile.
config = {}
# The pre_flight and post_flight functions come from reading a config file.
pre_flight = None
post_flight = None
# So do the lldbtest_remote_sandbox and lldbtest_remote_shell_template variables.
lldbtest_remote_sandbox = None
lldbtest_remote_shell_template = None
# The 'archs' and 'compilers' can be specified via either command line or configFile,
# with the command line overriding the configFile.  The corresponding options can be
# specified more than once. For example, "-A x86_64 -A i386" => archs=['x86_64', 'i386']
# and "-C gcc -C clang" => compilers=['gcc', 'clang'].
archs = None        # Must be initialized after option parsing
compilers = None    # Must be initialized after option parsing
# The arch might dictate some specific CFLAGS to be passed to the toolchain to build
# the inferior programs.  The global variable cflags_extras provides a hook to do
# just that.
cflags_extras = ''

# Delay startup in order for the debugger to attach.
delay = False

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# Dump the Python sys.path variable.  Use '-D' to dump sys.path.
# Full path of the benchmark executable, as specified by the '-e' option.
bmExecutable = None
# The breakpoint specification of bmExecutable, as specified by the '-x' option.
bmBreakpointSpec = None
# The benchamrk iteration count, as specified by the '-y' option.
bmIterationCount = -1
# By default, don't exclude any directories.  Use '-X' to add one excluded directory.
excluded = set(['.svn', '.git'])

# By default, failfast is False.  Use '-F' to overwrite it.
failfast = False

# The filters (testclass.testmethod) used to admit tests into our test suite.
filters = []
# The runhooks is a list of lldb commands specifically for the debugger.
# Use '-k' to specify a runhook.
runHooks = []

# If '-g' is specified, the filterspec is not exclusive.  If a test module does
# not contain testclass.testmethod which matches the filterspec, the whole test
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