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  • Steve Naroff's avatar
    Bug #: · 0af91209
    Steve Naroff authored
    Submitted by:
    Reviewed by:
    - Disabled -pedantic for now (until it ignores system headers).
    - Removed convertSignedWithGreaterRankThanUnsigned() and convertFloatingRankToComplexType().
    The logic is now inlined in maxIntegerType and maxComplexType().
    - Removed getIntegerRank/getFloatingRank from the private interface. These
    are now really private helpers:-)
    - Declare maxIntegerType/maxFloatingType static. maxComplexType const.
    - Added an enum for the floating ranks.
    - Several fixed to getIntegerRank: add Bool, Char, and a clause for enums.
    llvm-svn: 39421