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  • Duncan Sands's avatar
    Fix PR1836: in the interpreter, read and write apints · 5c65cb46
    Duncan Sands authored
    using the minimum possible number of bytes.  For little
    endian targets run on little endian machines, apints are
    stored in memory from LSB to MSB as before.  For big endian
    targets on big endian machines they are stored from MSB to
    LSB which wasn't always the case before (if the target and
    host endianness doesn't match values are stored according
    to the host's endianness).  Doing this requires knowing the
    endianness of the host, which is determined when configuring -
    thanks go to Anton for this.  Only having access to little
    endian machines I was unable to properly test the big endian
    part, which is also the most complicated...
    llvm-svn: 44796