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  • Reid Spencer's avatar
    New Makefile Features: · 100080cc
    Reid Spencer authored
    * "dist" target now builds tar.gz, tar.bz2, and zip files suitable for
      distribution. "dist" can only be run from $(BUILD_OBJ_ROOT) and implies
      a "check".
    * made the preconditions not do a recursive make and ensured that they are
      executed sequentially.
    * made the messages output by the makefile be prefixed with "llvm" and the
      make level (e.g. llvm[1]: ) in the same way that make does so that the
      messages are uniform and more readable.
    * Fixed the tags target so that tags depends on TAGS which contains the
      rules to build a file named TAGS
    * Implemented the EXTRA_DIST feature in a few directories to make sure it
    llvm-svn: 17210