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  • Chandler Carruth's avatar
    [PM] Switch analysis managers to be threaded through the run methods · b3e72199
    Chandler Carruth authored
    rather than the constructors of passes.
    This simplifies the APIs of passes significantly and removes an error
    prone pattern where the *same* manager had to be given to every
    different layer. With the new API the analysis managers themselves will
    have to be cross connected with proxy analyses that allow a pass at one
    layer to query for the analysis manager of another layer. The proxy will
    both expose a handle to the other layer's manager and it will provide
    the invalidation hooks to ensure things remain consistent across layers.
    Finally, the outer-most analysis manager has to be passed to the run
    method of the outer-most pass manager. The rest of the propagation is
    I've used SFINAE again to allow passes to completely disregard the
    analysis manager if they don't need or want to care. This helps keep
    simple things simple for users of the new pass manager.
    Also, the system specifically supports passing a null pointer into the
    outer-most run method if your pass pipeline neither needs nor wants to
    deal with analyses. I find this of dubious utility as while some
    *passes* don't care about analysis, I'm not sure there are any
    real-world users of the pass manager itself that need to avoid even
    creating an analysis manager. But it is easy to support, so there we go.
    Finally I renamed the module proxy for the function analysis manager to
    the more verbose but less confusing name of
    FunctionAnalysisManagerModuleProxy. I hate this name, but I have no idea
    what else to name these things. I'm expecting in the fullness of time to
    potentially have the complete cross product of types at the proxy layer:
    (except for XAnalysisManagerXProxy which doesn't make any sense)
    This should make it somewhat easier to do the next phases which is to
    build the upward proxy and get its invalidation correct, as well as to
    make the invalidation within the Module -> Function mapping pass be more
    fine grained so as to invalidate fewer fuction analyses.
    After all of the proxy analyses are done and the invalidation working,
    I'll finally be able to start working on the next two fun fronts: how to
    adapt an existing pass to work in both the legacy pass world and the new
    one, and building the SCC, Loop, and Region counterparts. Fun times!
    llvm-svn: 195400