DumpValueObject() 2.0 This checkin restores pre-Xcode5 functionality to the "po" (expr -O) command: - expr now has a new --description-verbosity (-v) argument, which takes either compact or full as a value (-v is the same as -vfull) When the full mode is on, "po" will show the extended output with type name, persistent variable name and value, as in (lldb) expr -O -v -- foo (id) $0 = 0x000000010010baf0 { 1 = 2; 2 = 3; } When -v is omitted, or -vcompact is passed, the Xcode5-style output will be shown, as in (lldb) expr -O -- foo { 1 = 2; 2 = 3; } - for a non-ObjectiveC object, LLDB will still try to retrieve a summary and/or value to display (lldb) po 5 5 -v also works in this mode (lldb) expr -O -vfull -- 5 (int) $4 = 5 On top of that, this is a major refactoring of the ValueObject printing code. The functionality is now factored into a ValueObjectPrinter class for easier maintenance in the future DumpValueObject() was turned into an instance method ValueObject::Dump() which simply calls through to the printer code, Dump_Impl has been removed Test case to follow llvm-svn: 191694
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