Implement -Wpadded and -Wpacked.
-Wpadded warns when undesired padding is introduced in a struct. (rdar://7469556) -Wpacked warns if a struct is given the packed attribute, but the packed attribute has no effect on the layout or the size of the struct. Such structs may be mis-aligned for little benefit. The warnings are emitted at the point where layout is calculated, that is at RecordLayoutBuilder. To avoid calculating the layouts of all structs regardless of whether they are needed or not, I let the layouts be lazily constructed when needed. This has the disadvantage that the above warnings will be emitted only when they are used for IR gen, and not e.g with -fsyntax-only: $ cat t.c struct S { char c; int i; }; void f(struct S* s) {} $ clang -fsyntax-only -Wpadded t.c $ clang -c -Wpadded t.c -o t.o t.c:3:7: warning: padding struct 'struct S' with 3 bytes to align 'i' [-Wpadded] int i; ^ 1 warning generated. This is a good tradeoff between providing the warnings and not calculating layouts for all structs in case the user has enabled a couple of rarely used warnings. llvm-svn: 114544
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