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  1. Aug 21, 2013
  2. Aug 20, 2013
  3. Aug 19, 2013
  4. Aug 18, 2013
  5. Aug 17, 2013
    • Reed Kotler's avatar
      Fix a subtle difference between running clang vs llc for mips16. · 0eae85fb
      Reed Kotler authored
      This regards how mips16 is viewed. It's not really a target type but
      there has always been a target for it in the td files. It's more properly
      -mcpu=mips32 -mattr=+mips16 . This is how clang treats it but we have
      always had the -mcpu=mips16 which I probably should delete now but it will
      require updating all the .ll test cases for mips16. In this case it changed
      how we decide if we have a count bits instruction and whether instruction
      lowering should then expand ctlz. Now that we have dual mode compilation,
      -mattr=+mips16 really just indicates the inital processor mode that
      we are compiling for. (It is also possible to have -mcpu=64 -mattr=+mips16
      but as far as I know, nobody has even built such a processor, though there
      is an architecture manual for this).
      llvm-svn: 188586
  6. Aug 16, 2013
  7. Aug 15, 2013
    • Jack Carter's avatar
      [Mips][msa] Added the simple builtins (madd_q to xori) · d12e837f
      Jack Carter authored
      madd_q, maddr_q, maddv, max_[asu], maxi_[su], min_[asu], mini_[su], mod_[su],
      msub_q, msubr_q, msubv, mul_q, mulr_q, mulv, nloc, nlzc, nori, ori, pckev,
      pckod, pcnt, sat_[su], shf, sld, sldi, sll, slli, splat, splati, sr[al],
      sr[al]i, subs_[su], subss_u, subus_s, subv, subvi, vshf, xori
      Patch by Daniel Sanders
      llvm-svn: 188460
    • Jack Carter's avatar
      [Mips][msa] Added the simple builtins (fadd to ftq) · b95ee691
      Jack Carter authored
      fadd, fceq, fcg[et], fclass, fcl[et], fcne, fcun, fdiv, fexdo, fexp2,
      fexup[lr], ffint_[su], ffql, ffqr, fill, flog2, fmadd, fmax, fmax_a, fmin,
      fmin_a, fmsub, fmul, frint, frcp, frsqrt, fseq, fsge, fsgt, fsle, fslt,
      fsne, fsqr, fsub, ftint_s, ftq
      Patch by Daniel Sanders
      llvm-svn: 188458
    • Jack Carter's avatar
      [Mips][msa] Added the simple builtins (add_a to dpsub[su], ilvev to ldi) · babdcc8c
      Jack Carter authored
      add_a, adds_[asu], addv, addvi, andi.b, asub_[su].[bhwd], aver?_[su]_[bhwd],
      bclr, bclri, bins[lr], bins[lr]i, bmnzi, bmzi, bneg, bnegi, bseli, bset, bseti,
      c(eq|ne), c(eq|ne)i, cl[et]_[su], cl[et]i_[su], copy_[su].[bhw], div_[su],
      dotp_[su], dpadd_[su], dpsub_[su], ilvev, ilvl, ilvod, ilvr, insv, insve,
      Patch by Daniel Sanders
      llvm-svn: 188457
  8. Aug 14, 2013
  9. Aug 13, 2013
  10. Aug 12, 2013
  11. Aug 11, 2013
    • Reed Kotler's avatar
      Don't generate floating point stubs for mips16 code if the function · d265e888
      Reed Kotler authored
      is actually an instrinsic that will not occur in libc. This list here
      is not exhaustive but fixes the one places in test-suite where this occurs.
      I have filed a bug against myself to research the full list and add them
      to the array of such cases. In the future, actual stub generation will occur
      in a later phase and we won't need this code because we will know at that time
      during the compilation that in fact no helper function was even needed.
      llvm-svn: 188149
    • Reed Kotler's avatar
      Incorrect JAL instruction attributes caused the optimizer to make a wrong · 705c5951
      Reed Kotler authored
      instruction move. Just affects static relocation. -static works fine now
      with mips16 for the most part.
      llvm-svn: 188143
  12. Aug 09, 2013
  13. Aug 08, 2013
  14. Aug 07, 2013