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  1. May 16, 2012
  2. May 09, 2012
  3. May 08, 2012
    • Johnny Chen's avatar
      Add an -F option to the script to selectively re-run only those failed... · ddb14906
      Johnny Chen authored
      Add an -F option to the script to selectively re-run only those failed sessions whose filenames contain the component(s)
      specified.  For example:
          ./ -F x86_64 -n 2012-05-07-15_28_24
      will redo the failed sessions under the 2012-05-07-15_28_24 directory, but only for session names which contain 'x86_64' in it.
      llvm-svn: 156335
  4. Jan 24, 2012
    • Johnny Chen's avatar
      Modify script so that if sessin_dir is left unspecified, it uses the heuristic · d0077903
      Johnny Chen authored
      to find the possible session directories with names starting with %Y-%m-%d- (for example,
      2012-01-23-) and employs the one with the latest timestamp.  For example:
      johnny:/Volumes/data/lldb/svn/latest/test $ ./ 
      Using session dir path: /Volumes/data/lldb/svn/latest/test/2012-01-23-11_28_30
      adding filterspec: DisassembleRawDataTestCase.test_disassemble_raw_data
      Running ./  -C clang  -v -t -f DisassembleRawDataTestCase.test_disassemble_raw_data
      LLDB build dir: /Volumes/data/lldb/svn/latest/build/Debug
      Path: /Volumes/data/lldb/svn/latest
      Repository Root:
      Repository UUID: 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
      Revision: 148710
      Node Kind: directory
      Schedule: normal
      Last Changed Author: gclayton
      Last Changed Rev: 148650
      Last Changed Date: 2012-01-21 18:55:08 -0800 (Sat, 21 Jan 2012)
      Session logs for test failures/errors/unexpected successes will go into directory '2012-01-23-17_04_48'
      Command invoked: python ./ -C clang -v -t -f DisassembleRawDataTestCase.test_disassemble_raw_data
      Configuration:  compiler=clang
      Collected 1 test
      Change dir to: /Volumes/data/lldb/svn/latest/test/python_api/disassemble-raw-data
      1: test_disassemble_raw_data (TestDisassembleRawData.DisassembleRawDataTestCase)
         Test disassembling raw bytes with the API. ... 
      Raw bytes:    ['0x48', '0x89', '0xe5']
      Disassembled: movq   %rsp, %rbp
      Restore dir to: /Volumes/data/lldb/svn/latest/test
      Ran 1 test in 0.233s
      llvm-svn: 148766
  5. Nov 30, 2011
  6. Aug 16, 2011
  7. Jul 30, 2011
    • Johnny Chen's avatar
      Add a script which takes a session directory name as arg and digs into the directory · 4a57d122
      Johnny Chen authored
      to find out the tests which failed/errored and need re-running.  The test driver
      script is modified to allow specifying multiple -f testclass.testmethod in the command line
      to accommodate the redo functionality.
      An example,
       $ ./ -n 2011-07-29-11_50_14
      adding filterspec: TargetAPITestCase.test_find_global_variables_with_dwarf
      adding filterspec: DisasmAPITestCase.test_with_dsym
      Running ./ -v  -f TargetAPITestCase.test_find_global_variables_with_dwarf -f DisasmAPITestCase.test_with_dsym
      Collected 2 tests
      1: test_with_dsym (TestDisasmAPI.DisasmAPITestCase)
         Exercise getting SBAddress objects, disassembly, and SBAddress APIs. ... ok
      2: test_find_global_variables_with_dwarf (TestTargetAPI.TargetAPITestCase)
         Exercise SBTarget.FindGlobalVariables() API. ... ok
      Ran 2 tests in 15.328s
      llvm-svn: 136533