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  1. Oct 28, 2002
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  8. Jul 23, 2002
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  15. Oct 18, 2001
  16. Oct 15, 2001
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  18. Sep 15, 2001
  19. Sep 14, 2001
    • Chris Lattner's avatar
      This checkin represents some cleanup of the backend, implementing the following things: · 0a823a06
      Chris Lattner authored
      1. The TargetMachine structure is free to decide the process a particular target uses to generate code.
      2. All of the gooee details of the sparc backend are now localized in the lib/CodeGen/TargetMAchine/Sparc directory.  The Sparc.h file that is globally visible is just a stub.
      3. The Sparc.h file that esxists now will dissapear entirely someday when we have multiple backends chosen by a factory of some sort.
      llvm-svn: 559
  20. Sep 08, 2001
  21. Aug 29, 2001
  22. Jul 23, 2001
  23. Jul 21, 2001