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  • Zachary Turner's avatar
    Re-revert "Refactor debuginfo-tests" · b5c237ec
    Zachary Turner authored
    This is still broken because it causes certain tests to be
    run twice with slightly different configurations, which is
    wrong in some cases.
    You can observe this by running:
      ninja -nv check-all | grep debuginfo-tests
    And seeing that it passes clang/test and clang/test/debuginfo-tests
    to lit, which causes it to run debuginfo-tests twice.  The fix is
    going to involve either:
      a) figuring out that we're running in this "deprecated" configuration,
         and then deleting the clang/test/debuginfo-tests path, which should
         cause it to behave identically to before, or:
      b) make lit smart enough that it doesn't descend into a sub-suite if
         that sub-suite already has a lit.cfg file.
    llvm-svn: 318486