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  • Dean Michael Berris's avatar
    [XRay] Implement `llvm-xray extract`, start of the llvm-xray tool · c92bfb5a
    Dean Michael Berris authored
      llvm-xray extract <object file> [-o <filename or '-'>]
    The tool gets the XRay instrumentation map from an object file and turns
    it into YAML.  We first support ELF64 sleds on x86_64 binaries, with
    provision for supporting other supported platforms and formats later.
    This is the first of a many-part change to fully implement the
    `llvm-xray` tool.
    We also define a subcommand registration and dispatch mechanism to be
    used by other further subcommand implementations for llvm-xray.
    Diffusion Revision:
    llvm-svn: 285165