The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure ================================ This directory and its subdirectories contain source code for LLVM, a toolkit for the construction of highly optimized compilers, optimizers, and runtime environments. LLVM is open source software. You may freely distribute it under the terms of the license agreement found in LICENSE.txt. Please see the documentation provided in docs/ for further assistance with LLVM, and in particular docs/GettingStarted.rst for getting started with LLVM and docs/README.txt for an overview of LLVM's documentation setup. If you are writing a package for LLVM, see docs/Packaging.rst for our suggestions.
Nico Weber
The Tooling tests do have a lit.local.cfg with if not config.root.clang_staticanalyzer: config.unsupported = True so what's wrong isn't the missing dep, but that lit prints a warning for the binary missing. This will need a different kind of fix. llvm-svn: 359739