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  • River Riddle's avatar
    [mlir][NFC] Move around the code related to PatternRewriting to improve layering · b6eb26fd
    River Riddle authored
    There are several pieces of pattern rewriting infra in IR/ that really shouldn't be there. This revision moves those pieces to a better location such that they are easier to evolve in the future(e.g. with PDL). More concretely this revision does the following:
    * Create a Transforms/GreedyPatternRewriteDriver.h and move the apply*andFold methods there.
    The definitions for these methods are already in Transforms/ so it doesn't make sense for the declarations to be in IR.
    * Create a new lib/Rewrite library and move PatternApplicator there.
    This new library will be focused on applying rewrites, and will also include compiling rewrites with PDL.
    Differential Revision: