[InstCombine] Avoid Bitcast-GEP fusion for pointers directly from allocation functions
Elimination of bitcasts with void pointer arguments results in GEPs with pure byte indexes. These GEPs do not preserve struct/array information and interrupt phi address translation in later pipeline stages. Here is the original motivation for this patch: ``` #include<stdio.h> #include<malloc.h> typedef struct __Node{ double f; struct __Node *next; } Node; void foo () { Node *a = (Node*) malloc (sizeof(Node)); a->next = NULL; a->f = 11.5f; Node *ptr = a; double sum = 0.0f; while (ptr) { sum += ptr->f; ptr = ptr->next; } printf("%f\n", sum); } ``` By explicit assignment `a->next = NULL`, we can infer the length of the link list is `1`. In this case we can eliminate while loop traversal entirely. This elimination is supposed to be performed by GVN/MemoryDependencyAnalysis/PhiTranslation . The final IR before this patch: ``` define dso_local void @foo(i32* nocapture readnone %r) local_unnamed_addr #0 { entry: %call = tail call noalias dereferenceable_or_null(16) i8* @malloc(i64 16) #2 %next = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %call, i64 8 %0 = bitcast i8* %next to %struct.__Node** store %struct.__Node* null, %struct.__Node** %0, align 8, !tbaa !2 %f = bitcast i8* %call to double* store double 1.150000e+01, double* %f, align 8, !tbaa !8 %tobool12 = icmp eq i8* %call, null br i1 %tobool12, label %while.end, label %while.body.lr.ph while.body.lr.ph: ; preds = %entry %1 = bitcast i8* %call to %struct.__Node* br label %while.body while.body: ; preds = %while.body.lr.ph, %while.body %sum.014 = phi double [ 0.000000e+00, %while.body.lr.ph ], [ %add, %while.body ] %ptr.013 = phi %struct.__Node* [ %1, %while.body.lr.ph ], [ %3, %while.body ] %f1 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.__Node, %struct.__Node* %ptr.013, i64 0, i32 0 %2 = load double, double* %f1, align 8, !tbaa !8 %add = fadd contract double %sum.014, %2 %next2 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.__Node, %struct.__Node* %ptr.013, i64 0, i32 1 %3 = load %struct.__Node*, %struct.__Node** %next2, align 8, !tbaa !2 %tobool = icmp eq %struct.__Node* %3, null br i1 %tobool, label %while.end, label %while.body while.end: ; preds = %while.body, %entry %sum.0.lcssa = phi double [ 0.000000e+00, %entry ], [ %add, %while.body ] %call3 = tail call i32 (i8*, ...) @printf(i8* nonnull dereferenceable(1) getelementptr inbounds ([4 x i8], [4 x i8]* @.str, i64 0, i64 0), double %sum.0.lcssa) ret void } ``` Final IR after this patch: ``` ; Function Attrs: nofree nounwind define dso_local void @foo(i32* nocapture readnone %r) local_unnamed_addr #0 { while.end: %call3 = tail call i32 (i8*, ...) @printf(i8* nonnull dereferenceable(1) getelementptr inbounds ([4 x i8], [4 x i8]* @.str, i64 0, i64 0), double 1.150000e+01) ret void } ``` IR before GVN before this patch: ``` define dso_local void @foo(i32* nocapture readnone %r) local_unnamed_addr #0 { entry: %call = tail call noalias dereferenceable_or_null(16) i8* @malloc(i64 16) #2 %next = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %call, i64 8 %0 = bitcast i8* %next to %struct.__Node** store %struct.__Node* null, %struct.__Node** %0, align 8, !tbaa !2 %f = bitcast i8* %call to double* store double 1.150000e+01, double* %f, align 8, !tbaa !8 %tobool12 = icmp eq i8* %call, null br i1 %tobool12, label %while.end, label %while.body.lr.ph while.body.lr.ph: ; preds = %entry %1 = bitcast i8* %call to %struct.__Node* br label %while.body while.body: ; preds = %while.body.lr.ph, %while.body %sum.014 = phi double [ 0.000000e+00, %while.body.lr.ph ], [ %add, %while.body ] %ptr.013 = phi %struct.__Node* [ %1, %while.body.lr.ph ], [ %3, %while.body ] %f1 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.__Node, %struct.__Node* %ptr.013, i64 0, i32 0 %2 = load double, double* %f1, align 8, !tbaa !8 %add = fadd contract double %sum.014, %2 %next2 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.__Node, %struct.__Node* %ptr.013, i64 0, i32 1 %3 = load %struct.__Node*, %struct.__Node** %next2, align 8, !tbaa !2 %tobool = icmp eq %struct.__Node* %3, null br i1 %tobool, label %while.end.loopexit, label %while.body while.end.loopexit: ; preds = %while.body %add.lcssa = phi double [ %add, %while.body ] br label %while.end while.end: ; preds = %while.end.loopexit, %entry %sum.0.lcssa = phi double [ 0.000000e+00, %entry ], [ %add.lcssa, %while.end.loopexit ] %call3 = tail call i32 (i8*, ...) @printf(i8* nonnull dereferenceable(1) getelementptr inbounds ([4 x i8], [4 x i8]* @.str, i64 0, i64 0), double %sum.0.lcssa) ret void } ``` IR before GVN after this patch: ``` define dso_local void @foo(i32* nocapture readnone %r) local_unnamed_addr #0 { entry: %call = tail call noalias dereferenceable_or_null(16) i8* @malloc(i64 16) #2 %0 = bitcast i8* %call to %struct.__Node* %next = getelementptr inbounds %struct.__Node, %struct.__Node* %0, i64 0, i32 1 store %struct.__Node* null, %struct.__Node** %next, align 8, !tbaa !2 %f = getelementptr inbounds %struct.__Node, %struct.__Node* %0, i64 0, i32 0 store double 1.150000e+01, double* %f, align 8, !tbaa !8 %tobool12 = icmp eq i8* %call, null br i1 %tobool12, label %while.end, label %while.body.preheader while.body.preheader: ; preds = %entry br label %while.body while.body: ; preds = %while.body.preheader, %while.body %sum.014 = phi double [ %add, %while.body ], [ 0.000000e+00, %while.body.preheader ] %ptr.013 = phi %struct.__Node* [ %2, %while.body ], [ %0, %while.body.preheader ] %f1 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.__Node, %struct.__Node* %ptr.013, i64 0, i32 0 %1 = load double, double* %f1, align 8, !tbaa !8 %add = fadd contract double %sum.014, %1 %next2 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.__Node, %struct.__Node* %ptr.013, i64 0, i32 1 %2 = load %struct.__Node*, %struct.__Node** %next2, align 8, !tbaa !2 %tobool = icmp eq %struct.__Node* %2, null br i1 %tobool, label %while.end.loopexit, label %while.body while.end.loopexit: ; preds = %while.body %add.lcssa = phi double [ %add, %while.body ] br label %while.end while.end: ; preds = %while.end.loopexit, %entry %sum.0.lcssa = phi double [ 0.000000e+00, %entry ], [ %add.lcssa, %while.end.loopexit ] %call3 = tail call i32 (i8*, ...) @printf(i8* nonnull dereferenceable(1) getelementptr inbounds ([4 x i8], [4 x i8]* @.str, i64 0, i64 0), double %sum.0.lcssa) ret void } ``` The phi translation fails before this patch and it prevents GVN to remove the loop. The reason for this failure is in InstCombine. When the Instruction combining pass decides to convert: ``` %call = tail call noalias dereferenceable_or_null(16) i8* @malloc(i64 16) %0 = bitcast i8* %call to %struct.__Node* %next = getelementptr inbounds %struct.__Node, %struct.__Node* %0, i64 0, i32 1 store %struct.__Node* null, %struct.__Node** %next ``` to ``` %call = tail call noalias dereferenceable_or_null(16) i8* @malloc(i64 16) %next = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %call, i64 8 %0 = bitcast i8* %next to %struct.__Node** store %struct.__Node* null, %struct.__Node** %0 ``` GEP instructions with pure byte indexes (e.g. `getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %call, i64 8`) are obstacles for address translation. address translation is looking for structural similarity between GEPs and these GEPs usually do not match since they have different structure. This change will cause couple of failures in LLVM-tests. However, in all cases we need to change expected result by the test. I will update those tests as soon as I get green light on this patch. Reviewed By: nikic Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D96881
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