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  1. Sep 27, 2016
    • Jonathan Peyton's avatar
      Disable monitor thread creation by default. · b66d1aab
      Jonathan Peyton authored
      This change set disables creation of the monitor thread by default.  The global
      counter maintained by the monitor thread was replaced by logic that uses system
      time directly, and cyclic yielding on Linux target was also removed since there
      was no clear benefit of using it. Turning on KMP_USE_MONITOR variable (=1)
      enables creation of monitor thread again if it is really necessary for some
      Differential Revision:
      llvm-svn: 282507
  2. Jul 08, 2016
    • Jonathan Peyton's avatar
      Improving EPCC performance when linking with hwloc · 4d3c2130
      Jonathan Peyton authored
      When linking with libhwloc, the ORDERED EPCC test slows down on big
      machines (> 48 cores). Performance analysis showed that a cache thrash
      was occurring and this padding helps alleviate the problem.
      Also, inside the main spin-wait loop in kmp_wait_release.h, we can eliminate
      the references to the global shared variables by instead creating a local
      variable, oversubscribed and instead checking that.
      Differential Revision:
      llvm-svn: 274894
  3. May 20, 2016
  4. May 12, 2016
  5. May 05, 2016
    • Jonathan Peyton's avatar
      [STATS] Use partitioned timer scheme · 11dc82fa
      Jonathan Peyton authored
      This change removes the current timers with ones that partition time properly.
      The current timers are nested, so that if a new timer, B, starts when the
      current timer, A, is already timing, A's time will include B's. To eliminate
      this problem, the partitioned timers are designed to stop the current timer (A),
      let the new timer run (B), and when the new timer is finished, restart the
      previously running timer (A). With this partitioning of time, a threads' timers
      all sum up to the OMP_worker_thread_life time and can now easily show the
      percentage of time a thread is spending in different parts of the runtime or
      user code.
      There is also a new state variable associated with each thread which tells where
      it is executing a task. This corresponds with the timers: OMP_task_*, e.g., if
      time is spent in OMP_task_taskwait, then that thread executed tasks inside a
      #pragma omp taskwait construct.
      The changes are mostly changing the MACROs to use the new PARITIONED_* macros,
      the new partitionedTimers class and its methods, and new state logic.
      Differential Revision:
      llvm-svn: 268640
  6. Mar 29, 2016
    • Jonathan Peyton's avatar
      Fix comment in kmp_wait_release.h · 4cfe93c5
      Jonathan Peyton authored
      Removed reference to "ref ct" in a comment, as ref_ct no longer exists. Also
      moved the comment to where the task_team is about to be tested if NULL.
      llvm-svn: 264786
  7. Jan 11, 2016
  8. Dec 19, 2015
  9. Nov 09, 2015
    • Jonathan Peyton's avatar
      Fixes to wait-loop code · 3f5dfc25
      Jonathan Peyton authored
      1) Add get_ptr_type() method to all wait flag types.
      2) Flag in sleep_loc may change type by the time the resume is called from
         __kmp_null_resume_wrapper. We use get_ptr_type to obtain the real type
         and compare it to the casted object received. If they don't match, we know
         the flag has changed (already resumed and replaced by another flag). If they
         match, it doesn't hurt to go ahead and resume it.
      Differential Revision:
      llvm-svn: 252487
  10. Nov 04, 2015
  11. Oct 08, 2015
  12. Sep 21, 2015
    • Jonathan Peyton's avatar
      [OMPT] Simplify control variable logic for OMPT · b68a85d1
      Jonathan Peyton authored
      Prior to this change, OMPT had a status flag ompt_status, which could take
      several values. This was due to an earlier OMPT design that had several levels
      of enablement (ready, disabled, tracking state, tracking callbacks). The
      current OMPT design has OMPT support either on or off.
      This revision replaces ompt_status with a boolean flag ompt_enabled, which 
      simplifies the runtime logic for OMPT.
      Patch by John Mellor-Crummey
      Differential Revision:
      llvm-svn: 248189
  13. Sep 10, 2015
  14. Jun 04, 2015
    • Jonathan Peyton's avatar
      Fix some sign compare warnings. · 1e7a1ddc
      Jonathan Peyton authored
      This change changes kmp_bstate.old_tid to sign integer instead of unsigned integer.
      It also defines two new macros KMP_NSEC_PER_SEC and KMP_USEC_PER_SEC which lets us take
      control of the sign (we want them to be longs).  Also, in kmp_wait_release.h, the byteref()
      function's return type is changed from char to unsigned char.
      llvm-svn: 239057
  15. Jun 03, 2015
  16. Apr 29, 2015
  17. Feb 10, 2015
  18. Jan 27, 2015
  19. Oct 07, 2014
    • Jim Cownie's avatar
      I apologise in advance for the size of this check-in. At Intel we do · 4cc4bb4c
      Jim Cownie authored
      understand that this is not friendly, and are working to change our
      internal code-development to make it easier to make development
      features available more frequently and in finer (more functional)
      chunks. Unfortunately we haven't got that in place yet, and unpicking
      this into multiple separate check-ins would be non-trivial, so please
      bear with me on this one. We should be better in the future.
      Apologies over, what do we have here?
      GGC 4.9 compatibility
      * We have implemented the new entrypoints used by code compiled by GCC
      4.9 to implement the same functionality in gcc 4.8. Therefore code
      compiled with gcc 4.9 that used to work will continue to do so.
      However, there are some other new entrypoints (associated with task
      cancellation) which are not implemented. Therefore user code compiled
      by gcc 4.9 that uses these new features will not link against the LLVM
      runtime. (It remains unclear how to handle those entrypoints, since
      the GCC interface has potentially unpleasant performance implications
      for join barriers even when cancellation is not used)
      --- new parallel entry points ---
      new entry points that aren't OpenMP 4.0 related
      These are implemented fully :-
      --- cancellation entry points ---
      Currently, these only give a runtime error if OMP_CANCELLATION is true
      because our plain barriers don't check for cancellation while waiting
      --- taskgroup entry points ---
      These are implemented fully.
      --- target entry points ---
      These are empty (as they are in libgomp)
      Improvements in Barriers and Fork/Join
      * Barrier and fork/join code is now in its own file (which makes it
      easier to understand and modify).
      * Wait/release code is now templated and in its own file; suspend/resume code is also templated
      * There's a new, hierarchical, barrier, which exploits the
      cache-hierarchy of the Intel(r) Xeon Phi(tm) coprocessor to improve
      fork/join and barrier performance.
      ***BEWARE*** the new source files have *not* been added to the legacy
      Cmake build system. If you want to use that fixes wil be required.
      Statistics Collection Code
      * New code has been added to collect application statistics (if this
      is enabled at library compile time; by default it is not). The
      statistics code itself is generally useful, the lightweight timing
      code uses the X86 rdtsc instruction, so will require changes for other
      The intent of this code is not for users to tune their codes but
      1) For timing code-paths inside the runtime
      2) For gathering general properties of OpenMP codes to focus attention
      on which OpenMP features are most used. 
      Nested Hot Teams
      * The runtime now maintains more state to reduce the overhead of
      creating and destroying inner parallel teams. This improves the
      performance of code that repeatedly uses nested parallelism with the
      same resource allocation. Set the new KMP_HOT_TEAMS_MAX_LEVEL
      envirable to a depth to enable this (and, of course, OMP_NESTED=true
      to enable nested parallelism at all).
      Improved Intel(r) VTune(Tm) Amplifier support
      * The runtime provides additional information to Vtune via the
      itt_notify interface to allow it to display better OpenMP specific
      analyses of load-imbalance.
      Support for OpenMP Composite Statements
      * Implement new entrypoints required by some of the OpenMP 4.1
      composite statements.
      Improved ifdefs
      * More separation of concepts ("Does this platform do X?") from
      platforms ("Are we compiling for platform Y?"), which should simplify
      future porting.
      ScaleMP* contribution
      Stack padding to improve the performance in their environment where
      cross-node coherency is managed at the page level.
      Redesign of wait and release code
      The code is simplified and performance improved.
      Bug Fixes
          *Fixes for Windows multiple processor groups.
          *Fix Fortran module build on Linux: offload attribute added.
          *Fix entry names for distribute-parallel-loop construct to be consistent with the compiler codegen.
          *Fix an inconsistent error message for KMP_PLACE_THREADS environment variable.
      llvm-svn: 219214