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GRExprEngine.cpp 57.6 KiB
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  if (UnaryOperator* U = dyn_cast<UnaryOperator>(Ex))
    if (U->getOpcode() == UnaryOperator::Deref) {
void GRExprEngine::VisitAsmStmt(AsmStmt* A, NodeTy* Pred, NodeSet& Dst) {
  VisitAsmStmtHelperOutputs(A, A->begin_outputs(), A->end_outputs(), Pred, Dst);

void GRExprEngine::VisitAsmStmtHelperOutputs(AsmStmt* A,
                                             AsmStmt::outputs_iterator I,
                                             AsmStmt::outputs_iterator E,
                                             NodeTy* Pred, NodeSet& Dst) {
  if (I == E) {
    VisitAsmStmtHelperInputs(A, A->begin_inputs(), A->end_inputs(), Pred, Dst);
  NodeSet Tmp;
  VisitLVal(*I, Pred, Tmp);
  for (NodeSet::iterator NI = Tmp.begin(), NE = Tmp.end(); NI != NE; ++NI)
    VisitAsmStmtHelperOutputs(A, I, E, *NI, Dst);

void GRExprEngine::VisitAsmStmtHelperInputs(AsmStmt* A,
                                            AsmStmt::inputs_iterator I,
                                            AsmStmt::inputs_iterator E,
                                            NodeTy* Pred, NodeSet& Dst) {
  if (I == E) {
    // We have processed both the inputs and the outputs.  All of the outputs
    // should evaluate to LVals.  Nuke all of their values.
    // FIXME: Some day in the future it would be nice to allow a "plug-in"
    // which interprets the inline asm and stores proper results in the
    // outputs.
    ValueState* St = GetState(Pred);
    for (AsmStmt::outputs_iterator OI = A->begin_outputs(),
                                   OE = A->end_outputs(); OI != OE; ++OI) {
      RVal X = GetLVal(St, *OI);
      assert (!isa<NonLVal>(X));
      if (isa<LVal>(X))
        St = SetRVal(St, cast<LVal>(X), UnknownVal());
    Nodify(Dst, A, Pred, St);
  NodeSet Tmp;
  Visit(*I, Pred, Tmp);
  for (NodeSet::iterator NI = Tmp.begin(), NE = Tmp.end(); NI != NE; ++NI)
    VisitAsmStmtHelperInputs(A, I, E, *NI, Dst);

void GRExprEngine::VisitBinaryOperator(BinaryOperator* B,
                                       GRExprEngine::NodeTy* Pred,
                                       GRExprEngine::NodeSet& Dst) {
  if (B->isAssignmentOp())
    Visit(B->getLHS(), Pred, S1);
  for (NodeSet::iterator I1=S1.begin(), E1=S1.end(); I1 != E1; ++I1) {
    // When getting the value for the LHS, check if we are in an assignment.
    // In such cases, we want to (initially) treat the LHS as an LVal,
    // so we use GetLVal instead of GetRVal so that DeclRefExpr's are
    // evaluated to LValDecl's instead of to an NonLVal.

    RVal LeftV = B->isAssignmentOp() ? GetLVal(GetState(N1), B->getLHS())
                                     : GetRVal(GetState(N1), B->getLHS());
    for (NodeSet::iterator I2 = S2.begin(), E2 = S2.end(); I2 != E2; ++I2) {
      Expr* RHS = B->getRHS();
      RVal RightV = GetRVal(St, RHS);
      BinaryOperator::Opcode Op = B->getOpcode();
      if ((Op == BinaryOperator::Div || Op == BinaryOperator::Rem)
          && RHS->getType()->isIntegerType()) {
        // Check if the denominator is undefined.
          if (RightV.isUndef()) {
            NodeTy* DivUndef = Builder->generateNode(B, St, N2);
          // First, "assume" that the denominator is 0 or undefined.
          bool isFeasibleZero = false;
          ValueState* ZeroSt =  Assume(St, RightV, false, isFeasibleZero);
          // Second, "assume" that the denominator cannot be 0.
          bool isFeasibleNotZero = false;
          St = Assume(St, RightV, true, isFeasibleNotZero);
          // Create the node for the divide-by-zero (if it occurred).
          if (isFeasibleZero)
            if (NodeTy* DivZeroNode = Builder->generateNode(B, ZeroSt, N2)) {
              if (isFeasibleNotZero)

        // Fall-through.  The logic below processes the divide.
        // Process non-assignements except commas or short-circuited
        // logical expressions (LAnd and LOr).
        RVal Result = EvalBinOp(Op, LeftV, RightV);
        if (Result.isUnknown()) {
        if (Result.isUndef() && !LeftV.isUndef() && !RightV.isUndef()) {
          // The operands were not undefined, but the result is undefined.
          if (NodeTy* UndefNode = Builder->generateNode(B, St, N2)) {
        Nodify(Dst, B, N2, SetRVal(St, B, Result));
          if (LeftV.isUndef()) {
            HandleUndefinedStore(B, N2);
          // EXPERIMENTAL: "Conjured" symbols.
          if (RightV.isUnknown()) {            
            unsigned Count = Builder->getCurrentBlockCount();
            SymbolID Sym = SymMgr.getConjuredSymbol(B->getRHS(), Count);
            RightV = B->getRHS()->getType()->isPointerType() 
                     ? cast<RVal>(lval::SymbolVal(Sym)) 
                     : cast<RVal>(nonlval::SymbolVal(Sym));            
          // Even if the LHS evaluates to an unknown L-Value, the entire
          // expression still evaluates to the RHS.
          if (LeftV.isUnknown()) {
            St = SetRVal(St, B, RightV);
          // Simulate the effects of a "store":  bind the value of the RHS
          // to the L-Value represented by the LHS.
          St = SetRVal(SetRVal(St, B, RightV), cast<LVal>(LeftV), RightV);
          assert (B->isCompoundAssignmentOp());
          if (Op >= BinaryOperator::AndAssign)
            ((int&) Op) -= (BinaryOperator::AndAssign - BinaryOperator::And);
            ((int&) Op) -= BinaryOperator::MulAssign;  
          if (LeftV.isUndef()) {
            HandleUndefinedStore(B, N2);
            assert (isa<UnknownVal>(GetRVal(St, B)));
          // At this pointer we know that the LHS evaluates to an LVal
          // that is neither "Unknown" or "Undefined."
          LVal LeftLV = cast<LVal>(LeftV);
          // Fetch the value of the LHS (the value of the variable, etc.).
          RVal V = GetRVal(GetState(N1), LeftLV, B->getLHS()->getType());
          // Propagate undefined value (left-side).  We
          // propogate undefined values for the RHS below when
          // we also check for divide-by-zero.
            St = SetRVal(St, B, V);
          // Propagate unknown values.
            // The value bound to LeftV is unknown.  Thus we just
            // propagate the current node (as "B" is already bound to nothing).
            assert (isa<UnknownVal>(GetRVal(St, B)));
            assert (isa<UnknownVal>(GetRVal(St, B)));
            St = SetRVal(St, LeftLV, UnknownVal());
          // Get the computation type.
          QualType CTy = cast<CompoundAssignOperator>(B)->getComputationType();
          // Perform promotions.
          V = EvalCast(V, CTy);
          RightV = EvalCast(RightV, CTy);
          // Evaluate operands and promote to result type.
          if ((Op == BinaryOperator::Div || Op == BinaryOperator::Rem)
              && RHS->getType()->isIntegerType()) {
            // Check if the denominator is undefined.
            if (RightV.isUndef()) {
              NodeTy* DivUndef = Builder->generateNode(B, St, N2);
            // First, "assume" that the denominator is 0.
            bool isFeasibleZero = false;
            ValueState* ZeroSt = Assume(St, RightV, false, isFeasibleZero);
            // Second, "assume" that the denominator cannot be 0.
            bool isFeasibleNotZero = false;
            St = Assume(St, RightV, true, isFeasibleNotZero);
            // Create the node for the divide-by-zero error (if it occurred).
            if (isFeasibleZero) {
              NodeTy* DivZeroNode = Builder->generateNode(B, ZeroSt, N2);
              if (DivZeroNode) {
                if (isFeasibleNotZero)
            // Fall-through.  The logic below processes the divide.
            // Propagate undefined values (right-side).
              St = SetRVal(SetRVal(St, B, RightV), LeftLV, RightV);
          RVal Result = EvalCast(EvalBinOp(Op, V, RightV), B->getType());
          if (Result.isUndef()) {
            // The operands were not undefined, but the result is undefined.
            if (NodeTy* UndefNode = Builder->generateNode(B, St, N2)) {
          St = SetRVal(SetRVal(St, B, Result), LeftLV, Result);
void GRExprEngine::HandleUndefinedStore(Stmt* S, NodeTy* Pred) {  
  NodeTy* N = Builder->generateNode(S, GetState(Pred), Pred);
void GRExprEngine::Visit(Stmt* S, NodeTy* Pred, NodeSet& Dst) {
  // FIXME: add metadata to the CFG so that we can disable
  //  this check when we KNOW that there is no block-level subexpression.
  //  The motivation is that this check requires a hashtable lookup.
  if (S != CurrentStmt && getCFG().isBlkExpr(S)) {

  switch (S->getStmtClass()) {
      // Cases we intentionally have "default" handle:
      //   AddrLabelExpr, IntegerLiteral, CharacterLiteral
      Dst.Add(Pred); // No-op. Simply propagate the current state unchanged.
    case Stmt::AsmStmtClass:
      VisitAsmStmt(cast<AsmStmt>(S), Pred, Dst);
    case Stmt::BinaryOperatorClass: {
      BinaryOperator* B = cast<BinaryOperator>(S);
      if (B->isLogicalOp()) {
        VisitLogicalExpr(B, Pred, Dst);
      else if (B->getOpcode() == BinaryOperator::Comma) {
        Nodify(Dst, B, Pred, SetRVal(St, B, GetRVal(St, B->getRHS())));
      VisitBinaryOperator(cast<BinaryOperator>(S), Pred, Dst);
    case Stmt::CallExprClass: {
      CallExpr* C = cast<CallExpr>(S);
      VisitCall(C, Pred, C->arg_begin(), C->arg_end(), Dst);

    case Stmt::CastExprClass: {
      CastExpr* C = cast<CastExpr>(S);
      VisitCast(C, C->getSubExpr(), Pred, Dst);
      // FIXME: ChooseExpr is really a constant.  We need to fix
      //        the CFG do not model them as explicit control-flow.
    case Stmt::ChooseExprClass: { // __builtin_choose_expr
      ChooseExpr* C = cast<ChooseExpr>(S);
      VisitGuardedExpr(C, C->getLHS(), C->getRHS(), Pred, Dst);
    case Stmt::CompoundAssignOperatorClass:
      VisitBinaryOperator(cast<BinaryOperator>(S), Pred, Dst);
    case Stmt::ConditionalOperatorClass: { // '?' operator
      ConditionalOperator* C = cast<ConditionalOperator>(S);
      VisitGuardedExpr(C, C->getLHS(), C->getRHS(), Pred, Dst);
    case Stmt::DeclRefExprClass:
      VisitDeclRefExpr(cast<DeclRefExpr>(S), Pred, Dst);
    case Stmt::DeclStmtClass:
      VisitDeclStmt(cast<DeclStmt>(S), Pred, Dst);
    case Stmt::ImplicitCastExprClass: {
      ImplicitCastExpr* C = cast<ImplicitCastExpr>(S);
      VisitCast(C, C->getSubExpr(), Pred, Dst);

    case Stmt::ParenExprClass:
      Visit(cast<ParenExpr>(S)->getSubExpr(), Pred, Dst);
    case Stmt::SizeOfAlignOfTypeExprClass:
      VisitSizeOfAlignOfTypeExpr(cast<SizeOfAlignOfTypeExpr>(S), Pred, Dst);
    case Stmt::StmtExprClass: {
      StmtExpr* SE = cast<StmtExpr>(S);
      // FIXME: Not certain if we can have empty StmtExprs.  If so, we should
      // probably just remove these from the CFG.
      assert (!SE->getSubStmt()->body_empty());

      if (Expr* LastExpr = dyn_cast<Expr>(*SE->getSubStmt()->body_rbegin()))
        Nodify(Dst, SE, Pred, SetRVal(St, SE, GetRVal(St, LastExpr)));
      // FIXME: We may wish to always bind state to ReturnStmts so
      //  that users can quickly query what was the state at the
      //  exit points of a function.
      if (Expr* R = cast<ReturnStmt>(S)->getRetValue())
        Visit(R, Pred, Dst);
    case Stmt::UnaryOperatorClass: {
      UnaryOperator* U = cast<UnaryOperator>(S);
      switch (U->getOpcode()) {
        case UnaryOperator::Deref: VisitDeref(U, Pred, Dst); break;
        case UnaryOperator::Plus:  Visit(U->getSubExpr(), Pred, Dst); break;
        case UnaryOperator::SizeOf: VisitSizeOfExpr(U, Pred, Dst); break;
        default: VisitUnaryOperator(U, Pred, Dst); break;
// "Assume" logic.

ValueState* GRExprEngine::Assume(ValueState* St, LVal Cond,
  switch (Cond.getSubKind()) {
      assert (false && "'Assume' not implemented for this LVal.");
    case lval::SymbolValKind:
      if (Assumption)
        return AssumeSymNE(St, cast<lval::SymbolVal>(Cond).getSymbol(),
                           BasicVals.getZeroWithPtrWidth(), isFeasible);
        return AssumeSymEQ(St, cast<lval::SymbolVal>(Cond).getSymbol(),
                           BasicVals.getZeroWithPtrWidth(), isFeasible);
    case lval::FuncValKind:
    case lval::GotoLabelKind:
      isFeasible = Assumption;
      return St;
    case lval::ConcreteIntKind: {
      bool b = cast<lval::ConcreteInt>(Cond).getValue() != 0;
      isFeasible = b ? Assumption : !Assumption;      
      return St;
ValueState* GRExprEngine::Assume(ValueState* St, NonLVal Cond,
  switch (Cond.getSubKind()) {
      assert (false && "'Assume' not implemented for this NonLVal.");
      nonlval::SymbolVal& SV = cast<nonlval::SymbolVal>(Cond);
        return AssumeSymNE(St, sym, BasicVals.getValue(0, SymMgr.getType(sym)),
        return AssumeSymEQ(St, sym, BasicVals.getValue(0, SymMgr.getType(sym)),
    case nonlval::SymIntConstraintValKind:
        AssumeSymInt(St, Assumption,
    case nonlval::ConcreteIntKind: {
      bool b = cast<nonlval::ConcreteInt>(Cond).getValue() != 0;
      isFeasible = b ? Assumption : !Assumption;      
      return St;

GRExprEngine::AssumeSymNE(ValueState* St, SymbolID sym,
                         const llvm::APSInt& V, bool& isFeasible) {
  // First, determine if sym == X, where X != V.
  if (const llvm::APSInt* X = St->getSymVal(sym)) {
    isFeasible = *X != V;
    return St;
  // Second, determine if sym != V.
    isFeasible = true;
    return St;
  // If we reach here, sym is not a constant and we don't know if it is != V.
  // Make that assumption.
  isFeasible = true;
  return StateMgr.AddNE(St, sym, V);

GRExprEngine::AssumeSymEQ(ValueState* St, SymbolID sym,
                         const llvm::APSInt& V, bool& isFeasible) {
  // First, determine if sym == X, where X != V.
  if (const llvm::APSInt* X = St->getSymVal(sym)) {
    isFeasible = *X == V;
    return St;
  // Second, determine if sym != V.
    isFeasible = false;
    return St;
  // If we reach here, sym is not a constant and we don't know if it is == V.
  // Make that assumption.
  isFeasible = true;
  return StateMgr.AddEQ(St, sym, V);
GRExprEngine::AssumeSymInt(ValueState* St, bool Assumption,
                          const SymIntConstraint& C, bool& isFeasible) {
  switch (C.getOpcode()) {
      // No logic yet for other operators.
      return St;
    case BinaryOperator::EQ:
      if (Assumption)
        return AssumeSymEQ(St, C.getSymbol(), C.getInt(), isFeasible);
        return AssumeSymNE(St, C.getSymbol(), C.getInt(), isFeasible);
    case BinaryOperator::NE:
      if (Assumption)
        return AssumeSymNE(St, C.getSymbol(), C.getInt(), isFeasible);
        return AssumeSymEQ(St, C.getSymbol(), C.getInt(), isFeasible);

// Visualization.

static GRExprEngine* GraphPrintCheckerState;
static SourceManager* GraphPrintSourceManager;
static ValueState::CheckerStatePrinter* GraphCheckerStatePrinter;
struct VISIBILITY_HIDDEN DOTGraphTraits<GRExprEngine::NodeTy*> :
  static void PrintVarBindings(std::ostream& Out, ValueState* St) {
    for (ValueState::vb_iterator I=St->vb_begin(), E=St->vb_end(); I!=E;++I) {        

      if (isFirst)
        isFirst = false;
        Out << "\\l";
      Out << ' ' << I.getKey()->getName() << " : ";
  static void PrintSubExprBindings(std::ostream& Out, ValueState* St){
    for (ValueState::seb_iterator I=St->seb_begin(), E=St->seb_end();I!=E;++I) {        
      if (isFirst) {
        Out << "\\l\\lSub-Expressions:\\l";
        isFirst = false;
        Out << "\\l";
      Out << " (" << (void*) I.getKey() << ") ";
      Out << " : ";
  static void PrintBlkExprBindings(std::ostream& Out, ValueState* St){
    for (ValueState::beb_iterator I=St->beb_begin(), E=St->beb_end(); I!=E;++I){      
        Out << "\\l\\lBlock-level Expressions:\\l";
      Out << " (" << (void*) I.getKey() << ") ";
  static void PrintEQ(std::ostream& Out, ValueState* St) {
    ValueState::ConstEqTy CE = St->ConstEq;
    for (ValueState::ConstEqTy::iterator I=CE.begin(), E=CE.end(); I!=E;++I)
      Out << "\\l $" << I.getKey() << " : " << I.getData()->toString();
  static void PrintNE(std::ostream& Out, ValueState* St) {
    ValueState::ConstNotEqTy NE = St->ConstNotEq;
    for (ValueState::ConstNotEqTy::iterator I=NE.begin(), EI=NE.end();
         I != EI; ++I){
      Out << "\\l $" << I.getKey() << " : ";
      bool isFirst = true;
      ValueState::IntSetTy::iterator J=I.getData().begin(),
      for ( ; J != EJ; ++J) {        
        if (isFirst) isFirst = false;
        else Out << ", ";
        Out << (*J)->toString();
  static std::string getNodeAttributes(const GRExprEngine::NodeTy* N, void*) {
    if (GraphPrintCheckerState->isImplicitNullDeref(N) ||
        GraphPrintCheckerState->isExplicitNullDeref(N) ||
        GraphPrintCheckerState->isUndefDeref(N) ||
        GraphPrintCheckerState->isUndefStore(N) ||
        GraphPrintCheckerState->isUndefControlFlow(N) ||
        GraphPrintCheckerState->isExplicitBadDivide(N) ||
        GraphPrintCheckerState->isImplicitBadDivide(N) ||
        GraphPrintCheckerState->isUndefResult(N) ||
        GraphPrintCheckerState->isBadCall(N) ||
      return "color=\"red\",style=\"filled\"";
    if (GraphPrintCheckerState->isNoReturnCall(N))
      return "color=\"blue\",style=\"filled\"";
  static std::string getNodeLabel(const GRExprEngine::NodeTy* N, void*) {
    ProgramPoint Loc = N->getLocation();
    switch (Loc.getKind()) {
      case ProgramPoint::BlockEntranceKind:
        Out << "Block Entrance: B" 
            << cast<BlockEntrance>(Loc).getBlock()->getBlockID();
      case ProgramPoint::BlockExitKind:
        assert (false);
      case ProgramPoint::PostStmtKind: {
        const PostStmt& L = cast<PostStmt>(Loc);        
        Stmt* S = L.getStmt();
        SourceLocation SLoc = S->getLocStart();

        Out << S->getStmtClassName() << ' ' << (void*) S << ' ';        
        if (SLoc.isFileID()) {        
          Out << "\\lline="
            << GraphPrintSourceManager->getLineNumber(SLoc) << " col="
            << GraphPrintSourceManager->getColumnNumber(SLoc) << "\\l";          
        if (GraphPrintCheckerState->isImplicitNullDeref(N))
          Out << "\\|Implicit-Null Dereference.\\l";
        else if (GraphPrintCheckerState->isExplicitNullDeref(N))
          Out << "\\|Explicit-Null Dereference.\\l";
        else if (GraphPrintCheckerState->isUndefDeref(N))
          Out << "\\|Dereference of undefialied value.\\l";
        else if (GraphPrintCheckerState->isUndefStore(N))
        else if (GraphPrintCheckerState->isExplicitBadDivide(N))
          Out << "\\|Explicit divide-by zero or undefined value.";
        else if (GraphPrintCheckerState->isImplicitBadDivide(N))
          Out << "\\|Implicit divide-by zero or undefined value.";
        else if (GraphPrintCheckerState->isUndefResult(N))
          Out << "\\|Result of operation is undefined.";
        else if (GraphPrintCheckerState->isNoReturnCall(N))
          Out << "\\|Call to function marked \"noreturn\".";
        else if (GraphPrintCheckerState->isBadCall(N))
          Out << "\\|Call to NULL/Undefined.";
        else if (GraphPrintCheckerState->isUndefArg(N))
          Out << "\\|Argument in call is undefined";
      default: {
        const BlockEdge& E = cast<BlockEdge>(Loc);
        Out << "Edge: (B" << E.getSrc()->getBlockID() << ", B"
            << E.getDst()->getBlockID()  << ')';
        if (Stmt* T = E.getSrc()->getTerminator()) {
          if (SLoc.isFileID()) {
            Out << "\\lline="
              << GraphPrintSourceManager->getLineNumber(SLoc) << " col="
              << GraphPrintSourceManager->getColumnNumber(SLoc);
          if (isa<SwitchStmt>(T)) {
            Stmt* Label = E.getDst()->getLabel();
            if (Label) {                        
              if (CaseStmt* C = dyn_cast<CaseStmt>(Label)) {
                Out << "\\lcase ";
                if (Stmt* RHS = C->getRHS()) {
                  Out << " .. ";
                Out << ":";
              else {
                assert (isa<DefaultStmt>(Label));
                Out << "\\ldefault:";
              Out << "\\l(implicit) default:";
          else if (isa<IndirectGotoStmt>(T)) {
            // FIXME
          else {
            Out << "\\lCondition: ";
            if (*E.getSrc()->succ_begin() == E.getDst())
              Out << "true";
              Out << "false";                        
          Out << "\\l";
        if (GraphPrintCheckerState->isUndefControlFlow(N)) {
          Out << "\\|Control-flow based on\\lUndefined value.\\l";
    Out << "\\|StateID: " << (void*) N->getState() << "\\|";
    N->getState()->printDOT(Out, GraphCheckerStatePrinter);

template <typename ITERATOR>
GRExprEngine::NodeTy* GetGraphNode(ITERATOR I) { return *I; }

template <>
GetGraphNode<llvm::DenseMap<GRExprEngine::NodeTy*, Expr*>::iterator>
  (llvm::DenseMap<GRExprEngine::NodeTy*, Expr*>::iterator I) {
  return I->first;

template <typename ITERATOR>
static void AddSources(llvm::SmallVector<GRExprEngine::NodeTy*, 10>& Sources,
                       ITERATOR I, ITERATOR E) {
  llvm::SmallPtrSet<void*,10> CachedSources;
  for ( ; I != E; ++I ) {
    GRExprEngine::NodeTy* N = GetGraphNode(I);
    void* p = N->getLocation().getRawData();
    if (CachedSources.count(p))
    llvm::SmallVector<NodeTy*, 10> Src;
    AddSources(Src, null_derefs_begin(), null_derefs_end());
    AddSources(Src, undef_derefs_begin(), undef_derefs_end());
    AddSources(Src, explicit_bad_divides_begin(), explicit_bad_divides_end());
    AddSources(Src, undef_results_begin(), undef_results_end());
    AddSources(Src, bad_calls_begin(), bad_calls_end());
    AddSources(Src, undef_arg_begin(), undef_arg_end());
    AddSources(Src, undef_branches_begin(), undef_branches_end());
  else {
    GraphPrintCheckerState = this;
    GraphPrintSourceManager = &getContext().getSourceManager();
    GraphCheckerStatePrinter = TF->getCheckerStatePrinter();
    llvm::ViewGraph(*G.roots_begin(), "GRExprEngine");
    GraphPrintCheckerState = NULL;
    GraphPrintSourceManager = NULL;

void GRExprEngine::ViewGraph(NodeTy** Beg, NodeTy** End) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
  GraphPrintCheckerState = this;
  GraphPrintSourceManager = &getContext().getSourceManager();
  GraphCheckerStatePrinter = TF->getCheckerStatePrinter();
  GRExprEngine::GraphTy* TrimmedG = G.Trim(Beg, End);