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  • Chris Lattner's avatar
    add code to emit the .text section to the section header. · 2244f734
    Chris Lattner authored
    Add a *VERY INITIAL* machine code emitter class.  This is enough to take
    this C function:
    int foo(int X) { return X +1; }
    and make objdump produce the following:
    $ objdump -d t-llvm.o
    t-llvm.o:     file format elf32-i386
    Disassembly of section .text:
    00000000 <.text>:
       0:   b8 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%eax
       5:   03 44 24 04             add    0x4(%esp,1),%eax
       9:   c3                      ret
    Anything using branches or refering to the constant pool or requiring
    relocations will not work yet.
    llvm-svn: 22375