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  1. May 07, 2013
  2. Apr 12, 2013
    • Enrico Granata's avatar
      New test suite option (-T) · af5bbe8f
      Enrico Granata authored
      When -T is specified, the test suite will call svn info and dump the output on screen (this used to be the default behavior)
      When -T is not specified, this step won't be performed (the new default)
      llvm-svn: 179342
    • Enrico Granata's avatar
      When specifying a relative path for the --framework option to,... · ea6a58e2
      Enrico Granata authored
      When specifying a relative path for the --framework option to, Python would end up being confused and unable to locate the embedded_interpreter module, causing every testcase that uses the Script Interpreter (e.g. functionalities/data-formatter/data-formatter-stl/libstdcpp) to fail without even trying
      This checkin fixes that problem by absolutizing the path before pushing it to the sys.path
      llvm-svn: 179341
  3. Mar 13, 2013
  4. Mar 07, 2013
  5. Feb 27, 2013
    • Enrico Granata's avatar
      <rdar://problem/13289828> · d7ac9816
      Enrico Granata authored
      Categories were conceptually meant to be placeable on test methods as well as test classes and test directories
      However, that was broken. This checkin fixes that.
      The incantation required to put categories on individual test case methods is not exactly elegant, unfortunately:
      def test_case(self):
          """Test me."""
      def _test_case_get_categories(self):
          return ["demo"]
      test_case.getCategories = _test_case_get_categories
      del _test_case_get_categories
      llvm-svn: 176158
  6. Feb 26, 2013
    • Jim Ingham's avatar
      Fix the .categories, it had "dataformatter" not "dataformatters". · d882998e
      Jim Ingham authored
      Remove the getCategory from, since it was superceded by the .categories file, 
      and didn't work anyway (getCategories currently has to be a method on the test class, not on the test.)
      Add a "basic_process" category, and start to find some tests for simple process running sniff tests.
      llvm-svn: 176061
  7. Feb 23, 2013
    • Enrico Granata's avatar
      <rdar://problem/12362092> · e6cedc12
      Enrico Granata authored
      The decorators @expectedFailure (plain and special-case like i386, clang, ...) are modified to optionally take a bugnumber argument
      If such an argument is specified, the failure report (or unexpected success report) will include the information passed in as part of the message
      This is mostly useful for associating failures to issue IDs in issue management systems (e.g. the LLVM bugzilla)
      llvm-svn: 175942
  8. Feb 20, 2013
  9. Feb 19, 2013
  10. Feb 16, 2013
  11. Feb 15, 2013
    • Daniel Malea's avatar
      Improve test harness for the buildbots · cbaef266
      Daniel Malea authored
      - Add a "parsable" mode to that outputs test results in exactly the same format as clang's lit tests
      - Improve dosep script to output list of failing tests (output should look like clang test failure summaries)
      - Cleanup lldb/test/Makefile to remove needless parameters and environment variables
      - Switch makefile tests to use parsable-mode output; should make the buildbot results parsable
      - Switch makefile tests to use dosep to log catch crashing tests (instead of halting the test suite)
      llvm-svn: 175309
    • Enrico Granata's avatar
      Daniel Malea caught an issue where calling with an invalid directory... · 8628bc59
      Enrico Granata authored
      Daniel Malea caught an issue where calling with an invalid directory would cause the progressbar init code to raise an exception
      This commit fixes it
      llvm-svn: 175229
  12. Feb 09, 2013
    • Enrico Granata's avatar
      The new progress bar mode was losing us information compared to the old dots... · eba9e4a3
      Enrico Granata authored
      The new progress bar mode was losing us information compared to the old dots mode in that we would have no way of knowing about test failures (short of peeking into the test result directory.. and you're not supposed to peek!)
      Added a new line of information that reports the count of tests that pass, fail or have other things happen to them.
      Again no flag to have the dots back. If you care, let us know!
      llvm-svn: 174784
    • Enrico Granata's avatar
      <rdar://problem/13176279> · a94ee7da
      Enrico Granata authored
      The LLDB test suite now shows a progress bar instead of dots when not in verbose mode
      If you crave the dots, make your Terminal window smaller than 10 columns :-)
      (or ask for a flag to have the dots come back on demand)
      llvm-svn: 174777
  13. Feb 08, 2013
  14. Feb 06, 2013
  15. Jan 05, 2013
    • Daniel Malea's avatar
      Fix lldb -P on Linux · 53430eb8
      Daniel Malea authored
      - now prints the correct PYTHONPATH
      - update to use lldb -P result correctly
      - resolves TestPublicAPIHeaders test failure (on Linux)
      llvm-svn: 171558
  16. Dec 21, 2012
  17. Dec 14, 2012
    • Enrico Granata's avatar
      Fixing the -f option so that one specify multiple filters, e.g. · 73f601fb
      Enrico Granata authored
      ./  -C clang --arch x86_64 --arch i386  -v -t -f ObjCDataFormatterTestCase.test_appkit_with_dsym_and_run_command -f ObjCDataFormatterTestCase.test_appkit_with_dwarf_and_run_command -f TestObjCBuiltinTypes.test_with_dsym_and_python_api -f TestObjCBuiltinTypes.test_with_dwarf_and_python_api -f ObjCDataFormatterTestCase.test_appkit_with_dsym_and_run_command -f ObjCDataFormatterTestCase.test_appkit_with_dwarf_and_run_command -f TestObjCBuiltinTypes.test_with_dsym_and_python_api -f -TestObjCBuiltinTypes.test_with_dwarf_and_python_api
      The previous implementation would only remember the last filter passed, and consequently break
      llvm-svn: 170163
  18. Nov 20, 2012
  19. Nov 01, 2012
  20. Oct 25, 2012
  21. Oct 24, 2012
  22. Oct 23, 2012
  23. Sep 26, 2012
  24. Sep 21, 2012
    • Enrico Granata's avatar
      Initial commit of a new testsuite feature: test categories. · 165f8af8
      Enrico Granata authored
      This feature allows us to group test cases into logical groups (categories), and to only run a subset of test cases based on these categories.
      Each test-case can have a new method getCategories(self): which returns a list of strings that are the categories to which the test case belongs.
      If a test-case does not provide its own categories, we will look for categories in the class that contains the test case.
      If that fails too, the default implementation looks for a .category file, which contains a comma separated list of strings.
      The test suite will recurse look for .categories up until the top level directory (which we guarantee will have an empty .category file).
      The driver has a new --category <foo> option, which can be repeated, and specifies which categories of tests you want to run.
      (example: ./ --category objc --category expression)
      All tests that do not belong to any specified category will be skipped. Other filtering options still exist and should not interfere with category filtering.
      A few tests have been categorized. Feel free to categorize others, and to suggest new categories that we could want to use.
      All categories need to be validly defined in, or the test suite will refuse to run when you use them as arguments to --category.
      In the end, failures will be reported on a per-category basis, as well as in the usual format.
      This is the very first stage of this feature. Feel free to chime in with ideas for improvements!
      llvm-svn: 164403
  25. Sep 04, 2012
    • Greg Clayton's avatar
      Patch from Filipe Cabecinhas that uses argparse in instead of a hand... · 5ec9645f
      Greg Clayton authored
      Patch from Filipe Cabecinhas that uses argparse in instead of a hand coded option. I made a few modifications:
      Changed the '-A' option to also have a long option of '--arch'. This is now specified multiple times to get multiple architectures.
      Old: -A i386^x86_64
      New: -A i386 -A x86_64
           --arch i386 --arch x86_64
      Changed the '-C' option to also have a long option of '--compiler'. This is now specified multiple times to get multiple compiler.
      Old: -C clang^gcc
      New: -C clang -C gcc
           --compiler clang --compiler gcc
      llvm-svn: 163141
  26. Aug 22, 2012
  27. Aug 16, 2012
  28. Aug 08, 2012
  29. May 22, 2012
  30. Apr 25, 2012
  31. Apr 24, 2012
    • Johnny Chen's avatar
      Add a '-R' option, which is similar to '-r', except that the relocated... · 8f198c96
      Johnny Chen authored
      Add a '-R' option, which is similar to '-r', except that the relocated directory, if exists, will be removed entirely
      before running the test suite.  A usage example looks like this:
      test $ ./ -A x86_64 -R /tmp/x86_64 &
      test $ ./ -A i386 -R /tmp/i386 &
      where we would want to run the x86_64 and i386 archs concurrently but relocate the test suite to different directory
      hierarchies in order not to stump on each other's intermediate files.
      llvm-svn: 155491
  32. Apr 19, 2012
    • Johnny Chen's avatar
      LLDB test suite should also output the config info string along with the stack trace. · c9cb71a0
      Johnny Chen authored
      Collected 1 test
      1: test_with_dwarf (TestCallStdStringFunction.ExprCommandCallFunctionTestCase)
         Test calling std::String member function. ... FAIL
      FAIL: test_with_dwarf (TestCallStdStringFunction.ExprCommandCallFunctionTestCase)
         Test calling std::String member function.
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/Volumes/data/lldb/svn/ToT/test/", line 427, in wrapper
          return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
        File "/Volumes/data/lldb/svn/ToT/test/expression_command/call-function/", line 34, in test_with_dwarf
        File "/Volumes/data/lldb/svn/ToT/test/expression_command/call-function/", line 48, in call_function
          substrs = ['Hello world'])
        File "/Volumes/data/lldb/svn/ToT/test/", line 1235, in expect
          msg if msg else EXP_MSG(str, exe))
      AssertionError: False is not True : 'Hello world' returns expected result
      Ran 1 test in 1.148s
      FAILED (failures=1)
      llvm-svn: 155157
    • Johnny Chen's avatar
  33. Apr 16, 2012
    • Johnny Chen's avatar
      Add the capability of supplying the pre/post-flight functions to the test suite such that · 44d24971
      Johnny Chen authored
      the pre-flight code gets executed during setUp() after the debugger instance is available
      and the post-flight code gets executed during tearDown() after the debugger instance has
      done killing the inferior and deleting all the target programs.
      [11:32:48] johnny:/Volumes/data/lldb/svn/ToT/test $ ./ -A x86_64 -v -c ../examples/test/.lldb-pre-post-flight  functionalities/watchpoint/hello_watchpoint
      config: {'pre_flight': <function pre_flight at 0x1098541b8>, 'post_flight': <function post_flight at 0x109854230>}
      LLDB build dir: /Volumes/data/lldb/svn/ToT/build/Debug
      Path: /Volumes/data/lldb/svn/ToT
      Repository Root:
      Repository UUID: 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
      Revision: 154753
      Node Kind: directory
      Schedule: normal
      Last Changed Author: gclayton
      Last Changed Rev: 154730
      Last Changed Date: 2012-04-13 18:42:46 -0700 (Fri, 13 Apr 2012)
      lldb.pre_flight: def pre_flight(test):
          print "\nRunning pre-flight function:"
          print "for test case:", test
      lldb.post_flight: def post_flight(test):
          print "\nRunning post-flight function:"
          print "for test case:", test
      Session logs for test failures/errors/unexpected successes will go into directory '2012-04-16-11_34_08'
      Command invoked: python ./ -A x86_64 -v -c ../examples/test/.lldb-pre-post-flight functionalities/watchpoint/hello_watchpoint
      Configuration: arch=x86_64 compiler=clang
      Collected 2 tests
      1: test_hello_watchpoint_with_dsym_using_watchpoint_set (TestMyFirstWatchpoint.HelloWatchpointTestCase)
         Test a simple sequence of watchpoint creation and watchpoint hit. ... 
      Running pre-flight function:
      for test case: test_hello_watchpoint_with_dsym_using_watchpoint_set (TestMyFirstWatchpoint.HelloWatchpointTestCase)
      Running post-flight function:
      for test case: test_hello_watchpoint_with_dsym_using_watchpoint_set (TestMyFirstWatchpoint.HelloWatchpointTestCase)
      2: test_hello_watchpoint_with_dwarf_using_watchpoint_set (TestMyFirstWatchpoint.HelloWatchpointTestCase)
         Test a simple sequence of watchpoint creation and watchpoint hit. ... 
      Running pre-flight function:
      for test case: test_hello_watchpoint_with_dwarf_using_watchpoint_set (TestMyFirstWatchpoint.HelloWatchpointTestCase)
      Running post-flight function:
      for test case: test_hello_watchpoint_with_dwarf_using_watchpoint_set (TestMyFirstWatchpoint.HelloWatchpointTestCase)
      Ran 2 tests in 1.584s
      llvm-svn: 154847
  34. Apr 12, 2012