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void ConvergingScheduler::SchedBoundary::bumpNode(SUnit *SU) {
  // Update the reservation table.
  if (HazardRec->isEnabled()) {
    if (!isTop() && SU->isCall) {
      // Calls are scheduled with their preceding instructions. For bottom-up
      // scheduling, clear the pipeline state before emitting.
  // Check the instruction group dispatch limit.
  // TODO: Check if this SU must end a dispatch group.
  IssueCount += DAG->getNumMicroOps(SU->getInstr());
  if (IssueCount >= DAG->getIssueWidth()) {
    DEBUG(dbgs() << "*** Max instrs at cycle " << CurrCycle << '\n');

/// Release pending ready nodes in to the available queue. This makes them
/// visible to heuristics.
void ConvergingScheduler::SchedBoundary::releasePending() {
  // If the available queue is empty, it is safe to reset MinReadyCycle.
  if (Available.empty())
    MinReadyCycle = UINT_MAX;

  // Check to see if any of the pending instructions are ready to issue.  If
  // so, add them to the available queue.
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = Pending.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    SUnit *SU = *(Pending.begin()+i);
    unsigned ReadyCycle = isTop() ? SU->TopReadyCycle : SU->BotReadyCycle;

    if (ReadyCycle < MinReadyCycle)
      MinReadyCycle = ReadyCycle;

    if (ReadyCycle > CurrCycle)


    --i; --e;
  CheckPending = false;

/// Remove SU from the ready set for this boundary.
void ConvergingScheduler::SchedBoundary::removeReady(SUnit *SU) {
  if (Available.isInQueue(SU))
  else {
    assert(Pending.isInQueue(SU) && "bad ready count");

/// If this queue only has one ready candidate, return it. As a side effect,
/// advance the cycle until at least one node is ready. If multiple instructions
/// are ready, return NULL.
SUnit *ConvergingScheduler::SchedBoundary::pickOnlyChoice() {
  if (CheckPending)

  for (unsigned i = 0; Available.empty(); ++i) {
    assert(i <= (HazardRec->getMaxLookAhead() + MaxMinLatency) &&
           "permanent hazard"); (void)i;
  if (Available.size() == 1)
    return *Available.begin();
  return NULL;

void ConvergingScheduler::traceCandidate(const char *Label, const ReadyQueue &Q,
                                         SUnit *SU, PressureElement P) {
  dbgs() << Label << " " << Q.getName() << " ";
  if (P.isValid())
    dbgs() << TRI->getRegPressureSetName(P.PSetID) << ":" << P.UnitIncrease
           << " ";
    dbgs() << "     ";

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/// pickNodeFromQueue helper that returns true if the LHS reg pressure effect is
/// more desirable than RHS from scheduling standpoint.
static bool compareRPDelta(const RegPressureDelta &LHS,
                           const RegPressureDelta &RHS) {
  // Compare each component of pressure in decreasing order of importance
  // without checking if any are valid. Invalid PressureElements are assumed to
  // have UnitIncrease==0, so are neutral.

  // Avoid increasing the max critical pressure in the scheduled region.
  if (LHS.Excess.UnitIncrease != RHS.Excess.UnitIncrease)
    return LHS.Excess.UnitIncrease < RHS.Excess.UnitIncrease;

  // Avoid increasing the max critical pressure in the scheduled region.
  if (LHS.CriticalMax.UnitIncrease != RHS.CriticalMax.UnitIncrease)
    return LHS.CriticalMax.UnitIncrease < RHS.CriticalMax.UnitIncrease;

  // Avoid increasing the max pressure of the entire region.
  if (LHS.CurrentMax.UnitIncrease != RHS.CurrentMax.UnitIncrease)
    return LHS.CurrentMax.UnitIncrease < RHS.CurrentMax.UnitIncrease;

  return false;

/// Pick the best candidate from the top queue.
/// TODO: getMaxPressureDelta results can be mostly cached for each SUnit during
/// DAG building. To adjust for the current scheduling location we need to
/// maintain the number of vreg uses remaining to be top-scheduled.
ConvergingScheduler::CandResult ConvergingScheduler::
pickNodeFromQueue(ReadyQueue &Q, const RegPressureTracker &RPTracker,
                  SchedCandidate &Candidate) {
  // getMaxPressureDelta temporarily modifies the tracker.
  RegPressureTracker &TempTracker = const_cast<RegPressureTracker&>(RPTracker);

  // BestSU remains NULL if no top candidates beat the best existing candidate.
  CandResult FoundCandidate = NoCand;
  for (ReadyQueue::iterator I = Q.begin(), E = Q.end(); I != E; ++I) {
    TempTracker.getMaxPressureDelta((*I)->getInstr(), RPDelta,
    // Initialize the candidate if needed.
    if (!Candidate.SU) {
      Candidate.SU = *I;
      Candidate.RPDelta = RPDelta;
      FoundCandidate = NodeOrder;
    // Avoid exceeding the target's limit.
    if (RPDelta.Excess.UnitIncrease < Candidate.RPDelta.Excess.UnitIncrease) {
      DEBUG(traceCandidate("ECAND", Q, *I, RPDelta.Excess));
      Candidate.SU = *I;
      Candidate.RPDelta = RPDelta;
      FoundCandidate = SingleExcess;
    if (RPDelta.Excess.UnitIncrease > Candidate.RPDelta.Excess.UnitIncrease)
    if (FoundCandidate == SingleExcess)
      FoundCandidate = MultiPressure;
    // Avoid increasing the max critical pressure in the scheduled region.
    if (RPDelta.CriticalMax.UnitIncrease
        < Candidate.RPDelta.CriticalMax.UnitIncrease) {
      DEBUG(traceCandidate("PCAND", Q, *I, RPDelta.CriticalMax));
      Candidate.SU = *I;
      Candidate.RPDelta = RPDelta;
      FoundCandidate = SingleCritical;
    if (RPDelta.CriticalMax.UnitIncrease
        > Candidate.RPDelta.CriticalMax.UnitIncrease)
    if (FoundCandidate == SingleCritical)
      FoundCandidate = MultiPressure;

    // Avoid increasing the max pressure of the entire region.
    if (RPDelta.CurrentMax.UnitIncrease
        < Candidate.RPDelta.CurrentMax.UnitIncrease) {
      DEBUG(traceCandidate("MCAND", Q, *I, RPDelta.CurrentMax));
      Candidate.SU = *I;
      Candidate.RPDelta = RPDelta;
      FoundCandidate = SingleMax;
    if (RPDelta.CurrentMax.UnitIncrease
        > Candidate.RPDelta.CurrentMax.UnitIncrease)
    if (FoundCandidate == SingleMax)
      FoundCandidate = MultiPressure;

    // Fall through to original instruction order.
    // Only consider node order if Candidate was chosen from this Q.
    if (FoundCandidate == NoCand)
    if ((Q.getID() == TopQID && (*I)->NodeNum < Candidate.SU->NodeNum)
        || (Q.getID() == BotQID && (*I)->NodeNum > Candidate.SU->NodeNum)) {
      DEBUG(traceCandidate("NCAND", Q, *I));
      Candidate.SU = *I;
      Candidate.RPDelta = RPDelta;
      FoundCandidate = NodeOrder;
/// Pick the best candidate node from either the top or bottom queue.
SUnit *ConvergingScheduler::pickNodeBidrectional(bool &IsTopNode) {
  // Schedule as far as possible in the direction of no choice. This is most
  // efficient, but also provides the best heuristics for CriticalPSets.
  if (SUnit *SU = Bot.pickOnlyChoice()) {
    IsTopNode = false;
  if (SUnit *SU = Top.pickOnlyChoice()) {
    IsTopNode = true;
  SchedCandidate BotCand;
  // Prefer bottom scheduling when heuristics are silent.
  CandResult BotResult = pickNodeFromQueue(Bot.Available,
                                           DAG->getBotRPTracker(), BotCand);
  assert(BotResult != NoCand && "failed to find the first candidate");

  // If either Q has a single candidate that provides the least increase in
  // Excess pressure, we can immediately schedule from that Q.
  // RegionCriticalPSets summarizes the pressure within the scheduled region and
  // affects picking from either Q. If scheduling in one direction must
  // increase pressure for one of the excess PSets, then schedule in that
  // direction first to provide more freedom in the other direction.
  if (BotResult == SingleExcess || BotResult == SingleCritical) {
    IsTopNode = false;
    return BotCand.SU;
  // Check if the top Q has a better candidate.
  SchedCandidate TopCand;
  CandResult TopResult = pickNodeFromQueue(Top.Available,
                                           DAG->getTopRPTracker(), TopCand);
  assert(TopResult != NoCand && "failed to find the first candidate");

  if (TopResult == SingleExcess || TopResult == SingleCritical) {
    IsTopNode = true;
    return TopCand.SU;
  // If either Q has a single candidate that minimizes pressure above the
  // original region's pressure pick it.
  if (BotResult == SingleMax) {
    IsTopNode = false;
    return BotCand.SU;
  if (TopResult == SingleMax) {
    IsTopNode = true;
    return TopCand.SU;
  // Check for a salient pressure difference and pick the best from either side.
  if (compareRPDelta(TopCand.RPDelta, BotCand.RPDelta)) {
    IsTopNode = true;
    return TopCand.SU;
  // Otherwise prefer the bottom candidate in node order.
  IsTopNode = false;
  return BotCand.SU;

/// Pick the best node to balance the schedule. Implements MachineSchedStrategy.
SUnit *ConvergingScheduler::pickNode(bool &IsTopNode) {
  if (DAG->top() == DAG->bottom()) {
    assert(Top.Available.empty() && Top.Pending.empty() &&
           Bot.Available.empty() && Bot.Pending.empty() && "ReadyQ garbage");
    return NULL;
  SUnit *SU;
  if (ForceTopDown) {
    SU = Top.pickOnlyChoice();
    if (!SU) {
      SchedCandidate TopCand;
      CandResult TopResult =
        pickNodeFromQueue(Top.Available, DAG->getTopRPTracker(), TopCand);
      assert(TopResult != NoCand && "failed to find the first candidate");
    IsTopNode = true;
  else if (ForceBottomUp) {
    SU = Bot.pickOnlyChoice();
    if (!SU) {
      SchedCandidate BotCand;
      CandResult BotResult =
        pickNodeFromQueue(Bot.Available, DAG->getBotRPTracker(), BotCand);
      assert(BotResult != NoCand && "failed to find the first candidate");
    SU = pickNodeBidrectional(IsTopNode);
  if (SU->isTopReady())
  if (SU->isBottomReady())
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  DEBUG(dbgs() << "*** " << (IsTopNode ? "Top" : "Bottom")
        << " Scheduling Instruction in cycle "
        << (IsTopNode ? Top.CurrCycle : Bot.CurrCycle) << '\n';
  return SU;

/// Update the scheduler's state after scheduling a node. This is the same node
/// that was just returned by pickNode(). However, ScheduleDAGMI needs to update
/// it's state based on the current cycle before MachineSchedStrategy does.
void ConvergingScheduler::schedNode(SUnit *SU, bool IsTopNode) {
  if (IsTopNode) {
    SU->TopReadyCycle = Top.CurrCycle;
  else {
    SU->BotReadyCycle = Bot.CurrCycle;
/// Create the standard converging machine scheduler. This will be used as the
/// default scheduler if the target does not set a default.
static ScheduleDAGInstrs *createConvergingSched(MachineSchedContext *C) {
  assert((!ForceTopDown || !ForceBottomUp) &&
         "-misched-topdown incompatible with -misched-bottomup");
  return new ScheduleDAGMI(C, new ConvergingScheduler());
static MachineSchedRegistry
ConvergingSchedRegistry("converge", "Standard converging scheduler.",
// Machine Instruction Shuffler for Correctness Testing

#ifndef NDEBUG
namespace {
/// Apply a less-than relation on the node order, which corresponds to the
/// instruction order prior to scheduling. IsReverse implements greater-than.
template<bool IsReverse>
struct SUnitOrder {
    if (IsReverse)
      return A->NodeNum > B->NodeNum;
      return A->NodeNum < B->NodeNum;
/// Reorder instructions as much as possible.
class InstructionShuffler : public MachineSchedStrategy {
  bool IsAlternating;
  bool IsTopDown;

  // Using a less-than relation (SUnitOrder<false>) for the TopQ priority
  // gives nodes with a higher number higher priority causing the latest
  // instructions to be scheduled first.
  PriorityQueue<SUnit*, std::vector<SUnit*>, SUnitOrder<false> >
  // When scheduling bottom-up, use greater-than as the queue priority.
  PriorityQueue<SUnit*, std::vector<SUnit*>, SUnitOrder<true> >
  InstructionShuffler(bool alternate, bool topdown)
    : IsAlternating(alternate), IsTopDown(topdown) {}
  virtual void initialize(ScheduleDAGMI *) {
  /// Implement MachineSchedStrategy interface.
  /// -----------------------------------------

  virtual SUnit *pickNode(bool &IsTopNode) {
    SUnit *SU;
    if (IsTopDown) {
      do {
        if (TopQ.empty()) return NULL;
        SU =;
      } while (SU->isScheduled);
      IsTopNode = true;
    else {
      do {
        if (BottomQ.empty()) return NULL;
        SU =;
      } while (SU->isScheduled);
      IsTopNode = false;
    if (IsAlternating)
      IsTopDown = !IsTopDown;
  virtual void schedNode(SUnit *SU, bool IsTopNode) {}

  virtual void releaseTopNode(SUnit *SU) {
  virtual void releaseBottomNode(SUnit *SU) {
static ScheduleDAGInstrs *createInstructionShuffler(MachineSchedContext *C) {
  bool Alternate = !ForceTopDown && !ForceBottomUp;
  bool TopDown = !ForceBottomUp;
  assert((TopDown || !ForceTopDown) &&
         "-misched-topdown incompatible with -misched-bottomup");
  return new ScheduleDAGMI(C, new InstructionShuffler(Alternate, TopDown));
static MachineSchedRegistry ShufflerRegistry(
  "shuffle", "Shuffle machine instructions alternating directions",
#endif // !NDEBUG