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GRConstants.cpp 31.9 KiB
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//===-- GRConstants.cpp - Simple, Path-Sens. Constant Prop. ------*- C++ -*-==//
//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
//               Constant Propagation via Graph Reachability
//  This files defines a simple analysis that performs path-sensitive
//  constant propagation within a function.  An example use of this analysis
//  is to perform simple checks for NULL dereferences.

#include "RValues.h"
#include "ValueState.h"

#include "clang/Analysis/PathSensitive/GREngine.h"
#include "clang/AST/Expr.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/Analyses/LiveVariables.h"

#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
#include "llvm/Support/DataTypes.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/APSInt.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/FoldingSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ImmutableMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
#ifndef NDEBUG
#include "llvm/Support/GraphWriter.h"
#include <sstream>

using namespace clang;
using llvm::dyn_cast;
using llvm::cast;

// The Checker.
//  FIXME: This checker logic should be eventually broken into two components.
//         The first is the "meta"-level checking logic; the code that
//         does the Stmt visitation, fetching values from the map, etc.
//         The second part does the actual state manipulation.  This way we
//         get more of a separate of concerns of these two pieces, with the
//         latter potentially being refactored back into the main checking
//         logic.

namespace {
  typedef ValueStateManager::StateTy StateTy;
  typedef GRStmtNodeBuilder<GRConstants> StmtNodeBuilder;
  typedef GRBranchNodeBuilder<GRConstants> BranchNodeBuilder;
  typedef ExplodedGraph<GRConstants> GraphTy;
  typedef GraphTy::NodeTy NodeTy;
  class NodeSet {
    typedef llvm::SmallVector<NodeTy*,3> ImplTy;
    ImplTy Impl;
    NodeSet() {}
    NodeSet(NodeTy* N) { assert (N && !N->isSink()); Impl.push_back(N); }
    void Add(NodeTy* N) { if (N && !N->isSink()) Impl.push_back(N); }
    typedef ImplTy::iterator       iterator;
    typedef ImplTy::const_iterator const_iterator;
    unsigned size() const { return Impl.size(); }
    bool empty() const { return Impl.empty(); }
    iterator begin() { return Impl.begin(); }
    iterator end()   { return Impl.end(); }

    const_iterator begin() const { return Impl.begin(); }
    const_iterator end() const { return Impl.end(); }
  /// G - the simulation graph.
  GraphTy& G;
  /// Liveness - live-variables information the ValueDecl* and block-level
  ///  Expr* in the CFG.  Used to prune out dead state.
  /// Builder - The current GRStmtNodeBuilder which is used when building the nodes
  /// StateMgr - Object that manages the data for all created states.
  /// ValueMgr - Object that manages the data for all created RValues.
  /// SymMgr - Object that manages the symbol information.
  /// StmtEntryNode - The immediate predecessor node.
  NodeTy* StmtEntryNode;
  /// CurrentStmt - The current block-level statement.
  Stmt* CurrentStmt;
  /// UninitBranches - Nodes in the ExplodedGraph that result from
  ///  taking a branch based on an uninitialized value.
  typedef llvm::SmallPtrSet<NodeTy*,5> UninitBranchesTy;
  UninitBranchesTy UninitBranches;
  ASTContext& getContext() const { return G.getContext(); }
  GRConstants(GraphTy& g) : G(g), Liveness(G.getCFG(), G.getFunctionDecl()),
      StateMgr(G.getContext(), G.getAllocator()),
      StmtEntryNode(NULL), CurrentStmt(NULL) {
    // Compute liveness information.
    Liveness.runOnAllBlocks(G.getCFG(), NULL, true);
  /// getCFG - Returns the CFG associated with this analysis.
  CFG& getCFG() { return G.getCFG(); }
  /// getInitialState - Return the initial state used for the root vertex
  ///  in the ExplodedGraph.
    StateTy St = StateMgr.getInitialState();
    // Iterate the parameters.
    FunctionDecl& F = G.getFunctionDecl();
    for (FunctionDecl::param_iterator I=F.param_begin(), E=F.param_end(); 
      St = SetValue(St, lval::DeclVal(*I), RValue::GetSymbolValue(SymMgr, *I));
  bool isUninitControlFlow(const NodeTy* N) const {
    return N->isSink() && UninitBranches.count(const_cast<NodeTy*>(N)) != 0;

  /// ProcessStmt - Called by GREngine. Used to generate new successor
  ///  nodes by processing the 'effects' of a block-level statement.
  void ProcessStmt(Stmt* S, StmtNodeBuilder& builder);    
  /// ProcessBranch - Called by GREngine.  Used to generate successor
  ///  nodes by processing the 'effects' of a branch condition.
  void ProcessBranch(Expr* Condition, Stmt* Term, BranchNodeBuilder& builder);
  /// RemoveDeadBindings - Return a new state that is the same as 'M' except
  ///  that all subexpression mappings are removed and that any
  ///  block-level expressions that are not live at 'S' also have their
  ///  mappings removed.
  StateTy RemoveDeadBindings(Stmt* S, StateTy M);

  StateTy SetValue(StateTy St, Stmt* S, const RValue& V);
  StateTy SetValue(StateTy St, const Stmt* S, const RValue& V) {
    return SetValue(St, const_cast<Stmt*>(S), V);
  /// SetValue - This version of SetValue is used to batch process a set
  ///  of different possible RValues and return a set of different states.
  const StateTy::BufferTy& SetValue(StateTy St, Stmt* S,
                                    const RValue::BufferTy& V,
                                    StateTy::BufferTy& RetBuf);
  StateTy SetValue(StateTy St, const LValue& LV, const RValue& V);
  inline RValue GetValue(const StateTy& St, Stmt* S) {
    return StateMgr.GetValue(St, S);
  inline RValue GetValue(const StateTy& St, Stmt* S, bool& hasVal) {
    return StateMgr.GetValue(St, S, &hasVal);
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