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RegAllocGreedy.cpp 52.5 KiB
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    // Other intervals are treated as new. This includes local intervals created
    // for blocks with multiple uses, and anything created by DCE.
    MF->verify(this, "After splitting live range around region");

unsigned RAGreedy::tryRegionSplit(LiveInterval &VirtReg, AllocationOrder &Order,
                                  SmallVectorImpl<LiveInterval*> &NewVRegs) {
  float BestCost = Hysteresis * calcSpillCost();
  DEBUG(dbgs() << "Cost of isolating all blocks = " << BestCost << '\n');
  const unsigned NoCand = ~0u;
  unsigned BestCand = NoCand;
  for (unsigned Cand = 0; unsigned PhysReg =; ++Cand) {
    if (GlobalCand.size() <= Cand)
    InterferenceCache::Cursor Intf(IntfCache, PhysReg);
    if (!addSplitConstraints(Intf, Cost)) {
      DEBUG(dbgs() << PrintReg(PhysReg, TRI) << "\tno positive bundles\n");
    DEBUG(dbgs() << PrintReg(PhysReg, TRI) << "\tstatic = " << Cost);
    if (Cost >= BestCost) {
        if (BestCand == NoCand)
          dbgs() << " worse than no bundles\n";
          dbgs() << " worse than "
                 << PrintReg(GlobalCand[BestCand].PhysReg, TRI) << '\n';
    growRegion(GlobalCand[Cand], Intf);
    // No live bundles, defer to splitSingleBlocks().
    if (!GlobalCand[Cand].LiveBundles.any()) {
      DEBUG(dbgs() << " no bundles.\n");
    Cost += calcGlobalSplitCost(GlobalCand[Cand], Intf);
      dbgs() << ", total = " << Cost << " with bundles";
      for (int i = GlobalCand[Cand].LiveBundles.find_first(); i>=0;
           i = GlobalCand[Cand].LiveBundles.find_next(i))
        dbgs() << " EB#" << i;
      dbgs() << ".\n";
      BestCand = Cand;
      BestCost = Hysteresis * Cost; // Prevent rounding effects.
  if (BestCand == NoCand)
  splitAroundRegion(VirtReg, GlobalCand[BestCand], NewVRegs);
//                             Local Splitting

/// calcGapWeights - Compute the maximum spill weight that needs to be evicted
/// in order to use PhysReg between two entries in SA->UseSlots.
/// GapWeight[i] represents the gap between UseSlots[i] and UseSlots[i+1].
void RAGreedy::calcGapWeights(unsigned PhysReg,
                              SmallVectorImpl<float> &GapWeight) {
  assert(SA->getUseBlocks().size() == 1 && "Not a local interval");
  const SplitAnalysis::BlockInfo &BI = SA->getUseBlocks().front();
  const SmallVectorImpl<SlotIndex> &Uses = SA->UseSlots;
  const unsigned NumGaps = Uses.size()-1;

  // Start and end points for the interference check.
  SlotIndex StartIdx = BI.LiveIn ? BI.FirstUse.getBaseIndex() : BI.FirstUse;
  SlotIndex StopIdx = BI.LiveOut ? BI.LastUse.getBoundaryIndex() : BI.LastUse;

  GapWeight.assign(NumGaps, 0.0f);

  // Add interference from each overlapping register.
  for (const unsigned *AI = TRI->getOverlaps(PhysReg); *AI; ++AI) {
    if (!query(const_cast<LiveInterval&>(SA->getParent()), *AI)

    // We know that VirtReg is a continuous interval from FirstUse to LastUse,
    // so we don't need InterferenceQuery.
    // Interference that overlaps an instruction is counted in both gaps
    // surrounding the instruction. The exception is interference before
    // StartIdx and after StopIdx.
    LiveIntervalUnion::SegmentIter IntI = PhysReg2LiveUnion[*AI].find(StartIdx);
    for (unsigned Gap = 0; IntI.valid() && IntI.start() < StopIdx; ++IntI) {
      // Skip the gaps before IntI.
      while (Uses[Gap+1].getBoundaryIndex() < IntI.start())
        if (++Gap == NumGaps)
      if (Gap == NumGaps)

      // Update the gaps covered by IntI.
      const float weight = IntI.value()->weight;
      for (; Gap != NumGaps; ++Gap) {
        GapWeight[Gap] = std::max(GapWeight[Gap], weight);
        if (Uses[Gap+1].getBaseIndex() >= IntI.stop())
      if (Gap == NumGaps)

/// tryLocalSplit - Try to split VirtReg into smaller intervals inside its only
/// basic block.
unsigned RAGreedy::tryLocalSplit(LiveInterval &VirtReg, AllocationOrder &Order,
                                 SmallVectorImpl<LiveInterval*> &NewVRegs) {
  assert(SA->getUseBlocks().size() == 1 && "Not a local interval");
  const SplitAnalysis::BlockInfo &BI = SA->getUseBlocks().front();

  // Note that it is possible to have an interval that is live-in or live-out
  // while only covering a single block - A phi-def can use undef values from
  // predecessors, and the block could be a single-block loop.
  // We don't bother doing anything clever about such a case, we simply assume
  // that the interval is continuous from FirstUse to LastUse. We should make
  // sure that we don't do anything illegal to such an interval, though.

  const SmallVectorImpl<SlotIndex> &Uses = SA->UseSlots;
  if (Uses.size() <= 2)
    return 0;
  const unsigned NumGaps = Uses.size()-1;

    dbgs() << "tryLocalSplit: ";
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = Uses.size(); i != e; ++i)
      dbgs() << ' ' << SA->UseSlots[i];
    dbgs() << '\n';

  // Since we allow local split results to be split again, there is a risk of
  // creating infinite loops. It is tempting to require that the new live
  // ranges have less instructions than the original. That would guarantee
  // convergence, but it is too strict. A live range with 3 instructions can be
  // split 2+3 (including the COPY), and we want to allow that.
  // Instead we use these rules:
  // 1. Allow any split for ranges with getStage() < RS_Local. (Except for the
  //    noop split, of course).
  // 2. Require progress be made for ranges with getStage() >= RS_Local. All
  //    the new ranges must have fewer instructions than before the split.
  // 3. New ranges with the same number of instructions are marked RS_Local,
  //    smaller ranges are marked RS_New.
  // These rules allow a 3 -> 2+3 split once, which we need. They also prevent
  // excessive splitting and infinite loops.
  bool ProgressRequired = getStage(VirtReg) >= RS_Local;
  unsigned BestBefore = NumGaps;
  unsigned BestAfter = 0;
  float BestDiff = 0;

  const float blockFreq = SpillPlacer->getBlockFrequency(BI.MBB->getNumber());
  SmallVector<float, 8> GapWeight;

  while (unsigned PhysReg = {
    // Keep track of the largest spill weight that would need to be evicted in
    // order to make use of PhysReg between UseSlots[i] and UseSlots[i+1].
    calcGapWeights(PhysReg, GapWeight);

    // Try to find the best sequence of gaps to close.
    // The new spill weight must be larger than any gap interference.

    // We will split before Uses[SplitBefore] and after Uses[SplitAfter].
    unsigned SplitBefore = 0, SplitAfter = 1;

    // MaxGap should always be max(GapWeight[SplitBefore..SplitAfter-1]).
    // It is the spill weight that needs to be evicted.
    float MaxGap = GapWeight[0];

    for (;;) {
      // Live before/after split?
      const bool LiveBefore = SplitBefore != 0 || BI.LiveIn;
      const bool LiveAfter = SplitAfter != NumGaps || BI.LiveOut;

      DEBUG(dbgs() << PrintReg(PhysReg, TRI) << ' '
                   << Uses[SplitBefore] << '-' << Uses[SplitAfter]
                   << " i=" << MaxGap);

      // Stop before the interval gets so big we wouldn't be making progress.
      if (!LiveBefore && !LiveAfter) {
        DEBUG(dbgs() << " all\n");
      // Should the interval be extended or shrunk?
      bool Shrink = true;

      // How many gaps would the new range have?
      unsigned NewGaps = LiveBefore + SplitAfter - SplitBefore + LiveAfter;

      // Legally, without causing looping?
      bool Legal = !ProgressRequired || NewGaps < NumGaps;

      if (Legal && MaxGap < HUGE_VALF) {
        // Estimate the new spill weight. Each instruction reads or writes the
        // register. Conservatively assume there are no read-modify-write
        // instructions.
        // Try to guess the size of the new interval.
        const float EstWeight = normalizeSpillWeight(blockFreq * (NewGaps + 1),
                                 Uses[SplitBefore].distance(Uses[SplitAfter]) +
                                 (LiveBefore + LiveAfter)*SlotIndex::InstrDist);
        // Would this split be possible to allocate?
        // Never allocate all gaps, we wouldn't be making progress.
        DEBUG(dbgs() << " w=" << EstWeight);
        if (EstWeight * Hysteresis >= MaxGap) {
          Shrink = false;
          float Diff = EstWeight - MaxGap;
          if (Diff > BestDiff) {
            DEBUG(dbgs() << " (best)");
            BestDiff = Hysteresis * Diff;
            BestBefore = SplitBefore;
            BestAfter = SplitAfter;

      // Try to shrink.
      if (Shrink) {
          DEBUG(dbgs() << " shrink\n");
          // Recompute the max when necessary.
          if (GapWeight[SplitBefore - 1] >= MaxGap) {
            MaxGap = GapWeight[SplitBefore];
            for (unsigned i = SplitBefore + 1; i != SplitAfter; ++i)
              MaxGap = std::max(MaxGap, GapWeight[i]);
        MaxGap = 0;

      // Try to extend the interval.
      if (SplitAfter >= NumGaps) {
        DEBUG(dbgs() << " end\n");

      DEBUG(dbgs() << " extend\n");
      MaxGap = std::max(MaxGap, GapWeight[SplitAfter++]);

  // Didn't find any candidates?
  if (BestBefore == NumGaps)
    return 0;

  DEBUG(dbgs() << "Best local split range: " << Uses[BestBefore]
               << '-' << Uses[BestAfter] << ", " << BestDiff
               << ", " << (BestAfter - BestBefore + 1) << " instrs\n");

  LiveRangeEdit LREdit(VirtReg, NewVRegs, this);

  SlotIndex SegStart = SE->enterIntvBefore(Uses[BestBefore]);
  SlotIndex SegStop  = SE->leaveIntvAfter(Uses[BestAfter]);
  SE->useIntv(SegStart, SegStop);
  SmallVector<unsigned, 8> IntvMap;
  DebugVars->splitRegister(VirtReg.reg, LREdit.regs());

  // If the new range has the same number of instructions as before, mark it as
  // RS_Local so the next split will be forced to make progress. Otherwise,
  // leave the new intervals as RS_New so they can compete.
  bool LiveBefore = BestBefore != 0 || BI.LiveIn;
  bool LiveAfter = BestAfter != NumGaps || BI.LiveOut;
  unsigned NewGaps = LiveBefore + BestAfter - BestBefore + LiveAfter;
  if (NewGaps >= NumGaps) {
    DEBUG(dbgs() << "Tagging non-progress ranges: ");
    assert(!ProgressRequired && "Didn't make progress when it was required.");
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = IntvMap.size(); i != e; ++i)
      if (IntvMap[i] == 1) {
        LRStage[LREdit.get(i)->reg] = RS_Local;
        DEBUG(dbgs() << PrintReg(LREdit.get(i)->reg));
    DEBUG(dbgs() << '\n');
//                          Live Range Splitting

/// trySplit - Try to split VirtReg or one of its interferences, making it
/// assignable.
/// @return Physreg when VirtReg may be assigned and/or new NewVRegs.
unsigned RAGreedy::trySplit(LiveInterval &VirtReg, AllocationOrder &Order,
                            SmallVectorImpl<LiveInterval*>&NewVRegs) {
  // Local intervals are handled separately.
  if (LIS->intervalIsInOneMBB(VirtReg)) {
    NamedRegionTimer T("Local Splitting", TimerGroupName, TimePassesIsEnabled);
    return tryLocalSplit(VirtReg, Order, NewVRegs);

  NamedRegionTimer T("Global Splitting", TimerGroupName, TimePassesIsEnabled);
  // Don't iterate global splitting.
  // Move straight to spilling if this range was produced by a global split.
  // FIXME: SplitAnalysis may repair broken live ranges coming from the
  // coalescer. That may cause the range to become allocatable which means that
  // tryRegionSplit won't be making progress. This check should be replaced with
  // an assertion when the coalescer is fixed.
  if (SA->didRepairRange()) {
    // VirtReg has changed, so all cached queries are invalid.
    if (unsigned PhysReg = tryAssign(VirtReg, Order, NewVRegs))
      return PhysReg;

  // First try to split around a region spanning multiple blocks.
  unsigned PhysReg = tryRegionSplit(VirtReg, Order, NewVRegs);
  if (PhysReg || !NewVRegs.empty())
    return PhysReg;

  // Then isolate blocks with multiple uses.
  SplitAnalysis::BlockPtrSet Blocks;
  if (SA->getMultiUseBlocks(Blocks)) {
    LiveRangeEdit LREdit(VirtReg, NewVRegs, this);
    setStage(NewVRegs.begin(), NewVRegs.end(), RS_Global);
    if (VerifyEnabled)
      MF->verify(this, "After splitting live range around basic blocks");
//                            Main Entry Point

unsigned RAGreedy::selectOrSplit(LiveInterval &VirtReg,
                                 SmallVectorImpl<LiveInterval*> &NewVRegs) {
  AllocationOrder Order(VirtReg.reg, *VRM, RegClassInfo);
  if (unsigned PhysReg = tryAssign(VirtReg, Order, NewVRegs))
    return PhysReg;
  LiveRangeStage Stage = getStage(VirtReg);
  DEBUG(dbgs() << StageName[Stage] << '\n');

  // Try to evict a less worthy live range, but only for ranges from the primary
  // queue. The RS_Second ranges already failed to do this, and they should not
  // get a second chance until they have been split.
  if (Stage != RS_Second)
    if (unsigned PhysReg = tryEvict(VirtReg, Order, NewVRegs))
      return PhysReg;
  assert(NewVRegs.empty() && "Cannot append to existing NewVRegs");

  // The first time we see a live range, don't try to split or spill.
  // Wait until the second time, when all smaller ranges have been allocated.
  // This gives a better picture of the interference to split around.
  if (Stage == RS_First) {
    LRStage[VirtReg.reg] = RS_Second;
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Jakob Stoklund Olesen committed
    DEBUG(dbgs() << "wait for second round\n");
  // If we couldn't allocate a register from spilling, there is probably some
  // invalid inline assembly. The base class wil report it.
  if (Stage >= RS_Spill)
    return ~0u;
  unsigned PhysReg = trySplit(VirtReg, Order, NewVRegs);
  if (PhysReg || !NewVRegs.empty())
  // Finally spill VirtReg itself.
  NamedRegionTimer T("Spiller", TimerGroupName, TimePassesIsEnabled);
  LiveRangeEdit LRE(VirtReg, NewVRegs, this);
  setStage(NewVRegs.begin(), NewVRegs.end(), RS_Spill);
  if (VerifyEnabled)
    MF->verify(this, "After spilling");

  // The live virtual register requesting allocation was spilled, so tell
  // the caller not to allocate anything during this round.
  return 0;

bool RAGreedy::runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &mf) {
  DEBUG(dbgs() << "********** GREEDY REGISTER ALLOCATION **********\n"
               << "********** Function: "
               << ((Value*)mf.getFunction())->getName() << '\n');

  MF = &mf;
    MF->verify(this, "Before greedy register allocator");
  RegAllocBase::init(getAnalysis<VirtRegMap>(), getAnalysis<LiveIntervals>());
  Indexes = &getAnalysis<SlotIndexes>();
  DomTree = &getAnalysis<MachineDominatorTree>();
  SpillerInstance.reset(createInlineSpiller(*this, *MF, *VRM));
  Loops = &getAnalysis<MachineLoopInfo>();
  LoopRanges = &getAnalysis<MachineLoopRanges>();
  Bundles = &getAnalysis<EdgeBundles>();
  SpillPlacer = &getAnalysis<SpillPlacement>();
  DebugVars = &getAnalysis<LiveDebugVariables>();
  SA.reset(new SplitAnalysis(*VRM, *LIS, *Loops));
  SE.reset(new SplitEditor(*SA, *LIS, *VRM, *DomTree));
  IntfCache.init(MF, &PhysReg2LiveUnion[0], Indexes, TRI);

  // Run rewriter
    NamedRegionTimer T("Rewriter", TimerGroupName, TimePassesIsEnabled);
  // Write out new DBG_VALUE instructions.
  // The pass output is in VirtRegMap. Release all the transient data.

  return true;