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// CFRefCount.cpp - Transfer functions for tracking simple values -*- C++ -*--//
//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
Gabor Greif's avatar
Gabor Greif committed
//  This file defines the methods for CFRefCount, which implements
//  a reference count checker for Core Foundation (Mac OS X).

#include "GRSimpleVals.h"
#include "clang/Basic/LangOptions.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/PathSensitive/ValueState.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/PathDiagnostic.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/PathDiagnostic.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/PathSensitive/BugReporter.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/FoldingSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ImmutableMap.h"
#include <sstream>
// Utility functions.

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Ted Kremenek committed
static inline Selector GetNullarySelector(const char* name, ASTContext& Ctx) {
  IdentifierInfo* II = &Ctx.Idents.get(name);
  return Ctx.Selectors.getSelector(0, &II);

static inline Selector GetUnarySelector(const char* name, ASTContext& Ctx) {
  IdentifierInfo* II = &Ctx.Idents.get(name);
  return Ctx.Selectors.getSelector(1, &II);

// Symbolic Evaluation of Reference Counting Logic

  enum ArgEffect { IncRef, DecRef, DoNothing, StopTracking };
  typedef std::vector<std::pair<unsigned,ArgEffect> > ArgEffects;
namespace llvm {
  template <> struct FoldingSetTrait<ArgEffects> {
    static void Profile(const ArgEffects& X, FoldingSetNodeID& ID) {
      for (ArgEffects::const_iterator I = X.begin(), E = X.end(); I!= E; ++I) {
        ID.AddInteger((unsigned) I->second);
} // end llvm namespace

namespace {
class RetEffect {
  enum Kind { NoRet = 0x0, Alias = 0x1, OwnedSymbol = 0x2,
              NotOwnedSymbol = 0x3, ReceiverAlias=0x4 };
  RetEffect(Kind k, unsigned D) { Data = (D << 3) | (unsigned) k; }
  Kind getKind() const { return (Kind) (Data & 0x7); }

  unsigned getValue() const { 
    assert(getKind() == Alias);
  static RetEffect MakeAlias(unsigned Idx) { return RetEffect(Alias, Idx); }
  static RetEffect MakeReceiverAlias() { return RetEffect(ReceiverAlias, 0); }
  static RetEffect MakeOwned() { return RetEffect(OwnedSymbol, 0); }
  static RetEffect MakeNotOwned() { return RetEffect(NotOwnedSymbol, 0); }
  static RetEffect MakeNoRet() { return RetEffect(NoRet, 0); }
  operator Kind() const { return getKind(); }
  void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID& ID) const { ID.AddInteger(Data); }

class RetainSummary : public llvm::FoldingSetNode {
  /// Args - an ordered vector of (index, ArgEffect) pairs, where index
  ///  specifies the argument (starting from 0).  This can be sparsely
  ///  populated; arguments with no entry in Args use 'DefaultArgEffect'.
  /// DefaultArgEffect - The default ArgEffect to apply to arguments that
  ///  do not have an entry in Args.
  ArgEffect   DefaultArgEffect;
  ArgEffect   Receiver;
  RetainSummary(ArgEffects* A, RetEffect R, ArgEffect defaultEff,
                ArgEffect ReceiverEff)
    : Args(A), DefaultArgEffect(defaultEff), Receiver(ReceiverEff), Ret(R) {}  
  ArgEffect getArg(unsigned idx) const {
    // If Args is present, it is likely to contain only 1 element.
    // Just do a linear search.  Do it from the back because functions with
    // large numbers of arguments will be tail heavy with respect to which
    // argument they actually modify with respect to the reference count.
    for (ArgEffects::reverse_iterator I=Args->rbegin(), E=Args->rend();
           I!=E; ++I) {
      if (idx > I->first)
  RetEffect getRetEffect() const {
  ArgEffect getReceiverEffect() const {
    return Receiver;
  typedef ArgEffects::const_iterator arg_iterator;
  arg_iterator begin_args() const { return Args->begin(); }
  arg_iterator end_args()   const { return Args->end(); }
  static void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID& ID, ArgEffects* A,
                      RetEffect RetEff, ArgEffect DefaultEff,
                      ArgEffect ReceiverEff) {
    ID.AddInteger((unsigned) ReceiverEff);
  void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID& ID) const {
    Profile(ID, Args, Ret, DefaultArgEffect, Receiver);
class RetainSummaryManager {

  //  Typedefs.
  typedef llvm::FoldingSet<llvm::FoldingSetNodeWrapper<ArgEffects> >
  typedef llvm::FoldingSet<RetainSummary>
  typedef llvm::DenseMap<FunctionDecl*, RetainSummary*>
  typedef llvm::DenseMap<Selector, RetainSummary*>
  //  Data.
  // Ctx - The ASTContext object for the analyzed ASTs.
  // GCEnabled - Records whether or not the analyzed code runs in GC mode.
  // SummarySet - A FoldingSet of uniqued summaries.
  // FuncSummaries - A map from FunctionDecls to summaries.
  FuncSummariesTy FuncSummaries; 
  // ObjCInstMethSummaries - A map from selectors (for instance methods)
  ObjCMethSummariesTy ObjCInstMethSummaries;
  // ObjCMethSummaries - A map from selectors to summaries.
  ObjCMethSummariesTy ObjCMethSummaries;

  // ArgEffectsSet - A FoldingSet of uniqued ArgEffects.
  ArgEffectsSetTy ArgEffectsSet;
  // BPAlloc - A BumpPtrAllocator used for allocating summaries, ArgEffects,
  //  and all other data used by the checker.
  llvm::BumpPtrAllocator BPAlloc;
  // ScratchArgs - A holding buffer for construct ArgEffects.
  ArgEffects ScratchArgs;
  RetainSummary* StopSummary;
  //  Methods.
  // getArgEffects - Returns a persistent ArgEffects object based on the
  //  data in ScratchArgs.
  ArgEffects*   getArgEffects();

  enum UnaryFuncKind { cfretain, cfrelease, cfmakecollectable };  
  RetainSummary* getUnarySummary(FunctionDecl* FD, UnaryFuncKind func);
  RetainSummary* getNSSummary(FunctionDecl* FD, const char* FName);
  RetainSummary* getCFSummary(FunctionDecl* FD, const char* FName);
  RetainSummary* getCFSummaryCreateRule(FunctionDecl* FD);
  RetainSummary* getCFSummaryGetRule(FunctionDecl* FD);  
  RetainSummary* getPersistentSummary(ArgEffects* AE, RetEffect RetEff,
                                      ArgEffect ReceiverEff = DoNothing,
                                      ArgEffect DefaultEff = DoNothing);
  RetainSummary* getPersistentSummary(RetEffect RE,
                                      ArgEffect ReceiverEff = DoNothing,
                                      ArgEffect DefaultEff = DoNothing) {
    return getPersistentSummary(getArgEffects(), RE, ReceiverEff, DefaultEff);
  RetainSummary* getPersistentStopSummary() {
    if (StopSummary)
      return StopSummary;
    StopSummary = getPersistentSummary(RetEffect::MakeNoRet(),
                                       StopTracking, StopTracking);
    return StopSummary;
  RetainSummary* getInitMethodSummary(Selector S);

  void InitializeInstMethSummaries();
  void InitializeMethSummaries();
  RetainSummaryManager(ASTContext& ctx, bool gcenabled)
   : Ctx(ctx), GCEnabled(gcenabled), StopSummary(0) {
  RetainSummary* getSummary(FunctionDecl* FD, ASTContext& Ctx);
  RetainSummary* getMethodSummary(ObjCMessageExpr* ME);    
  RetainSummary* getInstanceMethodSummary(IdentifierInfo* ClsName, Selector S);
  bool isGCEnabled() const { return GCEnabled; }
} // end anonymous namespace

// Implementation of checker data structures.

RetainSummaryManager::~RetainSummaryManager() {
  // FIXME: The ArgEffects could eventually be allocated from BPAlloc, 
  //   mitigating the need to do explicit cleanup of the
  //   Argument-Effect summaries.
  for (ArgEffectsSetTy::iterator I = ArgEffectsSet.begin(), 
                                 E = ArgEffectsSet.end(); I!=E; ++I)
ArgEffects* RetainSummaryManager::getArgEffects() {
  if (ScratchArgs.empty())
    return NULL;
  // Compute a profile for a non-empty ScratchArgs.
  llvm::FoldingSetNodeID profile;
  void* InsertPos;
  // Look up the uniqued copy, or create a new one.
  llvm::FoldingSetNodeWrapper<ArgEffects>* E =
    ArgEffectsSet.FindNodeOrInsertPos(profile, InsertPos);
    return &E->getValue();
  E = (llvm::FoldingSetNodeWrapper<ArgEffects>*)
      BPAlloc.Allocate<llvm::FoldingSetNodeWrapper<ArgEffects> >();
  new (E) llvm::FoldingSetNodeWrapper<ArgEffects>(ScratchArgs);
  ArgEffectsSet.InsertNode(E, InsertPos);

  return &E->getValue();

RetainSummaryManager::getPersistentSummary(ArgEffects* AE, RetEffect RetEff,
  llvm::FoldingSetNodeID profile;
  RetainSummary::Profile(profile, AE, RetEff, DefaultEff, ReceiverEff);
  // Look up the uniqued summary, or create one if it doesn't exist.
  void* InsertPos;  
  RetainSummary* Summ = SummarySet.FindNodeOrInsertPos(profile, InsertPos);
  Summ = (RetainSummary*) BPAlloc.Allocate<RetainSummary>();
  new (Summ) RetainSummary(AE, RetEff, DefaultEff, ReceiverEff);
  SummarySet.InsertNode(Summ, InsertPos);
  return Summ;

// Summary creation for functions (largely uses of Core Foundation).
RetainSummary* RetainSummaryManager::getSummary(FunctionDecl* FD,
                                                ASTContext& Ctx) {

  SourceLocation Loc = FD->getLocation();
  if (!Loc.isFileID())
    return NULL;
  // Look up a summary in our cache of FunctionDecls -> Summaries.
  FuncSummariesTy::iterator I = FuncSummaries.find(FD);
  const char* FName = FD->getIdentifier()->getName();
  if (FName[0] == 'C' && FName[1] == 'F')
    S = getCFSummary(FD, FName);
  else if (FName[0] == 'N' && FName[1] == 'S')
    S = getNSSummary(FD, FName);
RetainSummary* RetainSummaryManager::getNSSummary(FunctionDecl* FD,
                                                  const char* FName) {
  if (strcmp(FName, "MakeCollectable") == 0)
    return getUnarySummary(FD, cfmakecollectable);

  return 0;  
RetainSummary* RetainSummaryManager::getCFSummary(FunctionDecl* FD,
                                                  const char* FName) {
  FName += 2;

  if (strcmp(FName, "Retain") == 0)
  if (strcmp(FName, "Release") == 0)
  if (strcmp(FName, "MakeCollectable") == 0)
    return getUnarySummary(FD, cfmakecollectable);
  if (strstr(FName, "Create") || strstr(FName, "Copy"))
    return getCFSummaryCreateRule(FD);
RetainSummaryManager::getUnarySummary(FunctionDecl* FD, UnaryFuncKind func) {
  FunctionTypeProto* FT =
    TypedefType* ArgT = dyn_cast<TypedefType>(FT->getArgType(0).getTypePtr());
  switch (func) {
    case cfretain: {
      ScratchArgs.push_back(std::make_pair(0, IncRef));
      return getPersistentSummary(RetEffect::MakeAlias(0));
    case cfrelease: {
      ScratchArgs.push_back(std::make_pair(0, DecRef));
      return getPersistentSummary(RetEffect::MakeNoRet());
    case cfmakecollectable: {
      if (GCEnabled)
        ScratchArgs.push_back(std::make_pair(0, DecRef));
      return getPersistentSummary(RetEffect::MakeAlias(0));    
      assert (false && "Not a supported unary function.");

static bool isCFRefType(QualType T) {
  if (!T->isPointerType())
    return false;
  // Check the typedef for the name "CF" and the substring "Ref".
  TypedefType* TD = dyn_cast<TypedefType>(T.getTypePtr());
  if (!TD)
    return false;
  const char* TDName = TD->getDecl()->getIdentifier()->getName();
  assert (TDName);
  if (TDName[0] != 'C' || TDName[1] != 'F')
    return false;
  if (strstr(TDName, "Ref") == 0)
    return false;
  return true;

Ted Kremenek's avatar
Ted Kremenek committed
#if 0
static bool isNSType(QualType T) {
  if (!T->isPointerType())
    return false;
  // Check the typedef for the name "CF" and the substring "Ref".
  TypedefType* TD = dyn_cast<TypedefType>(T.getTypePtr());
  if (!TD)
    return false;
  const char* TDName = TD->getDecl()->getIdentifier()->getName();
  assert (TDName);
  if (TDName[0] != 'N' || TDName[1] != 'S')
    return false;
  return true;
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Ted Kremenek committed
RetainSummary* RetainSummaryManager::getCFSummaryCreateRule(FunctionDecl* FD) {
  FunctionTypeProto* FT =
  if (FT && !isCFRefType(FT->getResultType()))
    return 0;

  // FIXME: Add special-cases for functions that retain/release.  For now
  //  just handle the default case.
  return getPersistentSummary(RetEffect::MakeOwned());
RetainSummary* RetainSummaryManager::getCFSummaryGetRule(FunctionDecl* FD) {
  FunctionTypeProto* FT =
    // FIXME: For now we assume that all pointer types returned are referenced
    // counted.  Since this is the "Get" rule, we assume non-ownership, which
    // works fine for things that are not reference counted.  We do this because
    // some generic data structures return "void*".  We need something better
    // in the future.
    if (!isCFRefType(RetTy) && !RetTy->isPointerType())
      return 0;
  // FIXME: Add special-cases for functions that retain/release.  For now
  //  just handle the default case.
  return getPersistentSummary(RetEffect::MakeNotOwned());
// Summary creation for Selectors.

RetainSummaryManager::getInitMethodSummary(Selector S) {
  RetainSummary* Summ =
RetainSummaryManager::getMethodSummary(ObjCMessageExpr* ME) {

  Selector S = ME->getSelector();
  // Look up a summary in our cache of Selectors -> Summaries.
  ObjCMethSummariesTy::iterator I = ObjCMethSummaries.find(S);
  if (I != ObjCMethSummaries.end())
    return I->second;
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#if 0
  // Only generate real summaries for methods involving
  // NSxxxx objects.
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  if (!isNSType(ME->getReceiver()->getType())) {
    RetainSummary* Summ = getPersistentStopSummary();
    ObjCMethSummaries[S] = Summ;
    return Summ;
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  // "initXXX": pass-through for receiver.
  const char* s = S.getIdentifierInfoForSlot(0)->getName();
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  if (strncmp(s, "init", 4) == 0)
    return getInitMethodSummary(S);  
#if 0
  // Generate a summary.  For all "setYYY:" and "addXXX:" slots => StopTracking.
  assert (ScratchArgs.empty());
  if (S.isUnarySelector()) {
    RetainSummary* Summ = getPersistentSummary(RetEffect::MakeNoRet());
    return Summ;

  for (unsigned i = 0, e = ME->getNumArgs(); i!=e; ++i) {
    IdentifierInfo *II = S.getIdentifierInfoForSlot(i);
    const char* s = II->getName();
    if (strncmp(s, "set", 3) == 0 || strncmp(s, "add", 3) == 0)
      ScratchArgs.push_back(std::make_pair(i, StopTracking));

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RetainSummaryManager::getInstanceMethodSummary(IdentifierInfo* ClsName,
                                               Selector S) {
  // Look up a summary in our cache of Selectors -> Summaries.
  ObjCMethSummariesTy::iterator I = ObjCInstMethSummaries.find(S);
  if (I != ObjCInstMethSummaries.end())
    return I->second;
  // Don't track anything if using GC.
  if (isGCEnabled())
    return 0;
  // Inspect the class name and selecrtor to determine if this method
  //  creates new objects.
  const char* cls = ClsName->getName();
  if (cls[0] == 'N' && cls[1] == 'S')  // Ignore preceding "NS" (if present).
    cls += 2;
  // Heuristic: XXXwithYYY, where XXX is the class name with the "NS"
  //  stripped off is usually an allocation.
  const char* s = S.getIdentifierInfoForSlot(0)->getName();  
  if (cls[0] == '\0' || s[0] == '\0' || tolower(cls[0]) != s[0])
    return 0;
  // Now look at the rest of the characters.
  ++cls; ++s;
  unsigned len = strlen(cls);
  // If the prefix doesn't match, don't generate a special summary.
  if (strncmp(cls, s, len) != 0)
    return 0;
  // Look at the text after the prefix.
  s += len;  
  if (!(s[0] == '\0' || strncmp(s, "With", 4) == 0))
    return 0;
  // Generate and return the summary.
  assert (ScratchArgs.empty());
  RetainSummary* Summ = getPersistentSummary(RetEffect::MakeOwned());
  ObjCInstMethSummaries[S] = Summ;
  return Summ;

void RetainSummaryManager::InitializeInstMethSummaries() {
  assert (ScratchArgs.empty());
  RetEffect E = isGCEnabled() ? RetEffect::MakeNoRet() : RetEffect::MakeOwned();  
  RetainSummary* Summ = getPersistentSummary(E);
  // Create the "alloc" selector.
  ObjCInstMethSummaries[ GetNullarySelector("alloc", Ctx) ] = Summ;
  // Create the "new" selector.
  ObjCInstMethSummaries[ GetNullarySelector("new", Ctx) ] = Summ;
  // Create the "allocWithZone:" selector.
  ObjCInstMethSummaries[ GetUnarySelector("allocWithZone", Ctx) ] = Summ;
  // Create the "copyWithZone:" selector.
  ObjCInstMethSummaries[ GetUnarySelector("copyWithZone", Ctx) ] = Summ;
  // Create the "mutableCopyWithZone:" selector.
  ObjCInstMethSummaries[ GetUnarySelector("mutableCopyWithZone", Ctx) ] = Summ;
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  // ** Special cases! **
  //  FIXME: It would be great if this one day was in a file, rather than
  //   hardcoded into the source code.
  // NSProcessInfo::processInfo - This instance method does not return
  //  an owning reference.
  ObjCInstMethSummaries[ GetNullarySelector("processInfo", Ctx) ] = 
void RetainSummaryManager::InitializeMethSummaries() {
  assert (ScratchArgs.empty());  
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  // Create the "init" selector.  It just acts as a pass-through for the
  // receiver.
  RetainSummary* Summ = getPersistentSummary(RetEffect::MakeReceiverAlias());
  ObjCMethSummaries[ GetNullarySelector("init", Ctx) ] = Summ;
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  // The next methods are allocators.
  RetEffect E = isGCEnabled() ? RetEffect::MakeNoRet() : RetEffect::MakeOwned();  
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  Summ = getPersistentSummary(E);  
  // Create the "copy" selector.  
  ObjCMethSummaries[ GetNullarySelector("copy", Ctx) ] = Summ;
  // Create the "mutableCopy" selector.
  ObjCMethSummaries[ GetNullarySelector("mutableCopy", Ctx) ] = Summ;

  // Create the "retain" selector.
  E = RetEffect::MakeReceiverAlias();
  Summ = getPersistentSummary(E, isGCEnabled() ? DoNothing : IncRef);
  ObjCMethSummaries[ GetNullarySelector("retain", Ctx) ] = Summ;
  // Create the "release" selector.
  Summ = getPersistentSummary(E, isGCEnabled() ? DoNothing : DecRef);
  ObjCMethSummaries[ GetNullarySelector("release", Ctx) ] = Summ;

  // Create the "autorelease" selector.
  Summ = getPersistentSummary(E, isGCEnabled() ? DoNothing : StopTracking);
  ObjCMethSummaries[ GetNullarySelector("autorelease", Ctx) ] = Summ;
// Reference-counting logic (typestate + counts).

namespace {
  enum Kind {
    Owned = 0, // Owning reference.    
    NotOwned,  // Reference is not owned by still valid (not freed).    
    Released,  // Object has been released.
    ReturnedOwned, // Returned object passes ownership to caller.
    ReturnedNotOwned, // Return object does not pass ownership to caller.
    ErrorUseAfterRelease, // Object used after released.    
    ErrorReleaseNotOwned, // Release of an object that was not owned.
    ErrorLeak  // A memory leak due to excessive reference counts.
  Kind kind;
  unsigned Cnt;
  RefVal(Kind k, unsigned cnt) : kind(k), Cnt(cnt) {}
  RefVal(Kind k) : kind(k), Cnt(0) {}
  Kind getKind() const { return kind; }
  unsigned getCount() const { return Cnt; }
  // Useful predicates.
  static bool isError(Kind k) { return k >= ErrorUseAfterRelease; }
  static bool isLeak(Kind k) { return k == ErrorLeak; }
  bool isNotOwned() const {
    return getKind() == NotOwned;
  bool isReturnedOwned() const {
    return getKind() == ReturnedOwned;
  bool isReturnedNotOwned() const {
    return getKind() == ReturnedNotOwned;
  bool isNonLeakError() const {
    Kind k = getKind();
    return isError(k) && !isLeak(k);
  // State creation: normal state.
  static RefVal makeOwned(unsigned Count = 0) {
    return RefVal(Owned, Count);
  static RefVal makeNotOwned(unsigned Count = 0) {
    return RefVal(NotOwned, Count);

  static RefVal makeReturnedOwned(unsigned Count) {
    return RefVal(ReturnedOwned, Count);
  static RefVal makeReturnedNotOwned() {
    return RefVal(ReturnedNotOwned);
  // State creation: errors.
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  static RefVal makeLeak(unsigned Count) { return RefVal(ErrorLeak, Count); }  
  static RefVal makeReleased() { return RefVal(Released); }
  static RefVal makeUseAfterRelease() { return RefVal(ErrorUseAfterRelease); }
  static RefVal makeReleaseNotOwned() { return RefVal(ErrorReleaseNotOwned); }
  // Comparison, profiling, and pretty-printing.
  bool operator==(const RefVal& X) const {
    return kind == X.kind && Cnt == X.Cnt;
  void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID& ID) const {
    ID.AddInteger((unsigned) kind);

void RefVal::print(std::ostream& Out) const {
  switch (getKind()) {
    default: assert(false);
    case Owned: { 
      Out << "Owned";
      unsigned cnt = getCount();
      if (cnt) Out << " (+ " << cnt << ")";
    case NotOwned: {
      Out << "NotOwned";
      unsigned cnt = getCount();
      if (cnt) Out << " (+ " << cnt << ")";
    case ReturnedOwned: { 
      Out << "ReturnedOwned";
      unsigned cnt = getCount();
      if (cnt) Out << " (+ " << cnt << ")";
    case ReturnedNotOwned: {
      Out << "ReturnedNotOwned";
      unsigned cnt = getCount();
      if (cnt) Out << " (+ " << cnt << ")";
    case ErrorUseAfterRelease:
      Out << "Use-After-Release [ERROR]";
    case ErrorReleaseNotOwned:
      Out << "Release of Not-Owned [ERROR]";
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static inline unsigned GetCount(RefVal V) {
  switch (V.getKind()) {
      return V.getCount();

    case RefVal::Owned:
      return V.getCount()+1;
// Transfer functions.

class VISIBILITY_HIDDEN CFRefCount : public GRSimpleVals {
  typedef llvm::ImmutableMap<SymbolID, RefVal> RefBindings;
  typedef RefBindings::Factory RefBFactoryTy;
  typedef llvm::DenseMap<GRExprEngine::NodeTy*,std::pair<Expr*, SymbolID> >
  typedef ReleasesNotOwnedTy UseAfterReleasesTy;
  typedef llvm::DenseMap<GRExprEngine::NodeTy*, std::vector<SymbolID>*>

  class BindingsPrinter : public ValueState::CheckerStatePrinter {
    virtual void PrintCheckerState(std::ostream& Out, void* State,
                                   const char* nl, const char* sep);
  RetainSummaryManager Summaries;  
  const bool           EmitStandardWarnings;  
  const LangOptions&   LOpts;
  RefBFactoryTy        RefBFactory;
  UseAfterReleasesTy UseAfterReleases;
  ReleasesNotOwnedTy ReleasesNotOwned;
  Selector RetainSelector;
  Selector ReleaseSelector;
  Selector AutoreleaseSelector;
  static RefBindings GetRefBindings(ValueState& StImpl) {
    return RefBindings((RefBindings::TreeTy*) StImpl.CheckerState);
  static void SetRefBindings(ValueState& StImpl, RefBindings B) {
    StImpl.CheckerState = B.getRoot();
  RefBindings Remove(RefBindings B, SymbolID sym) {
    return RefBFactory.Remove(B, sym);
  RefBindings Update(RefBindings B, SymbolID sym, RefVal V, ArgEffect E,
  void ProcessNonLeakError(ExplodedNodeSet<ValueState>& Dst,
                           GRStmtNodeBuilder<ValueState>& Builder,
                           Expr* NodeExpr, Expr* ErrorExpr,                        
                           ExplodedNode<ValueState>* Pred,
                           ValueState* St,
                           RefVal::Kind hasErr, SymbolID Sym);
  ValueState* HandleSymbolDeath(ValueStateManager& VMgr, ValueState* St,
                                SymbolID sid, RefVal V, bool& hasLeak);
  ValueState* NukeBinding(ValueStateManager& VMgr, ValueState* St,
                          SymbolID sid);
  CFRefCount(ASTContext& Ctx, bool gcenabled, bool StandardWarnings,
             const LangOptions& lopts)
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      RetainSelector(GetNullarySelector("retain", Ctx)),
      ReleaseSelector(GetNullarySelector("release", Ctx)),
      AutoreleaseSelector(GetNullarySelector("autorelease", Ctx)) {}
  virtual ~CFRefCount() {
    for (LeaksTy::iterator I = Leaks.begin(), E = Leaks.end(); I!=E; ++I)
      delete I->second;
  virtual void RegisterChecks(GRExprEngine& Eng);
  virtual ValueState::CheckerStatePrinter* getCheckerStatePrinter() {
    return &Printer;