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  1. Jun 07, 2021
  2. Jun 04, 2021
  3. Jun 02, 2021
  4. May 12, 2021
  5. May 08, 2021
    • River Riddle's avatar
      [mlir] Add hover support to mlir-lsp-server · 5c84195b
      River Riddle authored
      This provides information when the user hovers over a part of the source .mlir file. This revision adds the following hover behavior:
      * Operation:
        - Shows the generic form.
      * Operation Result:
        - Shows the parent operation name, result number(s), and type(s).
      * Block:
        - Shows the parent operation name, block number, predecessors, and successors.
      * Block Argument:
        - Shows the parent operation name, parent block, argument number, and type.
      Differential Revision:
  6. Apr 21, 2021