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  1. Oct 27, 2020
    • River Riddle's avatar
      [mlir][Pattern] Add a new FrozenRewritePatternList class · 3fffffa8
      River Riddle authored
      This class represents a rewrite pattern list that has been frozen, and thus immutable. This replaces the uses of OwningRewritePatternList in pattern driver related API, such as dialect conversion. When PDL becomes more prevalent, this API will allow for optimizing a set of patterns once without the need to do this per run of a pass.
      Differential Revision:
    • River Riddle's avatar
      [mlir][NFC] Move around the code related to PatternRewriting to improve layering · b6eb26fd
      River Riddle authored
      There are several pieces of pattern rewriting infra in IR/ that really shouldn't be there. This revision moves those pieces to a better location such that they are easier to evolve in the future(e.g. with PDL). More concretely this revision does the following:
      * Create a Transforms/GreedyPatternRewriteDriver.h and move the apply*andFold methods there.
      The definitions for these methods are already in Transforms/ so it doesn't make sense for the declarations to be in IR.
      * Create a new lib/Rewrite library and move PatternApplicator there.
      This new library will be focused on applying rewrites, and will also include compiling rewrites with PDL.
      Differential Revision:
    • River Riddle's avatar
      [mlir][Pattern] Refactor the Pattern class into a "metadata only" class · b99bd771
      River Riddle authored
      The Pattern class was originally intended to be used for solely matching operations, but that use never materialized. All of the pattern infrastructure uses RewritePattern, and the infrastructure for pure matching(Matchers.h) is implemented inline. This means that this class isn't a useful abstraction at the moment, so this revision refactors it to solely encapsulate the "metadata" of a pattern. The metadata includes the various state describing a pattern; benefit, root operation, etc. The API on PatternApplicator is updated to now operate on `Pattern`s as nothing special from `RewritePattern` is necessary.
      This refactoring is also necessary for the upcoming use of PDL patterns alongside C++ rewrite patterns.
      Differential Revision:
    • River Riddle's avatar
      [mlir] Add a conversion pass between PDL and the PDL Interpreter Dialect · 8a1ca2cd
      River Riddle authored
      The conversion between PDL and the interpreter is split into several different parts.
      ** The Matcher:
      The matching section of all incoming pdl.pattern operations is converted into a predicate tree and merged. Each pattern is first converted into an ordered list of predicates starting from the root operation. A predicate is composed of three distinct parts:
      * Position
        - A position refers to a specific location on the input DAG, i.e. an
          existing MLIR entity being matched. These can be attributes, operands,
          operations, results, and types. Each position also defines a relation to
          its parent. For example, the operand `[0] -> 1` has a parent operation
          position `[0]` (the root).
      * Question
        - A question refers to a query on a specific positional value. For
        example, an operation name question checks the name of an operation
      * Answer
        - An answer is the expected result of a question. For example, when
        matching an operation with the name "foo.op". The question would be an
        operation name question, with an expected answer of "foo.op".
      After the predicate lists have been created and ordered(based on occurrence of common predicates and other factors), they are formed into a tree of nodes that represent the branching flow of a pattern match. This structure allows for efficient construction and merging of the input patterns. There are currently only 4 simple nodes in the tree:
      * ExitNode: Represents the termination of a match
      * SuccessNode: Represents a successful match of a specific pattern
      * BoolNode/SwitchNode: Branch to a specific child node based on the expected answer to a predicate question.
      Once the matcher tree has been generated, this tree is walked to generate the corresponding interpreter operations.
       ** The Rewriter:
      The rewriter portion of a pattern is generated in a very straightforward manor, similarly to lowerings in other dialects. Each PDL operation that may exist within a rewrite has a mapping into the interpreter dialect. The code for the rewriter is generated within a FuncOp, that is invoked by the interpreter on a successful pattern match. Referenced values defined in the matcher become inputs the generated rewriter function.
      An example lowering is shown below:
      // The following high level PDL pattern:
      pdl.pattern : benefit(1) {
        %resultType = pdl.type
        %inputOperand = pdl.input
        %root, %results = pdl.operation "foo.op"(%inputOperand) -> %resultType
        pdl.rewrite %root {
          pdl.replace %root with (%inputOperand)
      // is lowered to the following:
      module {
        // The matcher function takes the root operation as an input.
        func @matcher(%arg0: !pdl.operation) {
          pdl_interp.check_operation_name of %arg0 is "foo.op" -> ^bb2, ^bb1
          pdl_interp.check_operand_count of %arg0 is 1 -> ^bb3, ^bb1
          pdl_interp.check_result_count of %arg0 is 1 -> ^bb4, ^bb1
          %0 = pdl_interp.get_operand 0 of %arg0
          pdl_interp.is_not_null %0 : !pdl.value -> ^bb5, ^bb1
          %1 = pdl_interp.get_result 0 of %arg0
          pdl_interp.is_not_null %1 : !pdl.value -> ^bb6, ^bb1
          // This operation corresponds to a successful pattern match.
          pdl_interp.record_match @rewriters::@rewriter(%0, %arg0 : !pdl.value, !pdl.operation) : benefit(1), loc([%arg0]), root("foo.op") -> ^bb1
        module @rewriters {
          // The inputs to the rewriter from the matcher are passed as arguments.
          func @rewriter(%arg0: !pdl.value, %arg1: !pdl.operation) {
            pdl_interp.replace %arg1 with(%arg0)
      Differential Revision:
    • MaheshRavishankar's avatar
      [mlir][Linalg] Miscalleneous enhancements to cover more fusion cases. · 78f37b74
      MaheshRavishankar authored
      Adds support for
      - Dropping unit dimension loops for indexed_generic ops.
      - Folding consecutive folding (or expanding) reshapes when the result
        (or src) is a scalar.
      - Fixes to indexed_generic -> generic fusion when zero-dim tensors are
      Differential Revision:
  2. Oct 26, 2020
  3. Oct 24, 2020
  4. Oct 23, 2020
  5. Oct 22, 2020
  6. Oct 21, 2020