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//=-- GRExprEngine.cpp - Path-Sensitive Expression-Level Dataflow ---*- C++ -*-=
//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
//  This file defines a meta-engine for path-sensitive dataflow analysis that
//  is built on GREngine, but provides the boilerplate to execute transfer
//  functions and build the ExplodedGraph at the expression level.

#include "clang/Analysis/PathSensitive/GRExprEngine.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/PathSensitive/BugReporter.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Streams.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ImmutableList.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
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#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#ifndef NDEBUG
#include "llvm/Support/GraphWriter.h"
#include <sstream>

using namespace clang;
using llvm::dyn_cast;
using llvm::cast;
using llvm::APSInt;
// Engine construction and deletion.

namespace {

class VISIBILITY_HIDDEN MappedBatchAuditor : public GRSimpleAPICheck {
  typedef llvm::ImmutableList<GRSimpleAPICheck*> Checks;
  typedef llvm::DenseMap<void*,Checks> MapTy;
  MapTy M;
  Checks::Factory F;

  MappedBatchAuditor(llvm::BumpPtrAllocator& Alloc) : F(Alloc) {}
  virtual ~MappedBatchAuditor() {
    llvm::DenseSet<GRSimpleAPICheck*> AlreadyVisited;
    for (MapTy::iterator MI = M.begin(), ME = M.end(); MI != ME; ++MI)
      for (Checks::iterator I=MI->second.begin(), E=MI->second.end(); I!=E;++I){

        GRSimpleAPICheck* check = *I;
        if (AlreadyVisited.count(check))
        delete check;

  void AddCheck(GRSimpleAPICheck* A, Stmt::StmtClass C) {
    assert (A && "Check cannot be null.");
    void* key = reinterpret_cast<void*>((uintptr_t) C);
    MapTy::iterator I = M.find(key);
    M[key] = F.Concat(A, I == M.end() ? F.GetEmptyList() : I->second);
  virtual void EmitWarnings(BugReporter& BR) {
    llvm::DenseSet<GRSimpleAPICheck*> AlreadyVisited;
    for (MapTy::iterator MI = M.begin(), ME = M.end(); MI != ME; ++MI)
      for (Checks::iterator I=MI->second.begin(), E=MI->second.end(); I!=E;++I){
        GRSimpleAPICheck* check = *I;
        if (AlreadyVisited.count(check))
  virtual bool Audit(NodeTy* N, GRStateManager& VMgr) {
    Stmt* S = cast<PostStmt>(N->getLocation()).getStmt();
    void* key = reinterpret_cast<void*>((uintptr_t) S->getStmtClass());
    MapTy::iterator MI = M.find(key);

    if (MI == M.end())
      return false;
    bool isSink = false;
    for (Checks::iterator I=MI->second.begin(), E=MI->second.end(); I!=E; ++I)

    return isSink;    

} // end anonymous namespace

// Engine construction and deletion.

static inline Selector GetNullarySelector(const char* name, ASTContext& Ctx) {
  IdentifierInfo* II = &Ctx.Idents.get(name);
  return Ctx.Selectors.getSelector(0, &II);

GRExprEngine::GRExprEngine(CFG& cfg, Decl& CD, ASTContext& Ctx,
                           StoreManagerCreator SMC,
                           ConstraintManagerCreator CMC)
  : CoreEngine(cfg, CD, Ctx, *this), 
    StateMgr(G.getContext(), SMC, CMC, G.getAllocator(), cfg, CD, L),
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    NSExceptionII(NULL), NSExceptionInstanceRaiseSelectors(NULL),
    RaiseSel(GetNullarySelector("raise", G.getContext())), 
GRExprEngine::~GRExprEngine() {    
  for (BugTypeSet::iterator I = BugTypes.begin(), E = BugTypes.end(); I!=E; ++I)
    delete *I;
  delete [] NSExceptionInstanceRaiseSelectors;
// Utility methods.

// SaveAndRestore - A utility class that uses RIIA to save and restore
//  the value of a variable.
template<typename T>
struct VISIBILITY_HIDDEN SaveAndRestore {
  SaveAndRestore(T& x) : X(x), old_value(x) {}
  ~SaveAndRestore() { X = old_value; }
  T get() { return old_value; }
  T& X;
  T old_value;

// SaveOr - Similar to SaveAndRestore.  Operates only on bools; the old
//  value of a variable is saved, and during the dstor the old value is
//  or'ed with the new value.
  SaveOr(bool& x) : X(x), old_value(x) { x = false; }
  ~SaveOr() { X |= old_value; }
  bool& X;
  bool old_value;

void GRExprEngine::EmitWarnings(BugReporterData& BRData) {
  for (bug_type_iterator I = bug_types_begin(), E = bug_types_end(); I!=E; ++I){

void GRExprEngine::setTransferFunctions(GRTransferFuncs* tf) {
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void GRExprEngine::AddCheck(GRSimpleAPICheck* A, Stmt::StmtClass C) {
  if (!BatchAuditor)
    BatchAuditor.reset(new MappedBatchAuditor(getGraph().getAllocator()));
  ((MappedBatchAuditor*) BatchAuditor.get())->AddCheck(A, C);
const GRState* GRExprEngine::getInitialState() {
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  return StateMgr.getInitialState();
// Top-level transfer function logic (Dispatcher).

void GRExprEngine::ProcessStmt(Stmt* S, StmtNodeBuilder& builder) {
  Builder = &builder;
  if (BatchAuditor)
  SymbolReaper SymReaper(Liveness, SymMgr);  
  CleanedState = PurgeDead ? StateMgr.RemoveDeadBindings(EntryNode->getState(), 
                                                         CurrentStmt, SymReaper)
                           : EntryNode->getState();

  // Process any special transfer function for dead symbols.
  NodeSet Tmp;
  else {
    SaveAndRestore<bool> OldSink(Builder->BuildSinks);
    SaveAndRestore<bool> OldPurgeDeadSymbols(Builder->PurgingDeadSymbols);
    Builder->PurgingDeadSymbols = true;
    getTF().EvalDeadSymbols(Tmp, *this, *Builder, EntryNode, S, 

    if (!Builder->BuildSinks && !Builder->HasGeneratedNode)
  for (NodeSet::iterator I=Tmp.begin(), E=Tmp.end(); I!=E; ++I) {
    Builder->SetCleanedState(*I == EntryNode ? CleanedState : GetState(*I));
    Visit(S, *I, Dst);

    // Do we need to auto-generate a node?  We only need to do this to generate
    // a node with a "cleaned" state; GRCoreEngine will actually handle
    // auto-transitions for other cases.    
    if (Dst.size() == 1 && *Dst.begin() == EntryNode
        && !Builder->HasGeneratedNode && !HasAutoGenerated) {
      HasAutoGenerated = true;
      builder.generateNode(S, GetState(EntryNode), *I);

  // FIXME: Consolidate.
  StateMgr.CurrentStmt = 0;
  CurrentStmt = 0;
  Builder = NULL;

void GRExprEngine::Visit(Stmt* S, NodeTy* Pred, NodeSet& Dst) {
  // FIXME: add metadata to the CFG so that we can disable
  //  this check when we KNOW that there is no block-level subexpression.
  //  The motivation is that this check requires a hashtable lookup.
  if (S != CurrentStmt && getCFG().isBlkExpr(S)) {
  switch (S->getStmtClass()) {
      // Cases we intentionally have "default" handle:
      //   AddrLabelExpr, IntegerLiteral, CharacterLiteral
      Dst.Add(Pred); // No-op. Simply propagate the current state unchanged.
    case Stmt::ArraySubscriptExprClass:
      VisitArraySubscriptExpr(cast<ArraySubscriptExpr>(S), Pred, Dst, false);
    case Stmt::AsmStmtClass:
      VisitAsmStmt(cast<AsmStmt>(S), Pred, Dst);
    case Stmt::BinaryOperatorClass: {
      BinaryOperator* B = cast<BinaryOperator>(S);
      if (B->isLogicalOp()) {
        VisitLogicalExpr(B, Pred, Dst);
      else if (B->getOpcode() == BinaryOperator::Comma) {
        const GRState* St = GetState(Pred);
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        MakeNode(Dst, B, Pred, BindExpr(St, B, GetSVal(St, B->getRHS())));
      VisitBinaryOperator(cast<BinaryOperator>(S), Pred, Dst);
    case Stmt::CallExprClass:
    case Stmt::CXXOperatorCallExprClass: {
      CallExpr* C = cast<CallExpr>(S);
      VisitCall(C, Pred, C->arg_begin(), C->arg_end(), Dst);
      // FIXME: ChooseExpr is really a constant.  We need to fix
      //        the CFG do not model them as explicit control-flow.
    case Stmt::ChooseExprClass: { // __builtin_choose_expr
      ChooseExpr* C = cast<ChooseExpr>(S);
      VisitGuardedExpr(C, C->getLHS(), C->getRHS(), Pred, Dst);
    case Stmt::CompoundAssignOperatorClass:
      VisitBinaryOperator(cast<BinaryOperator>(S), Pred, Dst);

    case Stmt::CompoundLiteralExprClass:
      VisitCompoundLiteralExpr(cast<CompoundLiteralExpr>(S), Pred, Dst, false);
    case Stmt::ConditionalOperatorClass: { // '?' operator
      ConditionalOperator* C = cast<ConditionalOperator>(S);
      VisitGuardedExpr(C, C->getLHS(), C->getRHS(), Pred, Dst);
    case Stmt::DeclRefExprClass:
    case Stmt::QualifiedDeclRefExprClass:
      VisitDeclRefExpr(cast<DeclRefExpr>(S), Pred, Dst, false);
    case Stmt::DeclStmtClass:
      VisitDeclStmt(cast<DeclStmt>(S), Pred, Dst);
    case Stmt::ImplicitCastExprClass:
    case Stmt::CStyleCastExprClass: {
      VisitCast(C, C->getSubExpr(), Pred, Dst);

    case Stmt::InitListExprClass:
      VisitInitListExpr(cast<InitListExpr>(S), Pred, Dst);
    case Stmt::MemberExprClass:
      VisitMemberExpr(cast<MemberExpr>(S), Pred, Dst, false);
    case Stmt::ObjCIvarRefExprClass:
      VisitObjCIvarRefExpr(cast<ObjCIvarRefExpr>(S), Pred, Dst, false);

    case Stmt::ObjCForCollectionStmtClass:
      VisitObjCForCollectionStmt(cast<ObjCForCollectionStmt>(S), Pred, Dst);
    case Stmt::ObjCMessageExprClass: {
      VisitObjCMessageExpr(cast<ObjCMessageExpr>(S), Pred, Dst);
    case Stmt::ObjCAtThrowStmtClass: {
      // FIXME: This is not complete.  We basically treat @throw as
      // an abort.
      SaveAndRestore<bool> OldSink(Builder->BuildSinks);
      Builder->BuildSinks = true;
      MakeNode(Dst, S, Pred, GetState(Pred));
      Visit(cast<ParenExpr>(S)->getSubExpr()->IgnoreParens(), Pred, Dst);
    case Stmt::ReturnStmtClass:
      VisitReturnStmt(cast<ReturnStmt>(S), Pred, Dst);
    case Stmt::SizeOfAlignOfExprClass:
      VisitSizeOfAlignOfExpr(cast<SizeOfAlignOfExpr>(S), Pred, Dst);
    case Stmt::StmtExprClass: {
      StmtExpr* SE = cast<StmtExpr>(S);
      const GRState* St = GetState(Pred);
      // FIXME: Not certain if we can have empty StmtExprs.  If so, we should
      // probably just remove these from the CFG.
      assert (!SE->getSubStmt()->body_empty());
      if (Expr* LastExpr = dyn_cast<Expr>(*SE->getSubStmt()->body_rbegin()))
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        MakeNode(Dst, SE, Pred, BindExpr(St, SE, GetSVal(St, LastExpr)));

    case Stmt::StringLiteralClass:
      VisitLValue(cast<StringLiteral>(S), Pred, Dst);
    case Stmt::UnaryOperatorClass:
      VisitUnaryOperator(cast<UnaryOperator>(S), Pred, Dst, false);

void GRExprEngine::VisitLValue(Expr* Ex, NodeTy* Pred, NodeSet& Dst) {
  Ex = Ex->IgnoreParens();
  if (Ex != CurrentStmt && getCFG().isBlkExpr(Ex)) {
  switch (Ex->getStmtClass()) {
    case Stmt::ArraySubscriptExprClass:
      VisitArraySubscriptExpr(cast<ArraySubscriptExpr>(Ex), Pred, Dst, true);
    case Stmt::DeclRefExprClass:
    case Stmt::QualifiedDeclRefExprClass:
      VisitDeclRefExpr(cast<DeclRefExpr>(Ex), Pred, Dst, true);
    case Stmt::ObjCIvarRefExprClass:
      VisitObjCIvarRefExpr(cast<ObjCIvarRefExpr>(Ex), Pred, Dst, true);
    case Stmt::UnaryOperatorClass:
      VisitUnaryOperator(cast<UnaryOperator>(Ex), Pred, Dst, true);
    case Stmt::MemberExprClass:
      VisitMemberExpr(cast<MemberExpr>(Ex), Pred, Dst, true);
    case Stmt::CompoundLiteralExprClass:
      VisitCompoundLiteralExpr(cast<CompoundLiteralExpr>(Ex), Pred, Dst, true);
    case Stmt::ObjCPropertyRefExprClass:
      // FIXME: Property assignments are lvalues, but not really "locations".
      //  e.g.:  self.x = something;
      //  Here the "self.x" really can translate to a method call (setter) when
      //  the assignment is made.  Moreover, the entire assignment expression
      //  evaluate to whatever "something" is, not calling the "getter" for
      //  the property (which would make sense since it can have side effects).
      //  We'll probably treat this as a location, but not one that we can
      //  take the address of.  Perhaps we need a new SVal class for cases
      //  like thsis?
      //  Note that we have a similar problem for bitfields, since they don't
      //  have "locations" in the sense that we can take their address.

    case Stmt::StringLiteralClass: {
      const GRState* St = GetState(Pred);
      SVal V = StateMgr.GetLValue(St, cast<StringLiteral>(Ex));
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      MakeNode(Dst, Ex, Pred, BindExpr(St, Ex, V));
      // Arbitrary subexpressions can return aggregate temporaries that
      // can be used in a lvalue context.  We need to enhance our support
      // of such temporaries in both the environment and the store, so right
      // now we just do a regular visit.
      assert ((Ex->getType()->isAggregateType() || 
              Ex->getType()->isUnionType()) &&
              "Other kinds of expressions with non-aggregate/union types do"
              " not have lvalues.");

// Block entrance.  (Update counters).

bool GRExprEngine::ProcessBlockEntrance(CFGBlock* B, const GRState*,
                                        GRBlockCounter BC) {
  return BC.getNumVisited(B->getBlockID()) < 3;

// Branch processing.

const GRState* GRExprEngine::MarkBranch(const GRState* St,
  switch (Terminator->getStmtClass()) {
      return St;
    case Stmt::BinaryOperatorClass: { // '&&' and '||'
      BinaryOperator* B = cast<BinaryOperator>(Terminator);
      BinaryOperator::Opcode Op = B->getOpcode();
      assert (Op == BinaryOperator::LAnd || Op == BinaryOperator::LOr);
      // For &&, if we take the true branch, then the value of the whole
      // expression is that of the RHS expression.
      // For ||, if we take the false branch, then the value of the whole
      // expression is that of the RHS expression.
      Expr* Ex = (Op == BinaryOperator::LAnd && branchTaken) ||
                 (Op == BinaryOperator::LOr && !branchTaken)  
               ? B->getRHS() : B->getLHS();
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      return BindBlkExpr(St, B, UndefinedVal(Ex));
    case Stmt::ConditionalOperatorClass: { // ?:
      ConditionalOperator* C = cast<ConditionalOperator>(Terminator);
      // For ?, if branchTaken == true then the value is either the LHS or
      // the condition itself. (GNU extension).
      Expr* Ex;      
      if (branchTaken)
        Ex = C->getLHS() ? C->getLHS() : C->getCond();        
        Ex = C->getRHS();
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      return BindBlkExpr(St, C, UndefinedVal(Ex));
    case Stmt::ChooseExprClass: { // ?:
      ChooseExpr* C = cast<ChooseExpr>(Terminator);
      Expr* Ex = branchTaken ? C->getLHS() : C->getRHS();      
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      return BindBlkExpr(St, C, UndefinedVal(Ex));
void GRExprEngine::ProcessBranch(Stmt* Condition, Stmt* Term,
  // Remove old bindings for subexpressions.
  const GRState* PrevState =
  // Check for NULL conditions; e.g. "for(;;)"
  if (!Condition) { 
  SVal V = GetSVal(PrevState, Condition);
      builder.generateNode(MarkBranch(PrevState, Term, true), true);
      builder.generateNode(MarkBranch(PrevState, Term, false), false);
      NodeTy* N = builder.generateNode(PrevState, true);

      if (N) {
  const GRState* St = Assume(PrevState, V, true, isFeasible);

  if (isFeasible)
    builder.generateNode(MarkBranch(St, Term, true), true);
  isFeasible = false;
  St = Assume(PrevState, V, false, isFeasible);
  if (isFeasible)
    builder.generateNode(MarkBranch(St, Term, false), false);
/// ProcessIndirectGoto - Called by GRCoreEngine.  Used to generate successor
///  nodes by processing the 'effects' of a computed goto jump.
void GRExprEngine::ProcessIndirectGoto(IndirectGotoNodeBuilder& builder) {
  const GRState* St = builder.getState();  
  SVal V = GetSVal(St, builder.getTarget());
  // Three possibilities:
  //   (1) We know the computed label.
  //   (2) The label is NULL (or some other constant), or Undefined.
  //   (3) We have no clue about the label.  Dispatch to all targets.
  typedef IndirectGotoNodeBuilder::iterator iterator;

  if (isa<loc::GotoLabel>(V)) {
    LabelStmt* L = cast<loc::GotoLabel>(V).getLabel();
    for (iterator I=builder.begin(), E=builder.end(); I != E; ++I) {
      if (I.getLabel() == L) {
        builder.generateNode(I, St);
    assert (false && "No block with label.");

  if (isa<loc::ConcreteInt>(V) || isa<UndefinedVal>(V)) {
    // Dispatch to the first target and mark it as a sink.
    NodeTy* N = builder.generateNode(builder.begin(), St, true);
  // This is really a catch-all.  We don't support symbolics yet.
  for (iterator I=builder.begin(), E=builder.end(); I != E; ++I)
    builder.generateNode(I, St);

void GRExprEngine::VisitGuardedExpr(Expr* Ex, Expr* L, Expr* R,
                                    NodeTy* Pred, NodeSet& Dst) {
  assert (Ex == CurrentStmt && getCFG().isBlkExpr(Ex));
  const GRState* St = GetState(Pred);
  assert (X.isUndef());
  Expr* SE = (Expr*) cast<UndefinedVal>(X).getData();
  assert (SE);
  // Make sure that we invalidate the previous binding.
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  MakeNode(Dst, Ex, Pred, StateMgr.BindExpr(St, Ex, X, true, true));
/// ProcessSwitch - Called by GRCoreEngine.  Used to generate successor
///  nodes by processing the 'effects' of a switch statement.
void GRExprEngine::ProcessSwitch(SwitchNodeBuilder& builder) {  
  typedef SwitchNodeBuilder::iterator iterator;  
  const GRState* St = builder.getState();  
  Expr* CondE = builder.getCondition();
    NodeTy* N = builder.generateDefaultCaseNode(St, true);
  for (iterator I = builder.begin(), EI = builder.end(); I != EI; ++I) {
    CaseStmt* Case = cast<CaseStmt>(I.getCase());

    // Evaluate the LHS of the case value.
    Expr::EvalResult V1;
    bool b = Case->getLHS()->Evaluate(V1, getContext());    
    // Sanity checks.  These go away in Release builds.
    assert(b && V1.Val.isInt() && !V1.HasSideEffects 
             && "Case condition must evaluate to an integer constant.");
    b = b; // silence unused variable warning    
    assert(V1.Val.getInt().getBitWidth() == 
    // Get the RHS of the case, if it exists.
      b = E->Evaluate(V2, getContext());
      assert(b && V2.Val.isInt() && !V2.HasSideEffects 
             && "Case condition must evaluate to an integer constant.");
      b = b; // silence unused variable warning
    // FIXME: Eventually we should replace the logic below with a range
    //  comparison, rather than concretize the values within the range.
    //  This should be easy once we have "ranges" for NonLVals.
      nonloc::ConcreteInt CaseVal(getBasicVals().getValue(V1.Val.getInt()));      
      SVal Res = EvalBinOp(BinaryOperator::EQ, CondV, CaseVal);
      // Now "assume" that the case matches.      
      const GRState* StNew = Assume(St, Res, true, isFeasible);
      if (isFeasible) {
        builder.generateCaseStmtNode(I, StNew);
        // If CondV evaluates to a constant, then we know that this
        // is the *only* case that we can take, so stop evaluating the
        // others.
      // Now "assume" that the case doesn't match.  Add this state
      // to the default state (if it is feasible).
      StNew = Assume(DefaultSt, Res, false, isFeasible);
      if (isFeasible) {
        DefaultFeasible = true;
      // Concretize the next value in the range.
      if (V1.Val.getInt() == V2.Val.getInt())
      assert (V1.Val.getInt() <= V2.Val.getInt());
  // If we reach here, than we know that the default branch is
  // possible.  
  if (DefaultFeasible) builder.generateDefaultCaseNode(DefaultSt);
// Transfer functions: logical operations ('&&', '||').
void GRExprEngine::VisitLogicalExpr(BinaryOperator* B, NodeTy* Pred,
  assert (B->getOpcode() == BinaryOperator::LAnd ||
          B->getOpcode() == BinaryOperator::LOr);
  assert (B == CurrentStmt && getCFG().isBlkExpr(B));
  const GRState* St = GetState(Pred);
  Expr* Ex = (Expr*) cast<UndefinedVal>(X).getData();
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      MakeNode(Dst, B, Pred, BindBlkExpr(St, B, X));
    // We took the RHS.  Because the value of the '&&' or '||' expression must
    // evaluate to 0 or 1, we must assume the value of the RHS evaluates to 0
    // or 1.  Alternatively, we could take a lazy approach, and calculate this
    // value later when necessary.  We don't have the machinery in place for
    // this right now, and since most logical expressions are used for branches,
    // the payoff is not likely to be large.  Instead, we do eager evaluation.
    bool isFeasible = false;
    const GRState* NewState = Assume(St, X, true, isFeasible);
      MakeNode(Dst, B, Pred,
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               BindBlkExpr(NewState, B, MakeConstantVal(1U, B)));
    isFeasible = false;
    NewState = Assume(St, X, false, isFeasible);
    if (isFeasible)
      MakeNode(Dst, B, Pred,
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               BindBlkExpr(NewState, B, MakeConstantVal(0U, B)));
    // We took the LHS expression.  Depending on whether we are '&&' or
    // '||' we know what the value of the expression is via properties of
    // the short-circuiting.
    X = MakeConstantVal( B->getOpcode() == BinaryOperator::LAnd ? 0U : 1U, B);
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    MakeNode(Dst, B, Pred, BindBlkExpr(St, B, X));
// Transfer functions: Loads and stores.
void GRExprEngine::VisitDeclRefExpr(DeclRefExpr* Ex, NodeTy* Pred, NodeSet& Dst,
                                    bool asLValue) {
  const GRState* St = GetState(Pred);
  const NamedDecl* D = Ex->getDecl();

  if (const VarDecl* VD = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(D)) {

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      MakeNode(Dst, Ex, Pred, BindExpr(St, Ex, V));
      EvalLoad(Dst, Ex, Pred, St, V);

  } else if (const EnumConstantDecl* ED = dyn_cast<EnumConstantDecl>(D)) {
    assert(!asLValue && "EnumConstantDecl does not have lvalue.");

    BasicValueFactory& BasicVals = StateMgr.getBasicVals();
    SVal V = nonloc::ConcreteInt(BasicVals.getValue(ED->getInitVal()));
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    MakeNode(Dst, Ex, Pred, BindExpr(St, Ex, V));

  } else if (const FunctionDecl* FD = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(D)) {
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    MakeNode(Dst, Ex, Pred, BindExpr(St, Ex, V));
  assert (false &&
          "ValueDecl support for this ValueDecl not implemented.");
/// VisitArraySubscriptExpr - Transfer function for array accesses
void GRExprEngine::VisitArraySubscriptExpr(ArraySubscriptExpr* A, NodeTy* Pred,
  Expr* Base = A->getBase()->IgnoreParens();
  Expr* Idx  = A->getIdx()->IgnoreParens();
  Visit(Base, Pred, Tmp);   // Get Base's rvalue, which should be an LocVal.
  for (NodeSet::iterator I1=Tmp.begin(), E1=Tmp.end(); I1!=E1; ++I1) {    
    Visit(Idx, *I1, Tmp2);     // Evaluate the index.
    for (NodeSet::iterator I2=Tmp2.begin(), E2=Tmp2.end(); I2!=E2; ++I2) {
      const GRState* St = GetState(*I2);
      SVal V = StateMgr.GetLValue(St, GetSVal(St, Base), GetSVal(St, Idx));
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        MakeNode(Dst, A, *I2, BindExpr(St, A, V));
/// VisitMemberExpr - Transfer function for member expressions.
void GRExprEngine::VisitMemberExpr(MemberExpr* M, NodeTy* Pred,
  if (M->isArrow()) 
    Visit(Base, Pred, Tmp);        // p->f = ...  or   ... = p->f
    VisitLValue(Base, Pred, Tmp);  // x.f = ...   or   ... = x.f
  FieldDecl *Field = dyn_cast<FieldDecl>(M->getMemberDecl());
  if (!Field) // FIXME: skipping member expressions for non-fields

  for (NodeSet::iterator I = Tmp.begin(), E = Tmp.end(); I != E; ++I) {
    const GRState* St = GetState(*I);
    // FIXME: Should we insert some assumption logic in here to determine
    // if "Base" is a valid piece of memory?  Before we put this assumption
    // later when using FieldOffset lvals (which we no longer have).
    SVal L = StateMgr.GetLValue(St, GetSVal(St, Base), Field);
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      MakeNode(Dst, M, *I, BindExpr(St, M, L));
void GRExprEngine::EvalStore(NodeSet& Dst, Expr* Ex, NodeTy* Pred,
                             const GRState* St, SVal location, SVal Val) {
  assert (Builder && "GRStmtNodeBuilder must be defined.");
  // Evaluate the location (checks for bad dereferences).
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  Pred = EvalLocation(Ex, Pred, St, location);
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  if (!Pred)
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  St = GetState(Pred);
  unsigned size = Dst.size();  
  SaveAndRestore<bool> OldSink(Builder->BuildSinks);
  SaveAndRestore<ProgramPoint::Kind> OldSPointKind(Builder->PointKind);
  SaveOr OldHasGen(Builder->HasGeneratedNode);
  assert (!location.isUndef());
  Builder->PointKind = ProgramPoint::PostStoreKind;
  getTF().EvalStore(Dst, *this, *Builder, Ex, Pred, St, location, Val);
  // Handle the case where no nodes where generated.  Auto-generate that
  // contains the updated state if we aren't generating sinks.
  if (!Builder->BuildSinks && Dst.size() == size && !Builder->HasGeneratedNode)
    getTF().GRTransferFuncs::EvalStore(Dst, *this, *Builder, Ex, Pred, St,
                                   location, Val);

void GRExprEngine::EvalLoad(NodeSet& Dst, Expr* Ex, NodeTy* Pred,
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  // Evaluate the location (checks for bad dereferences).  
  Pred = EvalLocation(Ex, Pred, St, location);
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  if (!Pred)
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  St = GetState(Pred);
  ProgramPoint::Kind K = ProgramPoint::PostLoadKind;

  // FIXME: Currently symbolic analysis "generates" new symbols
  //  for the contents of values.  We need a better approach.

  // FIXME: The "CheckOnly" option exists only because Array and Field
  //  loads aren't fully implemented.  Eventually this option will go away.